Contributors NSN Law Firm

NSN Law Firm
Contact Information
  • Address: Altunizade, Burhaniye Mah. Atilla Sok. No:6 Üsküdar / İstanbul
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: +90 (216) 321 47 47
  • Website:

NSN Law Firm is a full-service law firm with 14 partners and over 45 lawyers, providing an “all in one” service with a specific sector-oriented perspective from legal consultancy to litigation in relation to various matters to our domestic and international clients operating in a wide variety of sectors, especially in healthcare, food, media, informatics, software, industrial and home appliances technologies, and logistics sectors.

Our Firm’s main purpose is to cover its clients’ diverse needs in various industries by providing tailor-made and creative solutions. Also, the Firm’s dedicated service approach helps our clients stand out in their respective sectors. Thanks to this approach, the Firm is involved in cutting-edge litigation and administrative processes. Every question from our client is answered by our attorneys, who are experts in their fields, from a sectoral point of view.

The capacity of our team increases every year with experts and colleagues who are developing and growing. Our senior team members have been working for the Firm for a long time. Hence, the sub-teams dedicated to specific clients have comprehensive knowledge of our client’s needs, as they know their clients and their history very well and take their commercial needs and requirements from the past into account when providing a new service. Using technological online data systems also helps our team improve collaboration, provide clarity, and achieve better results.

Main Areas of Practice

Corporate & Commercial Law

We assist numerous national and international clients in setting up businesses in Turkey, including the establishment of companies for our clients from the USA, UK, and EU operating in various sectors, especially in the healthcare, food, media, informatics, industrial and home appliances technologies, maritime, and logistics sectors. We also provide consultancy services in share transfer, asset acquisition, mergers and acquisitions, sale transactions, fulfilment of due diligence processes, and establishment of joint ventures.

We are highly competent in resolving commercial disputes that arise specifically for the needs of the sector in which our clients operate, and we provide high-level Contract Law services in the preparation of mixed-type contracts on large-scale projects and in the conduct of negotiations in accordance with the legislation. We also play an active role in the resolution of disputes that arise during commercial operations, as well as providing consultancy services regarding corporate internal management processes in order to carry out our client’s daily operations uninterruptedly.

In addition, our firm handles and manages all legal issues that our clients face within the scope of their e-commerce activities. Being that we have many clients who are considered service providers, marketplace owners, and sellers in line with the local e-commerce legislation, we are providing them with high-quality assistance on all matters related to their activities in the area.

Advertising & Media & Entertainment Law

Our firm provides an "all in one" advertising, media, and entertainment service from clearance, investigation, and registration to litigation and enforcement. Our legal advisory services in the entertainment sector include contract preparation, copyright protection, the prevention of probable infringement, and follow-up of regulatory procedures for obtaining necessary permits and licenses prior to production.

We represent our clients, mainly operating in the telecommunication, production, social media, and gaming sectors, in creating solutions for information technology. In line with this, our team provides legal consultancy on conducting risk analyses and resolving trademark and copyright conflicts that our clients may face during their e-commerce, advertisement, and distribution activities.

Beyond the classical media, we provide legal consultancy and compliance services to the social media and technology companies that develop the most used mobile applications worldwide. These consultancy services involve various legal services, from providing advertisement clearance and ensuring compliance with the national lottery and IT regulations to following litigation proceedings before civil, administrative, and criminal courts.

Transportation & Maritime & Admiralty Law

Our firm is a leader in resolving all national and international disputes arising from all types of transportation, including land, air and sea transportation and combined transportation. We have a high level of experience in managing, advising and litigating all types of shipping disputes, particularly in relation to issues arising from maritime trade; serious maritime accidents, cargo damage, bill of lading problems, salvage assistance, towage services and ship fires. In addition to all these legal services, we also represent clients in the purchase, sale and financing of ships and yachts.

Especially in the case of oil pollution and all kinds of marine pollution incidents, the administrative authorities refer to our team's expertise. Our team took an active role in the preparation of Regional and National Emergency Action Plans in the field of marine pollution and contributed to the implementation of these plans.

Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences Law

We offer high standard legal services to our clients for every aspect of Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences Law including without limited to pharmaceuticals, medical devices, food supplements, special nutrition products, infant food and cosmetics.

