Contributors Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law
Contact Information
  • Address: Maslak Mahallesi AOS 55. Sokak, 42 Maslak, B Blok, No 4/558, 34398, Sarıyer, İstanbul, Türkiye
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: +90 (212) 945 99 53
  • Website:

Biçer Güner stands as an all-encompassing, independent Turkish law firm with full-service capacity established in Istanbul, Türkiye. Boasting unparalleled expertise across a diverse spectrum of organizations and industry domains, the Biçer Güner team possesses an unmatched breadth and depth of knowledge when it comes to handling transactions.

Biçer Güner proudly represents multinational corporations, international media entities, and esteemed local clients within the market. Over the past +18 years, Biçer Güner team has actively represented both private and public sector clients in a multitude of significant international transactions and foreign investments executed within Türkiye. These ventures encompass mergers and acquisitions, energy projects, project financing, public offerings, and PPP projects as well as debt offerings.

Main Areas of Practice

Corporate/M&A, Joint Ventures and Privatizations

Biçer Güner advises its clients in a broad range of major domestic and cross-border transactions/investments and has been advising both strategic and financial investors in their mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, asset sales/acquisitions and spin-offs. Our team has solid experience in assisting its clients on their M&A transactions involving both regulated and non-regulated sectors including technology, media and telecommunications, retail, energy, packaging, construction, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics. Our team has worked in major privatization projects including PETKIM, Tupras, Turkseker, Turk cement factories’ privatizations.

Technology, Media, Telecommunications

Biçer Güner advises the leading global media, technology and telecommunication companies on regulatory, operational and strategic matters. The experience of our team in this field extends to different areas of TMT including data protection and privacy, e-commerce, broadcasting, satellite services, electronic communication services and anti-piracy legislation.

Our team represents its clients before the regulatory authorities such as Radio and Television Supreme Council, Information Technologies and Communication Authority, Personal Data Protection Authority and has unique expertise in advising global media clients on the structuring of their business in Türkiye in compliance with the Turkish laws.

Intellectual Property

Biçer Güner has a team with vast expertise in intellectual property law and offers comprehensive legal assistance across all matters of this field, including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, designs, and patents. Biçer Güner delicately assists its clients in drafting, negotiating and enforcing a wide variety of intellectual law related contracts. Biçer Güner's litigation team has an excellent track record in representing its clients in intellectual property law related disputes.

By harmonizing its deep knowledge of TMT and entertainment, our team represents its clients in numerous issues, including but not limited to protecting intellectual property rights of television programs, navigating through complications of registration with Turkish authorities, addressing intellectual property infringements, structuring licensing agreements, and manages transfer of intellectual property rights.

Banking, Finance & Capital Markets

Biçer Güner advises major international and domestic financial institutions and major international borrowers on project and acquisition financing, trade finance, real estate finance, syndicated loans and secured financing. Our team is also quite experienced in murabaha syndications. Our team also represented their clients in the sale and acquisition of major Turkish banks and have extensive experience and knowledge of the regulatory aspects of banking operations in Türkiye.

Biçer Güner team is also experienced in capital markets regulatory compliance, equity and debt offerings, securitizations and derivatives and advising issuers, financial institutions, and private equities.

Data Protection

Biçer Güner advises its clients in all aspects of data protection law including carrying out data protection due diligence exercises to identify their data processing activities and irregularities, preparing/updating data protection policies and data inventories, realizing/updating VERBIS (Turkish Data Controllers’ Registry) registrations, providing data protection training to employees/directors of the clients, assisting its clients on the drafting of responses upon the complaints of data subjects to the Turkish Data Protection Authority. Biçer Güner team also represents its clients on data protection related disputes.


Biçer Güner has a highly specialized team in both individual and collective labor law. Our team advises its clients on drafting, negotiation, and termination of complex employment agreements, including with key employees. Furthermore, our team advises its clients on collective bargaining issues and successfully represents them in the negotiations with labor unions. Our team also has solid experience in advising its clients on the employment law aspects of local and/or cross-border M&A transactions.

Biçer Güner possesses substantial expertise in realizing collective dismissals, termination of employment agreements, and restructuring of workplaces. Our team assists its clients in crafting internal employment regulations, comprehensive guidelines as well as benefit plans. Our team has extensive experience in immigration law and successfully assists its clients in work and residence permit application processes.

Our team successfully manages legal exposures and navigates its clients out of challenging situations. Biçer Güner is fully capable of conducting compliance reviews and thorough legal audits aimed at identifying both criminal and civil law liabilities in cases of white-collar irregularities Our team is representing its clients before the civil and criminal courts due to suspected white collar crime.

