Contributors Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership
Contact Information
  • Address: Nidakule Ataşehir Kuzey Begonya Sok. No: 3 K: 17 B: 162 Ataşehir 34746, Istanbul
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: +90 216 230 07 48
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Ozdagistanli Ekici is a new generation law firm that combines the values of the traditional law firm, with the values and qualities that are required to stay on top in today’s challenging business environment.

We believe in change, innovation and disruption while we remain committed to the traditional values of our profession such as accountability and trust.

We want our clients to stay on top of the changing environment and dynamics of the legal landscape and be the creator of such change instead of reacting to those changes. And if a reaction to a change is required, we strive to make sure that such reaction is based on legal advice that is efficient, objective and applicable to business.

At Ozdagistanli Ekici, we have a sector specific approach to make sure that we understand the sector specific dynamics and legal landscape that our clients are facing. Thanks to this approach, we are able to provide comprehensive and commercial legal advice to help our clients lead the change or face the issues they are facing with confidence. While doing so, we also prepare our clients for future challenges and issues that they may face in their sector.

We have a large portfolio of multinational and local clients across different sectors and industries including Automotive, Consumer Goods, Food and Retail, Education, Energy and Natural Resources, Financial Services and Fintech, Information Communication Technologies, Insurance, Life Sciences and Health Care, Media, Sport, Gaming and Entertainment and Technology.

We are committed to provide the commercially sound legal advice and solutions on a timely and professional manner to continue to support our clients to be leaders in their sectors.   

Key Contacts

Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Electronic Commerce, Fintech, Gaming
Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment, Consumer Protection, Electronic Commerce
Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Electronic Commerce, Fintech, Gaming
Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment, Consumer Protection, Electronic Commerce
Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce, Fintech
Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce, Fintech
Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce, Fintech
Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce, Fintech
Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce, Fintech
Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce, Fintech
Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce, Fintech
Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce, Fintech
Technology, Media and Telecom, Data Protection, Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce, Fintech

Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu: Arabuluculuk Yapıyorsanız, Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğünü de Yerine Getirmelisiniz

Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu, 13 Ocak 2025 tarihinde, arabuluculuk faaliyetleri kapsamında aydınlatma yükümlülüğünün yerine getirilmesine ilişkin bir kamuoyu duyurusu yayımlamıştır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Authority: If You Mediate, You Must Communicate

On January 13, 2025, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority published a public announcement on the “Obligation to Inform Data Subjects Within the Scope of Mediation Activities”.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Yapay Zeka Tarafından Üretilen Çıktıların Türkiye’deki Mevcut Telif Hakkı Düzenlemeleri Üzerindeki Etkileri

Yapay zeka teknolojileri, özellikle yaratıcı çıktılar üretenleri, fikri mülkiyet hukuku açısından bütün dünyada çeşitli soruları gündeme getirmektedir.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Implications of Artificial Intelligence Generated Output on Existing Copyright Regulations in Turkey

Artificial intelligence technologies, especially those that generate creative outputs, have been posing questions all around the world in terms of intellectual property law.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Can Reputation be Compensated under Turkish Trademark Law?

Trademarks are considered to be among the most valuable assets for a business. However, trademark reputation is often harmed by counterfeit products, improper use, and malicious commercial practices.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Responsible Advertising: Legal Protections for Children in Turkey

The primary legal framework governing advertisements in Turkey is comprised of two key pieces of legislation: (i) the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 ("CPL") and (ii) the Regulation on Commercial Advertisements and Unfair Commercial Practices.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Specialized Product Safety Rules for E-Commerce

The Regulation on Market Surveillance and Inspection of Products Made Available to the Market Through the Means of Electronic Communication Tools was published on the Official Gazette on October 30, 2024 to enter into force on April 1, 2025.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Novel Amendments on Consumer Protection and E-Commerce Legislations

On October 30, 2024, the Law Amending the Consumer Protection Law and Other Laws was published on the Official Gazette, introducing significant changes regarding sanctions on advertisements and e-commerce license fees.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Time to Legalize Data Transfers from Turkey - Deadline: September 1, 2024