We mainly provide legal support and consultancy to our clients in all compliance matters. Particularly, we handle marketing and promotional activities, relations with the administrative authorities, healthcare institutions and healthcare professionals and compliance of the standard operational procedures and contracts with the regulations.

As part of market access process, we also support our clients on a comprehensive range of industrial legal matters including regulatory compliance and organization of warehousing and distribution facilities and surrounding relations in the light of the Competition Law. Our area of work also covers due diligence investigations on anti-corruption and anti-bribery matters as well as internal compliance audits in the healthcare sector.

Intellectual & Industrial Property Law

Our firm is one of the few prominent law offices in Turkey specializing in the field of intellectual and Industrial Property Law, and we cover all types of IP related rights including patent and trademark, copyright, utility models, industrial design, geographical indications, plant varieties, and domain name conflicts. Our IP team is unique in Turkey for offering strategic business-oriented solutions to our international and domestic clientele by combining our expertise in Intellectual and Industrial Property Law with our significant Regulatory expertise in various sectors, especially pharmaceuticals.

We guide our clients through all phases of administrative and legal proceedings in the management of their intellectual property portfolios, including conducting necessary pursuit for the registration and continuity of industrial property rights before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office and conducting license, transfer, and other agreements and transactions regarding the subject rights. We also pursue strategic opposition and litigation proceedings before Turkish Patent and Trademark Office and the Courts in order to prevent unfair and illegal registration and use by third parties, within the scope of combating piracy and counterfeiting, and we make all necessary applications before the customs directorates, conducting research and initiating the necessary legal proceedings when necessary. 

Key Contacts

Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences, Product Liability, Information Technologies, Anti-Corruption & Compliance, Intellectual & Industrial Property
Advertising, Media & Entertainment, Insurance, Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty
Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty, Employment and Labor, Insurance
Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty, Insurance
Commercial & Corporate, Advertising, Media & Entertainment, Product Liability, Data Protection, Information Technologies, Anti-Corruption & Compliance
Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences, Data Protection
Commercial & Corporate, Insurance, Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty
Commercial & Corporate, Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty, Data Protection
Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty
Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences, Product Liability, Information Technologies, Anti-Corruption & Compliance, Intellectual & Industrial Property
Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty, Employment and Labor, Insurance
Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty, Insurance
Advertising, Media & Entertainment, Insurance, Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty
Commercial & Corporate, Advertising, Media & Entertainment, Product Liability, Data Protection, Information Technologies, Anti-Corruption & Compliance
Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences, Data Protection
Commercial & Corporate, Insurance, Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty
Commercial & Corporate, Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty, Data Protection
Transportation, Maritime & Admiralty
Commercial and Corporate, Insurance Law
Commercial and Corporate, Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences, Data Protection
Commercial and Corporate, Advertising, Media and Entertainment Law, Product Liability
Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences
Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences, Data Protection
Commercial and Corporate, Employment and Labor Law, Data Protection
Commercial and Corporate, Data Protection
Commercial & Corporate Law, Advertising, Media & Entertainment Law
Pharmaceuticals and Life Sciences, Commercial and Corporate, Data Protection
Commercial and Corporate Law, Advertising, Media and Entertainment Law

2025'te Reklam İhlallerine Ağır Yaptırımlar: Mecralara Göre İdari Para Cezaları

6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanunun 77. Maddesine Göre 2025 Yılında Uygulanacak Olan İdari Para Cezalarına İlişkin Tebliğ 20.12.2024 tarihli Resmi Gazetede yayımlanmıştır.

NSN Law Firm

2025 Brings Steep Penalties for Advertising Breaches: Fines Across Media Platforms

The Communiqué on Administrative Fines Applicable in 2025 Pursuant to Article 77 of the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 (was published in the Official Gazette dated December 20, 2024.

NSN Law Firm

Reklamlarda Kullanılan Görsellerdeki Telif Sorunu

Reklamlar, görsel ve işitsel unsurların yaratıcı bir şekilde bir araya gelmesiyle hedef kitlelere ulaşmayı amaçlayan güçlü birer iletişim aracıdır.