Dispute Resolution & Litigation

Biçer Güner delivers prompt, pragmatic, and highly efficient legal counsel to its clients in dispute resolution and litigation. Biçer Güner has an excellent track-record across a spectrum of legal domains, encompassing civil, criminal, and administrative litigation pertinent to TMT, entertainment, press, commercial affairs, breach of contract, intellectual property, unfair competition, enforcement and bankruptcy proceedings, labour law, debt recovery, consumer protection, code of obligations, as well as constitutional law and fundamental human rights.

Through the seamless fusion of international corporate legal expertise and a wealth of litigation experience, Biçer Güner effectively anticipates and manages legal risks, enabling proactive risk mitigation and optimal dispute resolution. Clients benefit from Biçer Güner’s robust legal proficiency that ensures the enforcement of all legal remedies.

Biçer Güner represents international and Turkish clients in their settlement negotiations and arbitration proceedings.

Real Estate

Biçer Güner offers top-notch legal services in Turkish real estate law to both local and global investors. Biçer Güner’s services encompass various aspects of real estate, including but not limited to buying, selling, and leasing properties for residential or commercial use, ensuring compliance with planning and zoning regulations, establishing real estate investment firms, and participating in significant residential and hotel projects.

Key Contacts

Corporate/M&A, TMT, Banking Finance, Real Estate, Data Protection, Employment
Dispute Resolution, TMT, Intellectual Property, Employment, Administrative, Press


Corporate/M&A, TMT, Banking Finance, Real Estate, Data Protection, Employment
Dispute Resolution, TMT, Intellectual Property, Employment, Administrative, Press
Corporate/M&A, Banking Finance, TMT, Real Estate, Data Protection, Employment
Dispute Resolution, TMT, Intellectual Property, Employment, Administrative Law, Press Law
Corporate/M&A, TMT, Real Estate, Data Protection, Employment

Ticari Uygulamalara Karşı Reklam Kurulu Kararları

T.C. Ticaret Bakanlığı'na bağlı Reklam Kurulu 16 Mayıs 2024 ve 11 Haziran 2024 tarihlerinde gerçekleşen reklam ve uygulamaların değerlendirildiği toplantılarda, tüketicilerin ekonomik tercih ve menfaatlerini etkileyen reklam ve ticari uygulamalar üzerinde durarak, tüketicileri aldatan, yanıltan, tecrübe ve bilgi eksikliklerini istismar eden reklamlar ile haksız ticari uygulamalar yönünden incelenen dosyaların ...

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Advertising Board Decisions Against Commercial Practices

Strict Supervision of the Advertising Board Against the Commercial Practices Continues!

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Haber Bültenleri ve Haber Programlarına "Akıllı İşaret”

Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu Yayın Hizmeti Usul ve Esasları Hakkında Yönetmelikte Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik, 13 Haziran 2024 tarihli ve 32575 sayılı Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanarak yürürlüğe girmiştir.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

“Smart Sign" in News Bulletins and News Programs

The Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of the Radio and Television Supreme Council Broadcasting Service entered into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette dated June 13, 2024 and numbered 32575.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Koşullu Erişim Yöntemiyle Yapılan Yayınlarda Yıllık Net Satış Payı

Bilindiği üzere, 7491 sayılı Bazı Kanun ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun (“Değişiklik Kanunu”) ile, koşullu erişim yöntemiyle yayın hizmeti sağlayan medya hizmet sağlayıcı kuruluşların Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu’na (“Üst Kurul”) yıllık net satışları üzerinden yüzde bir buçuk (%1,5) oranında pay ödemeleri yükümlülüğü getirilmiş, ayrıca net satışların ödenmesine ilişkin usul ve esasları belirlemeye yönelik Üst Kurula düzenleme yapma yetkisi verilmişti.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Annual Net Sales Share for Conditional Access Broadcasting

As it is known, with the Law numbered 7491 on the Amendment of Certain Laws and Decree Laws, media service providers providing broadcasting services through conditional access method were obliged to pay a share of one and a half percent (1.5%) of their annual net sales to the Radio and Television Supreme Council and the Supreme Council was authorized to issue regulations to determine the procedures and principles regarding the payment of net sales.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Medya Alanındaki Son Gelişmeler

Ticaret Bakanlığı’nın resmi internet sitesinde bu hafta yayımlanan duyurulara göre, Reklam Kurulu tarafından tüketicilere yönelik iki (2) önemli karar alınmıştır.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Latest Developments in Media Landscape