As we posted here last week, the Regulation on The Procedures and Principles for Cross-Border Transfers of Personal Data has been published in the Official Gazette and entered into force on July 10, 2024.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Regulation on Cross-Border Data Transfer Mechanisms is in Force

The Regulation on the Procedures and Principles on the Cross-Border Personal Data Transfers (“Regulation”) was published on the Official Gazette and entered into force today, on July 10, 2024.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Tasarım Başvurusunda Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler

6769 sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu’nda ("SMK") tasarım, "ürünün tümü veya bir parçasının ya da üzerindeki süslemenin çizgi, şekil, biçim, renk, malzeme veya yüzey dokusu gibi özelliklerinden kaynaklanan görünümü" olarak tanımlanmaktadır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Design Registration Application in Turkey: Things to Consider

The Industrial Property Law No. 6769 ("IPL") defines design as “the appearance of the whole or part of a product or the ornamentation thereon resulting from features such as line, shape, form, color, material, or surface texture”.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

İşveren Çalışanın Buluşları Üzerinde Hak Sahipliği İddiasında Bulunabilir mi?

Buluşların yasal olarak korunması, sağladığı haklar nedeniyle buluş sahipleri için her daim önemli olmuştur.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Tanınmış Türk Markalarının Avrupa’da Korunması: Kötü Niyet İncelemesi

21 Şubat 2024 tarihinde, Avrupa Birliği Adalet Divanı Genel Mahkemesi, yalnızca Türkiye'de tescilli olan tanınmış bir markaya benzerliği nedeniyle "hepsiburada" markasının Avrupa Birliği Fikri Mülkiyet Ofisi nezdinde tescil edilmesini kötü niyetli bulmuştur.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Can an Employer Claim Rights to an Employee’s Invention in Turkey?

The legal protection of inventions has always been important to inventors because of the rights and exclusivity it confers. However, under certain circumstances, the Turkish Industrial Property Law No. 6769 ("Law") grants rights to the employer of an inventor, taking into account the fact that the employer has contributed to the creation of the invention by providing opportunities and making investments.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

European Protection on Well-Known Turkish Trademarks: A Case on Bad Faith

On February 21, 2024, the General Court of the Court of Justice rendered its decision regarding the registration of a trademark under the European Union Intellectual Property Office with bad faith, due to its identity to a well-known trademark registered only in Turkey.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Saying Goodbye to Consent in Data Transfers: What is Next?

This morning, the highly anticipated amendments in the Law on Protection of Personal Data w. no. 6698 (“DPL”) has been published in the Official Gazette. These changes mentioned below will enter into force in June 1, 2024. You may find our article about the changes here:

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Markaları Değiştirerek Kullanmak Mümkün Mü?

6769 sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu ("Kanun"), (i) tescilinden itibaren beş yıl içinde ciddi kullanımı olmayan veya (ii) kullanımına beş yıl kesintisiz ara verilen markanın iptaline karar verileceğini düzenlemektedir. Bu hükmün uygulanabilmesi için, markanın tescil edildiği mal veya hizmetlerle ilgili kullanımının olmaması ve marka sahibinin markayı kullanmamak için haklı bir nedeninin bulunmaması gerekmektedir.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Is it Possible to Use an Altered Trademark in Turkey?

Law No. 6769 on Industrial Property (“Law”) regulates that a trademark shall be revoked if a trademark (i) has not been genuinely used within five years of its registration or (ii) is not used uninterruptedly for five years. For this provision to apply, the use of trademark must be in relation to the goods or services for which it is registered and the trademark owner should not have a valid reason for not using the trademark.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

A New Era in Cross-Border Data Transfers in Turkey

The Law Proposal Amending the Code of Criminal Procedure and Certain Laws and Decree Law No. 659 (“Law Proposal”), which embodies significant changes to the Law No. 6698 on the Personal Data Protection (“DPL”) has been submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly (“Assembly”) on February 16, 2024.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Siber İşgal ve Alan Adı Uyuşmazlık Çözüm Mekanizmaları