NSN Law Firm

Copyright Issues in Visuals Used in Advertisements

Advertisements are powerful communication tools designed to reach target audiences by creatively combining visual and auditory elements. In this context, commercial films and the photographs used in them play a crucial role in effectively conveying brand messages.

NSN Law Firm

Reklam Kurulu Kararları Serisi - 12

Reklam Kurulu Başkanlığı tarafından 13.08.2024 tarihinde yapılan 348, 10.09.2024 tarihinde yapılan 349 ve 08.10.2024 tarihinde yapılan 350 sayılı Kurul toplantıları kapsamında önemli noktalara işaret eden kararlar ...

NSN Law Firm

Advertising Board Examines Misleading Commercial Practices in Service Banking

At the Advertising Board meeting numbered 350 and dated 08.10.2024, one of the prominent topics discussed was unlawful advertisements and unfair commercial practices within the banking sector.

NSN Law Firm

Reklam Kurulu, Servis Bankacılığına İlişkin Yanıltıcı Ticari Uygulamaları İnceliyor

Reklam Kurulu tarafından gerçekleştirilen 350 Sayılı ve 08.10.2024 tarihli Kurul toplantısında öne çıkan gündemlerden biri, bankacılık sektöründe yapılan hukuka aykırı reklamlar ve haksız ticari uygulamalar oldu.

NSN Law Firm

Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun’da Yapılan Değişiklikler: Yaptırımlara Dair Güncellemeler

İlgili değişiklik ile, Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun’un reklam ve ticari uygulamalar, doğrudan satış sistemleri, tüketici kredisi, elektronik ticaret ve diğer tüketici işlemleri hakkında önemli değişiklikler getirilmiştir.

NSN Law Firm

Amendments to the Consumer Protection Law: Updates on Sanctions

The Law on the Amendment of the Consumer Protection Law and Certain Laws was passed by the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and enacted.

NSN Law Firm

Reklam Kurulu Abonelik Hizmetlerine İlişkin Karanlık Ticari Tasarımları İnceliyor

Reklam Kurulu, tarafından gerçekleştirilen 349 Sayılı ve 10.09.2024 tarihli Kurul toplantısında ana gündem “Karanlık Ticari Tasarımlar” olarak bilinen aldatıcı ticari tasarımlar oldu ve abonelik hizmetlerine ilişkin tasarım uygulamaları hakkında tüketiciyi zorlayan ve aldatan unsurlar değerlendirildi.

NSN Law Firm

Yenilenmiş Ürünlerin Satışına İlişkin Gelişmeler

Yenilenmiş Ürünlerin Satışı Hakkında Yönetmelik’in ilgili maddesine eklenen yeni hükümle birlikte; yenileme merkezi, şube, yetkili satıcı ve yetkili alıcı, yenilenmiş ürünler için Ticaret Bakanlığı tarafından belirlenen ayırt edici logoyu reklam ve tanıtımlarında kullanabileceklerdir.

NSN Law Firm

Developments Regarding the Sale of Refurbished Products

With the addition of a new provision to the relevant article of the Regulation on the Sale of Refurbished Products, renewal centers, branches, authorized sellers, and authorized buyers will be able to use the distinctive logo determined by the Ministry of Trade in their advertisements and promotions for refurbished products.

NSN Law Firm

ABAD Biyosidal Ürün Reklamlarında “Cilt Dostu” İbaresini Mevzuata Aykırı Buldu!

Almanya’da DM-Drogerie Markt GmbH & Co. KG (DM) eczane zinciri tarafından “BioLYTHE” adlı dezenfektan “ekolojik evrensel geniş spektrumlu dezenfektan”, “cilt, el ve yüzey dezenfeksiyonu”, “SARS-Corona'ya karşı etkili” ve “cilt dostu” “organik” “alkolsüz” ambalaj etiketleri ile tüketicilerin ilgisine sunulmuştur.

NSN Law Firm

CJEU Finds the Phrase "Skin-Friendly" in Biocidal Product Advertisements Unlawful!

In Germany, the pharmacy chain DM-Drogerie Markt GmbH & Co. KG (DM) advertised the disinfectant "BioLYTHE" with the packaging labels "ecological universal broad spectrum disinfectant", "skin, hand and surface disinfection", "effective against SARS-Corona", "skin friendly", "organic", and "alcohol-free".