According to the announcements published on the official website of the Ministry of Trade this week, two (2) important decisions regarding consumers have been taken by the Advertising Board.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

2023 Takviye Edici Gıda Reklamları Raporu Hakkında Bilgi Notu

2023 Takviye Edici Gıda Reklamları Raporu, 26 Şubat 2024 tarihinde Reklam Kurulu tarafından Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ticaret Bakanlığı resmi internet sitesinde yayımlanmıştır. Söz konusu Rapor’da, takviye edici gıda kavramı tanımlanarak takviye edici gıdalara ilişkin düzenlemelere yer verilmiş, Kurul gündeminde yer alan dosya örneklerinden hareketle sektör reklamlarının genel yapısına değinilerek ilgili mevzuat hükümlerine aykırı gerçekleştirildiği tespit edilen reklam örnekleri hakkında detaylı incelemeler sunulmuş ve takviye edici gıda reklamlarında dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar hakkında tavsiyelerde bulunulmuştur.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Information Note on the 2023 Food Supplement Advertisements Report

The 2023 Food Supplement Advertisements Report was published by the Turkish Advertising Board on 26 February 2024 on the official website of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Turkey. In the Report, the regulations on food supplements are included by defining the concept of food supplements, based on the file examples on the Board's agenda and by mentioning the general structure of advertisements in the sector detailed examinations are introduced on the advertisement examples that are found to be "contrary" to the relevant legislation, and recommendations are given on the issues that should be considered in food supplements advertisements.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Important Reminder to Broadcasters

In the recent examinations conducted by the Radio and Television Supreme Council (“RTUK”), it has been determined that both content and durations of commercial communication broadcasts violate the relevant provisions of the legislation.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

The 2023 Food Supplement Advertisements Report has been published

Due to seasonal changes, advertisements targeting consumer health, especially those promoting products directly related to consumer use such as dietary supplements, food, and cosmetic products, as well as advertisements related to health services, are meticulously examined by the Advertising Board.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Türkiye'de Medya Sektöründe Yerli ve Yabancı Yatırımcı ve Girişimciler ile Devlet Destekleri ve Teşvikleri

Türkiye'de medya sektörü, bilgi ve iletişimin hızla evrimleştiği bir çağda hem yerli hem de yabancı yatırımcı ve girişimciler için çeşitli ve dinamik bir alan haline gelmiştir. Türkiye’de medya sektöründe yerli ve yabancı yatırımcıları teşvik etmek ve rekabet avantajı sağlamak amacıyla çeşitli devlet destekleri ve teşvikler sunulmaktadır.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Domestic and Foreign Investors and Entrepreneurs Along With Governmental Support and Incentives in the Media Sector in Türki̇ye

In Türkiye, the media sector has become a diverse and dynamic field for both domestic and foreign investors and entrepreneurs in an age where information and communication are rapidly evolving. Various governmental support and incentives are provided to encourage domestic and foreign investors in the media sector and to provide a competitive advantage.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu Tarafından Getirilen Mevzuat Değişiklikleri Hakkında Bilgi Notu

Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu (“Üst Kurul”) tarafından 13 Ocak 2024 tarihli 32428 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan: i. Medya Hizmet Sağlayıcı Kuruluşlar ile Platform ve Altyapı İşletmecilerinin Uymaları Gereken İdari ve Mali Şartlar Hakkında Yönetmelikte Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik (“İdari ve Mali Şartlar Yönetmeliği”), ii. Radyo, Televizyon ve İsteğe Bağlı Yayınların İnternet Ortamından Sunumu Hakkında Yönetmelikte Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik (“İnternet Yönetmeliği”), iii. Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu Kablolu Yayın Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik (“Kablolu Yayın Yönetmeliği”); ve iv. Radyo ve Televizyon Üst Kurulu Uydu Yayın Yönetmeliğinde Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Yönetmelik (“Uydu Yayın Yönetmeliği”) uyarınca medya sektörüne yönelik bir dizi yenilik ve düzenleme getirilmiştir.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Information Note on Legislative Changes Introduced by the Radio and Television Supreme Council

The Radio and Television Supreme Council (“Supreme Council”) introduced a number of provisions and amendments for the media sector in accordance with the below regulations published in the Official Gazette dated January 13, 2024, and numbered 32428.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law

Recent Developments in Türkiye’s Media Sector

Please see below our brief note on the recent developments in the media sector in Türkiye. In summary, with the decision of the Radio and Television Supreme Council ("RTUK") dated December 28, 2023, satellite, wireless and internet broadcasting license fees and broadcast transmission authorization fees for 2024 have been redetermined.

Biçer Güner Attorneys at Law
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