Lawyers Işık Özdoğan, LL.M.

Işık Özdoğan, LL.M.

Işık Özdoğan, LL.M.

Moroğlu Arseven

Işık is a specialist in intellectual property, with a global reputation for advising clients on all aspects of counseling, strategy, prosecution, enforcement, litigation, transactions, and regulatory issues. She leads the intellectual property team, supporting a broad portfolio of high-profile companies and intellectual property right owners, at all stages of establishing, commercializing and protecting their assets in Turkey.

Işık advises and represents clients about trademarks, patents, industrial designs, copyrights, domain names, online infringement, unfair trade, customs processes, as well as seizures of counterfeit or grey market goods, among other issues. Her support spans a range of industries, notably including fashion, retail, luxury goods, FMCG, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals. She has significant experience supporting foreign clients to navigate local intellectual property issues, often in complex or contentious circumstances with important commercial consequences. She has developed a reputation for offering clear and concise guidance, which considers each client’s expectations and commercial goals in Turkey.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Unfair Trade Practices


Patents and Utility Models


IP Litigation

IP Portfolio Management


Industrial Designs

Domain Names and Internet Infringement





International Trademark Association (INTA)


Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group (PTMG)

Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)

European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA)

Sahte Ürünler Hakkında Arama El Koyma İşlemlerinde Güncel Gelişmeler

2023 yılında Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu’nun üyeliğe aday ülke pozisyonundaki Türkiye için hazırladığı raporda, hak sahiplerinin sundukları güçlü delillere rağmen arama el koyma taleplerinin reddedildiği, savcı ve hakimlerin makul olmayan ek deliller talep ettiği belirtilmiştir.


Recent Developments in Search and Seizure of Counterfeit Goods

In 2023, a report by the European Commission on Türkiye’s status as a candidate country for joining the European Union stated that despite strong evidence presented by rights holders, search and seizure requests were rejected and prosecutors and judges demanded unreasonable additional evidence. The report underlines the fact that Türkiye is the second largest consignor of counterfeit goods to the European Union and needs to take necessary measures to address this matter.


The Regulation on Market Control of Human Medicinal Products Entered Into Force

The Regulation focuses on market control for licensed medicinal products, active substances, and special medical purpose foods, excluding magistral medicines. Periodic market control activities will be organized based on risk parameters set by the Agency. Samples will be taken from products' locations and active substance production sites. The Regulation outlines responsibilities for sample acceptance and examination. Complaints and identified issues can trigger additional market controls. Risky products found during inspections may undergo routine market control. Violations are subject to sanctions per relevant regulations on medicinal products and foods for special medical purposes.


Beşeri Tıbbi Ürünlerin Piyasa Kontrolü Yönetmeliği Yürürlüğe Girmiştir.

Yönetmelik kapsamında, (i) Kurum tarafından ruhsatlandırılmış veya izin verilmiş beşeri tıbbi ürünlerin, (ii) bunların üretiminde kullanılan etkin maddelerin, (iii) özel tıbbi amaçlı gıdaların piyasa kontrol faaliyetleri yer almaktadır. Majistral ilaçlar ise Yönetmelik kapsamında değildir. Yönetmelik kapsamında yer alan ürün ve etkin maddeler için belirli periyotlarla piyasa kontrol faaliyeti düzenlenecektir. Piyasa kontrol programına alınacak etkin maddeler ve ürünler, Kurum tarafından belirlenen risk parametrelerine göre saptanacaktır. Belirlenen bu ürünlerin numunelerinin alınacağı yerler İlaç Takip Sistemi verileri uyarınca belirlenecektir.


Guideline on Import Applications and Marketing Authorization has been Updated

The Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency has updated the Guideline on Import Applications and Marketing Authorization. The updated Guideline, effective from June 5, 2023, includes new procedures such as market authorization for blood products, import procedures for promotional samples, and notifications for the production of pharmaceutical raw materials. Applications can be made electronically, but physical submission of documents may be required. Import transactions should take place at the designated customs office, and specific packaging details and information on packaging companies must be provided. Import notifications should be submitted within 15 days, and rejected notifications can be resubmitted with additional information and documents.


Tıbbi Cihazları ve İn Vitro Tanı Cihazlarını Piyasadan Çekme ve Geri Çağırma Kılavuzu Yayımlandı

"Tıbbi Cihazları ve İn Vitro Tanı Cihazlarını Piyasadan Çekme ve Geri Çağırma Kılavuzu", Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu'nun (TİTCK) tıbbi cihazların ve in vitro tanı cihazlarının piyasadan çekilmesi ve geri çağırılması konusundaki görevlerini belirleyen bir rehberdir. Kılavuz, TİTCK'nın risk değerlendirmesi yapma, önlemler alarak cihazların geri çekilmesini sağlama, iktisadi işletmelere bilgilendirme yapma, takip etme ve geri çekme/geri çağırma kararlarını bildirme gibi yetkilerini içerir. Ayrıca, iktisadi işletmecilerin sorumlulukları, sınıflandırma kıstasları ve gönüllü çekme/geri çağırma esasları da kılavuzda yer almaktadır. Bu kılavuz, TİTCK tarafından yayınlanmıştır ve piyasadan çekme/geri çağırma süreçlerine ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler içermektedir.


Withdrawal and Recall Guideline of Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostic Devices has been Published

The Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (TITCK) has published a guideline to establish procedures and principles for the withdrawal and recall of medical devices and in vitro diagnostic devices. The guideline outlines TITCK's authority, economic operators' responsibilities and the classification criteria for non-conformity, which is divided into three categories. The responsible enterprise must establish a procedure for the withdrawal and recall of devices, conduct risk-based studies, not supply non-conforming devices to the market, and take relevant measures within the scope of TITCK's withdrawal and recall plans. Economic enterprises not responsible for withdrawal or recall must stop using and putting the devices into service and inform TITCK upon request.

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