NSN Law Firm

Reklam Hukuku Bülteni - Mayıs 2024

Reklam Kurulu Başkanlığı tarafından 13.02.2024 tarihinde yapılan 342, 12.03.2024 tarihinde yapılan 343 ve 16.04.2024 tarihinde yapılan 344 sayılı Kurul toplantıları kapsamında önemli noktalara işaret eden kararları aşağıda bulabilirsiniz:

NSN Law Firm

Hedefli Reklamcılık Uygulamaları Mercek Altına Alındı

Reklam Kurul’u tarafından yayınlanan 20.03.2024 tarihli “Duyuru” uyarınca, gerçekleştirilen 343 sayılı ve 12.03.2024 tarihli Kurul toplantısında internet alışveriş sitelerinin üyelik şartlarının mercek altına alındığı belirtilmiştir.

NSN Law Firm

Targeted Advertising Practices Under the Spotlight

Pursuant to the "Announcement" dated 20.03.2024 published by the Advertisement Board, it was stated that the membership terms of internet shopping websites were scrutinized at the Board meeting numbered 343 and dated 12.03.2024.

NSN Law Firm

Advertising Board Published the Report on Supplementary Food Advertisements!

Following the 342nd session of the Advertising Board ("the Board") which addressed the reinforcement of daily diet and health claims, the Board published the Supplementary food Advertising Report ("the Report") on 26.02.2024, outlining the general contours of the supplementary food sector and presenting a comprehensive sector analysis for the year 2023.

NSN Law Firm

Reklam Kurulu Takviye Edici Gıda Reklamları Raporunu Yayınladı!

Ana gündemini takviye edici gıdalar ve sağlık beyanlarının oluşturduğu Reklam Kurulu’nun (“Kurul”) 342.toplantısının hemen akabinde, Kurul, 26.02.2024 tarihinde yayınladığı 2023 yılı için Takviye Edici Gıda Reklamları Raporu (“Rapor”) ile takviye edici gıdalara ilişkin sektörün genel hatlarını çizerek kapsamlı bir sektör analizi ortaya koymuştur.

NSN Law Firm

Reklam Hukuku Bülteni - Şubat 2024

Reklam Kurulu Başkanlığı tarafından 10.10.2023 tarihinde yapılan 338, 14.11.2023 tarihinde yapılan 339, 12.12.2023 tarihinde yapılan 340 ve 09.01.2023 tarihinde yapılan 341 sayılı Kurul toplantıları kapsamında önemli noktalara işaret eden kararları ...

NSN Law Firm

Reklam Kurulunun Yeni Kılavuzu ve Sadakat Programlarına ilişkin Düzenleme

Reklam Kurulu 1995 Tarihli 4077 sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkındaki Kanunda (Madde 17/1) Bakanlığa sadece öneride bulunan bir organ olarak şekillendirilmiş ise de 2013 tarihli 6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun ile güçlendirilmiş ve yaptırım yetkisine sahip olmuştur. Şu anda Reklam Kurulu, Ticari reklam ve ilanda uyulması gereken ilkeleri belirleyerek bu ilkelere aykırı olan reklam ve ilanları durdurma, aynı yöntemle düzeltme veya para cezası verme hususlarında yetkili duruma getirilmiştir.

NSN Law Firm

Reklam Kurulu Tarafından Dijital Mecralarda Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Araştırma Raporunu Açıklandı!

Reklam Kurulu (“Kurul”) “Dijital Tüketicinin Korunması Projesi/Faz I: Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar” adlı proje kapsamında “Dijital Mecralarda Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Araştırma Raporu” (“Rapor”) 12.01.2024 tarihli duyuru (“Duyuru”) ile yayınlandı. Rapor kapsamında yapılan araştırmalar ile dijital reklamcılık sektöründe tüketicilerin karşı karşıya kaldığı karanlık ticari tasarımlar gibi reklam ve uygulamalara ilişkin sorunları ortaya koymak ve sektörel farkındalığı artırmak hedeflenmiştir.

NSN Law Firm

The Advertising Board Announced Research Report on Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices in Digital Channels!

