Lawyers Kayra Üçer

Kayra Üçer

Kayra Üçer

Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Attorney Partnership

Kayra Üçer is a leader in our M&A and Corporate Support practice groups. Mr. Üçer is known as a conscientious, detail-oriented attorney with an outstanding reputation in the business community for his significant contributions to the field of corporate governance, particularly through his longstanding involvement with the Corporate Governance Association of Turkey.

Mr. Üçer most frequently represents foreign clients entering or exiting the Turkish market and local subsidiaries of foreign multinationals. His practice focuses primarily on share transfers occurring in regulated markets, capital markets, and wealth management. His innate understanding of the transactional process comes from a career spent representing clients in practically every major sector of the Turkish economy. In addition to his transactional work, Mr. Üçer provides advice in the fields of executive-level labor law and anti-corruption compliance concerns. His recent significant work has included advising on the market entry and market exit of one of the world’s top retail chains as well as share transfers concerning a number of Turkey`s most significant publicly-held entities.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Competition & Antitrust

Mergers & Acquisitions

Corporate Support





International Law Institute (ILI) Istanbul Chapter, President

Transparency International – Turkey, Board Member

Ethical Values Center Association, Etik Değerler Merkezi (EDMER), Member

Corporate Governance Association of Turkey, Türkiye Kurumsal Yönetim Derneği (TKYD), Board Member

Rekabet Kurumu’nun 2023 Yıllık Raporu Yayımlandı

Rekabet Kurumu’nun 2023 yılı faaliyetlerine ilişkin verileri içeren yıllık raporu, 12.08.2024 tarihinde yayımlandı.


Competition Authority Publishes Its 2023 Annual Report

The Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) published its annual report covering its activities and relevant data from 2023 on 12 August 2024.


Rekabet Bülteni - 2024 İkinci Çeyrek

Türkiye’nin en büyük süpermarket zincirlerinde birisi olan Migros Bilecik’in yerel market zincirlerinden olan Erfa AVM’ye ait Bilecik ilinde yer alan toplam dört mağaza üzerindeki kontrolü sabit kıymetlerin ve kiracılık haklarının devri veya yeni bir kira sözleşmesi yoluyla devralmasına ilişkin Rekabet Kurumu’na (“Kurum”) başvuruda bulunmuştu.


Competition Quarterly - Second Quarter of 2024

The Turkish Competition Authority ("TCA") approved an application by Migros[1] , one of the largest supermarket chains in Türkiye, to acquire the control over four stores owned by Erfa AVM[2], a local market chain in Bilecik, in Bilecik province through the transfer of fixed assets and leasehold rights, as well as one store through the transfer of fixed assets and the establishment of a new lease agreement.


A Brief Review of the Environmental Aspect of ESG in Türkiye

As one of the 21st century’s biggest global concerns, the climate crisis has increased the importance of ESG, which introduced a new meaning to “sustainability” and has driven companies to take an active role in the environmental dimension of ESG to prevent climate change and global warming.


Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kanunu’nda Değişiklikler Öngören Tasarı Meclis’te!

Yaklaşık sekiz seneden beri gündemde olan ve uygulamada grup şirketleri veya bulut bilişim hizmetlerinden yararlanma şekliyle dahi olsa, yurtdışına kişisel veri gönderimi için çoğu şirketi ilave açık rıza almaya mecbur kılan maddelerde değişiklik öngören tasarı Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’ne nihayet sunuldu.


The Draft Law Amending the Personal Data Protection Law is in Parliament!

The draft law, which has been in the works for about eight years and which will modify provisions that effectively oblige most companies to obtain additional explicit consent for the transfer of personal data abroad, has finally been submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly. This has been an issue particularly for group companies transferring data abroad or utilising cloud-computing services.


Avrupa Komisyonu Yeni İlgili Pazar Rehberi’ni Yayımladı

Avrupa Komisyonu geçtiğimiz günlerde, 2020 yılından bu yana sürdürdüğü çalışmaları nihayetlendirerek hazırladığı yeni İlgili Pazarın Tanımlanmasına İlişkin Rehber’i (The European Commission’s Market Definition Notice, “İlgili Pazar Rehberi” veya “Rehber”) yayımladı. 1997'de yürürlüğe girdiğinden bu yana ilk kez güncellenen Rehber, Rekabet Kurumu’nun İlgili Pazarın Tanımlanmasına İlişkin Kılavuz’un (“Kılavuz”) mehaz mevzuatını oluşturmaktaydı. Yeni Rehber ile getirilen değişiklikleri ve bu değişiklikler sonrasında Avrupa Birliği (“AB”) ile Türkiye’deki durumun karşılaştırmalı analizini sizler için derledik. Neden Bu Değişikliğe Gidildi?

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