Editorial Policy & Guidelines

Welcome to Turkish Law Blog (“TLB” or “we”). TLB is a platform providing a comprehensive source of legal updates, analysis, announcements, insights, and news on Turkish Law and the legal business market. We gather together leading experts from law firms and academia to report on the latest developments.

Publication Ethics

We are committed to the highest standards of ethical publication. Therefore, we expect all contributors to adhere to ethical publishing.

Plagiarism is considered a serious violation of the ethical publication principles by TLB. We reserve the right to eliminate any content with possible cases of plagiarism from its review and publication process. Submitted content should be the original works of the contributors. It is unethical to fabricate, manipulate or falsify data in an article. Likewise, the inclusion of citations that are not relevant to the work or irrelevant self-citation to increase one’s citation is also unethical.


It will be accepted as a violation of our editorial policy to publish any material that is copyrighted or otherwise subject to third-party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from the rightful owner. If any internal authorization is required to publish the article, contributors must confirm that they have obtained any and all such authorizations.


It is our policy to apply the same standards of review to all submissions. Each article submitted for consideration of acceptance is reviewed by our editors in accordance with their field of practice & sectors.

Posts can be included by contributors on their own websites, provided they give credit to and link back to the original post on the TLB. Third parties are not allowed to include Turkish Law Blog posts without prior approval.

Editorial Guidelines

We request that contributors comply with the following standards:

  • We prefer an article between 1000 to 2000 words. However, flexibility is allowed if the content so requires, and the quality is ensured.
  • We strongly encourage contributors to submit their articles preferably in Microsoft Word format.
  • Please include a short title and avoid using ALL CAPS in the title or the text.
  • A title that asks a question can generate more interest.
  • Please include, where appropriate, hyperlinks to outside references or primary sources in the body of the article.
  • Co-authorship is allowed for the articles.

Our Article Deletion/Modification Policy

  • Please be ensure that we do not delete published articles unless we get your prior permission.
  • Please note that we do not make changes to contributor’s articles unless factual errors are found within them. If there is a factual error, we will update the body of the article and highlight the initial error in an editorial note.

If you have any questions related to these policies, please feel free to reach out editors at: [email protected]

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