The Advertising Board (“Board”) has released the "Research Report on Digital Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices" (“Report”) under the project titled “Digital Consumer Protection Project/Phase I: Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices” in an announcement dated January 12, 2024 (“Announcement”).

NSN Law Firm

Anonim ve Limited Şirketlerde Asgari Sermaye Tutarları Artırıldı

Anonim ve limited şirketler için en az sermaye tutarının artırılmasına ilişkin 7887 sayılı Cumhurbaşkanı Kararı (“Karar”) 25.11.2023 tarih ve 32380 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlandı.

NSN Law Firm

Minimum Capital Amounts for Joint-Stock and Limited Liability Companies Have Been Increased

Presidential Decision No. 7887 ("Decision"), regarding the increase of the minimum capital amount for joint-stock and limited liability companies was published in the Official Gazette dated 25.11.2023 and numbered 32380.

NSN Law Firm

Türkiye'de Airbnb Kullanımını Etkileyen Yeni Kanun

2 Kasım 2023 tarihinde Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan Konutların Turizm Amaçlı Kiralanmasına ve Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun (“Kanun”) ile 100 günden az süreli turizm amaçlı konut kiralamalarında izin belgesi alma zorunluluğu getirilmiştir. Ayrıca, izin belgesinin alınmadığı durumda idari para cezası yaptırımı düzenlenmiştir. Kanun, özellikle konut kiralamasında sıkça başvurulan Airbnb uygulamasını etkileyen önemli kısıtlamalar içermektedir.

NSN Law Firm

New Legislation Affecting Airbnb in Turkey

On 2 November 2023, the Law on Renting Houses for Tourism Purposes and Amendments to Certain Laws ("Law") published in the Official Gazette introduced the obligation to obtain a permit for renting houses for tourism purposes for less than 100 days. In addition, administrative fines are imposed for failure to obtain a permit. The Law contains significant restrictions affecting the Airbnb application, which is frequently used in residential rentals.

NSN Law Firm

ChatGPT is Taken into Advertising Board's Consideration for the First Time

At the Advertising Board (“Board”) meeting numbered 337 held on 12.09.2023, the Board ("Board") examined advertisements created through artificial intelligence programs for the first time. The Board determined that 3 advertisements created through ChatGPT violated the legislation and decided to impose sanctions.

NSN Law Firm

Yapay Zeka İlk Defa Reklam Kurulunun Değerlendirmesine Alındı

Reklam Kurulu (“Kurul”), 12.09.2023 tarihinde gerçekleştirilen 337 Sayılı Kurul toplantısında; ilk kez yapay zekâ programı aracılığıyla oluşturulan reklamları inceleme altına aldı. Kurul tarafından ChatGPT aracılığıyla oluşturulan 3 reklamın mevzuata aykırılık içerdiği tespit edilerek yaptırım uygulanmasına karar verildi.

NSN Law Firm

Anonim ve Limited Şirketlerde Vekaletname

Anonim ve limited şirketler, ticari faaliyetlerini yerine getirmek ve üçüncü kişilerle işlem yapabilmek için temsilciler aracılığıyla hareket ederler. Ancak, temsilcilere tanınan temsil yetkileri her zaman sınırsız değildir. Temsil yetkisi, 6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanununda (TTK) belirtilen sınırlamalara tabidir. Bu nedenle, anonim ve limited şirketlerde temsil yetkisinin nasıl tanımlandığını ve sınırlarını anlamak önemlidir.

NSN Law Firm

Power of Attorney in Joint Stock and Limited Liability Companies

Joint stock and limited liability companies act through representatives in order to fulfil their commercial activities and to carry out transactions with third parties. However, the powers of representation granted to representatives are not always unlimited. The power of representation is subject to the limitations set forth in the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6102 (TCC). Therefore, it is important to understand how the power of representation is defined and its limits in joint stock and limited liability companies.

NSN Law Firm

Tüketici Değerlendirmeleri Hakkında Yeni Kılavuz

Reklam Kurulu’nun 12.09.2023 tarihli ve 337 sayılı toplantısında ilke kararı olarak Tüketici Değerlendirmeleri Hakkında Kılavuz ("Kılavuz”) yayınlandı. İlk defa yayımlanan bu Kılavuz’da tüketici değerlendirmeleri hakkında yeni düzenlemeler getirildi.

