Lawyers Hatice Ekici Tağa

Hatice Ekici Tağa

Hatice Ekici Tağa

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Hatice Ekici Tağa is a partner at Ozdagistanli Ekici where she leads the IP and Commercial Contracts department.

Her experience spans a wide range of areas including advertising, franchise contracts, movie/tv license contracts, trademark disputes, multijurisdictional patent settlements, prize promotions. She has been representing multinational clients in various trademark, IP and patent disputes for over 12 years.

Hatice also acts as trusted counsel to world’s leading food and beverage brands in their franchise and commercialization agreements.

She also manages anti-piracy and anti-counterfeiting programs for world’s leading software companies as well as for luxury brands.

Hatice is a registered trademark and patent attorney as well as a licensed mediator.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Intellectual Property

Media and Entertainment

Consumer Protection

Electronic Commerce








Istanbul Bar Association

Licensed Patent Attorney – Turkish Trademark and Patent Institute

Licensed Trademark Attorney – Turkish Trademark and Patent Institute

International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)

Licensed mediator

International Trademark Association (INTA)

Can Reputation be Compensated under Turkish Trademark Law?

Trademarks are considered to be among the most valuable assets for a business. However, trademark reputation is often harmed by counterfeit products, improper use, and malicious commercial practices.


Responsible Advertising: Legal Protections for Children in Turkey

The primary legal framework governing advertisements in Turkey is comprised of two key pieces of legislation: (i) the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 ("CPL") and (ii) the Regulation on Commercial Advertisements and Unfair Commercial Practices.


Specialized Product Safety Rules for E-Commerce

The Regulation on Market Surveillance and Inspection of Products Made Available to the Market Through the Means of Electronic Communication Tools was published on the Official Gazette on October 30, 2024 to enter into force on April 1, 2025.


Novel Amendments on Consumer Protection and E-Commerce Legislations

On October 30, 2024, the Law Amending the Consumer Protection Law and Other Laws was published on the Official Gazette, introducing significant changes regarding sanctions on advertisements and e-commerce license fees.


Tasarım Başvurusunda Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler

6769 sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu’nda ("SMK") tasarım, "ürünün tümü veya bir parçasının ya da üzerindeki süslemenin çizgi, şekil, biçim, renk, malzeme veya yüzey dokusu gibi özelliklerinden kaynaklanan görünümü" olarak tanımlanmaktadır.


Design Registration Application in Turkey: Things to Consider

The Industrial Property Law No. 6769 ("IPL") defines design as “the appearance of the whole or part of a product or the ornamentation thereon resulting from features such as line, shape, form, color, material, or surface texture”.


İşveren Çalışanın Buluşları Üzerinde Hak Sahipliği İddiasında Bulunabilir mi?

Buluşların yasal olarak korunması, sağladığı haklar nedeniyle buluş sahipleri için her daim önemli olmuştur.


Tanınmış Türk Markalarının Avrupa’da Korunması: Kötü Niyet İncelemesi

21 Şubat 2024 tarihinde, Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı Genel Mahkemesi, yalnızca Türkiye'de tescilli olan tanınmış bir markaya benzerliği nedeniyle "hepsiburada" markasının Avrupa Birliği Fikri Mülkiyet Ofisi nezdinde tescil edilmesini kötü niyetli bulmuştur.

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