Insights Intellectual Property

Does the ‘Long Arm’ of the UPC Reach Turkey?

Selin Sinem Erciyas and Zeynep Çağla Üstün explore whether Turkey, as a non-EU state party to the European Patent Convention, might still face the Unified Patent Court’s jurisdiction under EU regulations.

Gün + Partners

Software and IP: 3- Moral Rights, Economic Rights, and Other Rights within the Scope of Copyrights

In the second article of our series, "Software Article Series: 2- Elements of Computer Programs Protected by Copyright", we have examined which computer programs and other elements related to computer programs are eligible for copyright protection.

Aksoy IP

Court of Cassation Issues Controversial Decision on Likelihood of Confusion in Dispute Over Pharma Marks

The Court of Cassation has upheld a decision of the Regional Court, confirming that the use of the trademark MIRADERM BATIMER infringed the plaintiff’s trademarks BATIKAR and BATISOL and constituted unfair competition.

Gün + Partners

How Can Businesses Protect Their Trade Dress Under Trademark Law? A Brief Overview in International Law

Trade dress refers to the distinctive visual elements of a product, including its packaging, that help consumers identify the product's origin.

Juris Attorney Partnership

Marka Başvurularında Kullanılan Mal ve Hizmetler Sınıflandırmasında Değişiklik

Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu, 20.12.2024 tarihinde Resmî Gazete'de yayımlanan “Marka Tescil Başvurularına Ait Mal ve Hizmetlerin Sınıflandırılmasına İlişkin Tebliğ” ile marka tescil başvurularında kullanılan mal ve hizmet sınıflandırma listesinde güncellemeler yapmıştır.

Aksoy IP

Lifesciences Patent Litigation & Remedies

Turkiye has a specialized court system and provides for all commonly known civil law measures to enforce or defend against IP claims.

Deris Attorney-at-Law Partnership

Can Reputation be Compensated under Turkish Trademark Law?

Trademarks are considered to be among the most valuable assets for a business. However, trademark reputation is often harmed by counterfeit products, improper use, and malicious commercial practices.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Küresel Rekabet için Türkiye'nin Fikri Mülkiyet Stratejisi

Günümüz ekonomisinde, fikri mülkiyet hakları, işletmelerin sürdürülebilir bir ekonomik büyüme hedefi ve küresel piyasalarda rekabet edebilmeleri için kilit bir rol oynuyor.

Gün + Partners

Recent Update on Well-known Trademark Protection in Türkiye

Well-known trademark registry of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office became a discussion topic after the Turkish Court of Cassation decided in 2020 that the Office has no authority to create and maintain a registry for well-known trademarks.

Gün + Partners

İnternet Alan Adı Üzerinde Marka Hakkına Tecavüz Fiili ve Hak Sahibinin Yargı Sürecindeki İmkanları

Günümüzde yükselen talepler ve bununla bağlantılı olarak artan rekabetçi koşullar nedeniyle markalaşma olgusu ve markaların resmi bir kurum nezdinde tescil edilmesi her zamankinden daha yaygın bir hâle gelmiştir.

SEKA Consulting | Law | IP

Yapay Zeka ve İlaç Endüstrisi: Geleceği Şekillendiren Teknoloji ve Patent Sistemindeki Dönüşüm

Yapay zeka, hayatımızın her alanına etki ederek pek çok sektörde olduğu gibi ilaç endüstrisinde de devrimsel etkiler yaratmaktadır.

Gün + Partners

Artificial Intelligence and Pharmaceutical Industry: The Transformation in the Technology and Patent System Shaping the Future

Artificial intelligence influences every aspect of our lives and creates revolutionary effects in the pharmaceutical industry as well as in many other sectors. From DeepMind's AlphaGo success to Tempus' personalized approaches to cancer treatment, AI-enabled innovations offer ...

Gün + Partners

Markaların İdari İptalindeki Belirsiz Durum Devam Ediyor: Başvurular Artık Sunulmalı mı?

Markaların idari iptal yetkisini mahkemelerden alıp Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumuna (“Türk Patent”) veren, 6769 sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu’nun 26. maddesi, 10.01.2024 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmiştir.

Aksoy IP

Reviews on the Protection of Slogan Trademarks

One of the fundamental criteria of trademark law is that a mark must be sufficiently distinctive to differentiate a business’s goods and services from those of other enterprises. This principle has become central to the commercial strategies of many businesses.

Moroğlu Arseven

Turkish Court of Cassation’s Highlighting Decisions on Conceptual Similarity Evaluation

In the 1st paragraph of Article 6 of the Industrial Property Law no. 6769, which regulates the relative refusal grounds in trademark registration, the existence of a likelihood of confusion requires the condition of “identicalness or similarity” of the trademarks along with the similarity of the goods and/or services.

Gün + Partners

Biyobenzer İlaçlar ve Patent Tecavüzü Karinesi

Jeneriklere karşı patent haklarının ileri sürülmesi için açılabilecek davaların öncesinde patent hakkı sahibi esasen karanlıkta ilerler. Çünkü özellikle jenerik ilacın kısa ürün bilgisinin henüz yayınlanmadığı veya patentin ihlal edilip edilmediğinin kısa ürün bilgisinde yer alan sınırlı bilgilerle anlaşılamadığı durumlarda ...

Gün + Partners

A Trade Mark or a Song? Turkish Court of Cassation Casts Some Light on This Distinction

Article 4 of the Law No. 6769 on Industrial Property indicates that sounds can be registered as trade marks if they are capable of being distinguishable for the goods or services of one undertaking from that of another: ...

Gün + Partners

The Supervisory Power of the Re-Examination and Evaluation Board

It is observed that the supervisory power of the Re-examination and Evaluation Board, which is in charge of examining and finalizing appeals against the decisions taken by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office regarding the registration of IP rights, is in the form of a review of expediency.

Gün + Partners

Applying Presumption of Patent Infingement Against Biosimilars

Before filing lawsuits to assert patent rights against generics or biosimilars, the patent holder essentially operates in the dark.

Gün + Partners

IP in Business Transactions 2024 in Turkey - Part 2

Security can be taken over all main IPRs, namely trade marks, patents, designs, and copyright. In practice, security is commonly taken over trade marks or patents. It is important to conduct detailed due diligence to determine the owner of the IPRs and whether any security has been taken over them.

Gün + Partners
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