NSN Law Firm

Karanlık Ticari Tasarımlar (Dark Commercial Patterns) Reklam Kurulu’nun Merceği Altında

Reklam Kurulu, tarafından gerçekleştirilen 08.08.2023 tarih ve 336 Sayılı Kurul toplantısında son zamanlarda dijital reklamcılık alanında sıkça konuşulan Karanlık Ticari Tasarımlar hakkında önemli kararlar verildi.

NSN Law Firm

Under the Spotlight of the Advertising Board: Dark Commercial Patterns

At the meeting dated 08.08.2023 and numbered 336 held by The Advertising Board ("Board") rendered various important decisions regarding Dark Commercial Patterns, which have recently been widely discussed in the field of digital advertising. With the amendment dated 01.02.2022, Regulation on Commercial Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices, “using methods that adversely affect consumers will to make a decision or choice by using means such as guiding interface designs, options or expressions regarding a good or service on the internet; or methods aimed at leading to changes, in favor of the seller or provider, in the decision that consumers would normally make under normal circumstances” was considered among the sample practices accepted as unfair commercial practices.

NSN Law Firm

Regulation on Promotion and Information Activities on Healthcare Services Has Been Published!

Turkey is recognised as a prominent destination in the world in terms of health tourism. By providing high-quality healthcare services on an international platform, our country both strengthens our healthcare sector and contributes to our economy. In today's world where promotions for health services have gained an important place, The Regulation on Promotion and Information Activities on Healthcare Services ("Regulation"), which entered into force on 29 July 2023.

NSN Law Firm

NSN / Reklam Hukuku Bülteni - Temmuz 2023

Reklam Kurulu Başkanlığı tarafından 14.03.2023 tarihinde yapılan 331, 11.04.2023 tarihinde yapılan 332, 09.05.2023 tarihinde yapılan 333 ve 13.06.2023 tarihinde yapılan 334 sayılı Kurul toplantıları kapsamında önemli noktalara işaret eden kararları ...

NSN Law Firm

Reklam Kurulu Kararları Işığında Influencer Reklamları – No.2

Günümüzde reklam faaliyetlerinin sosyal medya platformları aracılığıyla yürütülmesi sebebiyle Reklam Kurulu (“Kurul”) “Sosyal Medya Etkileyicileri Tarafından Yapılan Ticari Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Hakkında Kılavuz”un (“Kılavuz”) yanı sıra sosyal medya etkileyicileri tarafından yapılan sağlık beyanı içeren reklamlara yönelik cezalar uyguladığı da görülmektedir. Yazı serimizin ikincisinde, sosyal medya etkileyicileri aracılığıyla yapılan ve Kurul tarafından yaptırıma hükmedilen sağlık beyanı içeren reklamlar hakkında örnek kararlara yer verilmiştir. Yazı serimizin ilki olan “Reklam Kurulu Kararları Işığında Influencer Reklamları – No.1 Kılavuz’a Uygun Olmayan Instagram Paylaşımları” başlıklı yazımıza bu link üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.

NSN Law Firm

Influencer Advertisements Within The Scope Of Advertising Board Decisions – 2

Social media influencer advertisements containing health claims are under scrutiny by the Advertising Board. The Board penalizes influencers for misleading health claims in commercial ads on social media platforms. Recent decisions highlight penalties imposed on influencers like "Mehmet Sert" and "Ceyda Düvenci" for overstated health claims and unproven scientific statements about products. Advertisements that exceed cosmetic definitions or lack proper licensing as "human medicinal products" face suspension. The influencer "Özlem Altınok Öz" also faced suspension for promoting a product with misleading health claims. Compliance with regulations is crucial to avoid fines and suspensions.

NSN Law Firm

Reklam Kurulu Kararları Işığında Influencer Reklamları – No.1

"Sosyal Medya Etkileyicileri Tarafından Yapılan Ticari Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Hakkında Kılavuz" çerçevesinde, sosyal medya etkileyicileri tarafından yapılan kılavuza uygun olmayan reklamların cezalandırıldığı görülmektedir. Örnek kararlara göre, markaların resmi hesaplarının etiketlendiği ancak reklam ifadelerine yer verilmediği, etiketleri tıklayan tüketicilerin markaların örtülü reklamına yönlendirildiği durumlarda cezalar verilmektedir. Reklam ifadelerinin açık ve okunabilir şekilde sunulması gerekmekte ve mevzuata uygun içerikler üretilmesi önem taşımaktadır.

NSN Law Firm

The Advertising Board Chronicles: Unveiling Influencer Ad Decisions – No. 1

The Advertising Board has imposed penalties on social media influencers for non-compliant advertising activities on platforms like Instagram. Examples of decisions regarding non-compliant advertisements made by social media influencers are provided. In one case, an influencer was fined and ordered to suspend advertisements for covertly advertising products without disclosure. In another case, the influencer received a penalty for not clearly presenting the collaboration statement. Tagging brands without including advertising phrases or making them easily noticeable resulted in penalties in another case. To avoid penalties, influencers should adhere to the Guideline and relevant regulations when creating content.

NSN Law Firm

How do NFTs work under Turkish Copyright Law?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have become increasingly popular in the art world, creating legal challenges for intellectual property law. The Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“the Law”) provides copyright protection to NFTs, and their financial rights may be transferred through written agreements. Financial rights include the right to reproduce, disseminate, represent, and transmit the work to the public, while moral rights are attached to the creator of the work and may not be transferred. NFT owners can benefit from financial rights under Turkish law unless specified in the sales agreement. Anonymity poses a challenge to copyright protection.

NSN Law Firm

NFTs and Copyright Law

A non-fungible token (“NFT”) is a type of cryptocurrency that has emerged in the wake of the rapid development of digitalization, but questions remain as to how the rights to NFTs are protected under the law.

NSN Law Firm

Copyright Protection of Advertising Films

In the face of developing technology, a common question has arisen as to whether any works that are not specifically listed in the Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works may benefit from copyright protection.

NSN Law Firm

ITCA Decision on the Obligations of Social Network Providers

In accordance with the decision of the Information Technologies and Communication Authority titled “Procedures and Principles Regarding Social Network Providers” published in the Official Gazette dated 01.04.2023, the obligations of social network providers and the procedures and principles regarding the implementation of these obligations have been clarified.

NSN Law Firm

NSN / Reklam Hukuku Bülteni - Nisan 2023

Reklam Kurulu Başkanlığı tarafından 08.11.2022 tarihinde yapılan 327, 13.12.2022 tarihinde yapılan 328, 10.01.2023 tarihinde yapılan 329 ve 14.02.2023 tarihinde yapılan 330 sayılı Kurul toplantıları kapsamında önemli noktalara işaret eden kararları bulabilirsiniz.

NSN Law Firm

Sosyal Ağ Sağlayıcıların Yükümlülükleri Hakkında BTK Kararı

01.04.2023 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurulu’nun 28.03.2023 tarihli Sosyal Ağ Sağlayıcı Hakkında Usul ve Esaslar başlıklı kararı uyarınca, sosyal ağ sağlayıcıların yükümlülükleri ile bu yükümlülüklerin uygulanmasına ilişkin usul ve esaslara açıklık getirilmiştir.

NSN Law Firm

New Regulation on Organization of Lotteries and Draws in Turkey

With the Amendment of Income Tax Law and Certain Laws and Decree Laws published in the Official Gazette on 09.11.2022, significant amendments were made to the Decree Law No. 320 on National Lottery.

NSN Law Firm

NSN Ticaret ve Reklam Ekibi Gururla Sunar: Adlaw Istanbul 2024 Konferansı

NSN Ticaret ve Reklam Departmanı tarafından düzenlenen Adlaw Istanbul Konferansı, 6 Eylül 2024 tarihinde Sheraton Levent’te gerçekleştirildi. Ulusal ve uluslararası profesyonelleri bir araya getiren Konferans’ta, reklam hukukunda en son gelişmeler ve yenilikler ele alınarak reklam huku...


NSN Law Firm Accepts Legal Intern Applications

NSN Law Firm looking for Legal Interns to join its Commercial and Corporate Law department. The candidates are expected to work in Commercial and Corporate Law. Required Qualifications: Having a basic legal notionDegree from a reputable law scho...


NSN Law Firm Is Hiring!

NSN Law Firm is looking for a lawyer who has minimum 4 years experience in Maritime Law and litigation, fluent in English, ready to provide services to domestic and international clients, team worker and passionate. NSN Law Firm is a law firm based in Istanbul that ...


Kariyer Yolunuzu Şirket Avukatlarının Rehberliğinde Keşfedin: Sektör Bakış Açısıyla Mentorluk Programı!

NSN Hukuk Bürosu tarafından hukuk fakültesi öğrencileri ve yeni mezunlar için düzenlenen Sektör Bakış Açısıyla Mentorluk Programı'na kayıtlar başladı! Sektörün uzman avukatlarıyla birebir mentorluk deneyimi yaşayarak kariyer yolculuğunuza yön vermeye ne dersiniz?Neden Kat...


NSN Akademi 2024 - Reklam Hukuku Atölyesi

NSN Law Firm tarafından hayata geçirilen NSN Akademi'nin ikincisini düzenlendiği Reklam Hukuku Atölyesi etkinliğinin başvuru süreci devam ediyor.Siz de reklam hukukuna ilgi duyan bir üniversite öğrencisiyseniz, bu alanla ilgili bilgi sahibi olmak ve sektörde...


NSN Akademi - Reklam Hukuku Atölyesi

Tarih16-17-18 Mayıs 202319:00 - 21:00NSN Avukatlık Bürosu, NSN Akademi olarak Reklam Hukuku Atölyesi düzenliyor.16 Mayıs, 17 Mayıs ve 18 Mayıs tarihlerinde 19.00-21.00 saatlerinde düzenlenecek ve online olarak gerçekleştirilecek olan Reklam Hukuku Atölyesi’nde, reklam prensipleri ...


Mid-Level Associate Lawyer

NSN Law Firm is seeking a Mid-Level Associate Lawyer with 3-5 years experience to join our Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences Law, Data Protection Law, and Anti-Corruption & Compliance Practice Groups.Qualifications▪️ Bachelor’s degree in Law from a reputable university,�...


Legal Intern

NSN Law Firm is looking for a Legal Intern to join our Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences Law, Data Protection Law, and Anti-Corruption & Compliance Practice Groups. We offer a full-time internship experience with hands-on exposure to complex legal matters and the opportunity to work closely with exper...


Associate Lawyer

NSN Law Firm is seeking an Associate Lawyer to join our Pharmaceuticals & Life Sciences Law, Data Protection Law, and Anti-Corruption & Compliance Practice Groups.Qualifications▪️ Bachelor’s degree in Law from a reputable university,▪️ Master degree is considered an asset,▪️&...


Avukat — Fikri ve Sınai Mülkiyet Hukuku Departmanı

NSN Hukuk Bürosu  — Fikri ve Sınai Mülkiyet Hukuku Departmanında görev almak üzere tecrübeli avukat arıyoruz.Genel nitelikler; — Üniversitelerin Hukuk Fakültesinden mezun, — Tercihen yüksek lisansını yapmış, — Özellikle Fikri ve S�...


Legal Intern I Commercial & Corporate

NSN Law Firm is looking for Legal Interns to join its Commercial and Corporate Law department. The candidates are expected to work in Commercial and Corporate Law.Required Qualifications- Having a basic legal notion- Degree from a reputable law school- Being interested in Co...


Associate/Senior Associate (Commercial & Corporate Law)

NSN Law Firm is looking for an Associate/Senior Associate to join its Commercial & Corporate Law department.Required QualificationsBachelor’s degree from a reputable law school, LLM is an asset,Minimum 5-7 years post-qualification experience in commercial, corporate, contract and labor lawExcellen...


Yasal Staj 2024-25 Başvuruları

NSN Avukatlık Bürosu 2024/2025 yasal staj dönemi için başvuruları kabul etmeye başladı.Adaylar başvurularını, 29 Şubat 2024 tarihine kadar başvuru butonu üzerinden gerçekleştirebilirler.Büromuz, karşılıklı saygıya dayalı, şeffaf ve kapsayıcı bir çalışma ortamı yara...

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