Dünya Fikri Mülkiyet Örgütü ("WIPO"), siber işgali “ticari markaların alan adı olarak, bu tür isimlerde hakları olmayan üçüncü taraflarca önleyici, kötü niyetli tescili" olarak tanımlamaktadır. Siber işgal faaliyeti, alan adı kaydının "ilk gelen ilk alır" ilkesinden faydalanır ve çoğu durumda birincil motivasyon, hak sahiplerinden ticari kazanç elde etmektir.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Cybersquatting under Different Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

The World Intellectual Property Organization ("WIPO") defines cybersquatting as “the preemptive, bad faith registration of trademarks as domain names by third parties who do not have rights in such names”. Cybersquatting takes advantage of the "first come, first served" principle of domain name registration and in most cases, the primary motivation for cybersquatting is to receive commercial offers from the rightful owners.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Board Decision: Processing Special Categories of Employee Data

In its decision dated August 10, 2023 w. no 2023/1356, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint regarding an employer that submitted the camera footage of its employee praying in a masjid in a reinstatement lawsuit.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Board Decision: Data Processing Activities of an Online Game

In its decision dated September 28, 2023 and numbered 2023/1645, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint regarding a local distributor of a massively multiplayer online game due to its unlawful processing of personal data.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Board Decision: Confidentiality Obligations of Banks

In its decision dated June 15, 2023 and numbered 2023/1050, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint regarding a bank’s failure to fulfill a customer’s request to provide the transcript of the conversation between the bank’s customer representative and the customer.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Board Decision: Processing Former Employee’s Email Data

In its decision dated August 3, 2023 and numbered 2023/1321, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint regarding a company’s continued processing of e-mail data of a former shareholder.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Board Decision: Mobile App Requesting National ID for Verification

In its decision dated August 17, 2023 and numbered 2023/1430, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint regarding a meal card service provider processing Turkish identity number of users on its mobile application.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Board Decision: Mandatory Storage of Debit/Credit Card Data in E-Commerce Platforms

In its decision dated April 11, 2023 and numbered 2023/567, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint regarding an e-commerce platform that requires consumers to record their debit/credit card data (“Card Data”) in order to make a purchase.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Board Decision: Unlawful Voice Recordings in Labor Disputes

In its decision dated September 7, 2023 and numbered 2023/1548, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint regarding an employer submitting voice recordings of an employee to the court, in relation to a labor dispute.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Board Decision: Mandatory Checkboxes for Cross-Border Data Transfers

In its decision dated June 15, 2023 w. no 2023/1041, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint against a service provider selling medical devices online for failure to provide proper notice on data processing activities to data subjects and forcing data subjects to provide explicit consent as a prerequisite of sale.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

An Important Decision by the Constitutional Court: Lack of Adequate Judicial Assessment for Privacy Related Fine

The Constitutional Court’s Decision No. 2020/7518 (“Decision”) was published on the Official Gazette on December 15, 2023. The Decision pertains to the violation of property rights resulting from an administrative fine imposed by the Turkish Personal Data Protection Board due to a data breach.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Kara Cuma İndirimleri: Reklamlara İlişkin Kurallar

E-ticaretin katlanarak büyümesi tüketicilerin davranışlarını büyük ölçüde değiştirdiği için Kara Cuma (Black Friday) satışları, tüketicilerin yüksek indirim oranlarından "etkilendiği" bir olgu haline gelmiştir. Bu tür satışlar sırasında çevrimiçi alışverişte gerçekleşen artış, tüketici alışkanlıklarını önemli ölçüde şekillendirmiş ve tüketicilerin menfaatlerini korumaya yönelik yasal düzenlemelerin önemini göz önüne sermiştir.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Black Friday Sales: What are the Rules?

As the exponential growth of e-commerce has revolutionized consumer behavior, Black Friday sales have become a global phenomenon, where consumers are almost “influenced” by high discount rates. The increase in online shopping during such events has significantly shaped consumer habits, underscoring the crucial importance of enacting legislation to protect consumer rights and interests.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Veri İhlali Bildirim Süreci: AB Hukuku ile Türk Hukukunun Kısa Bir Karşılaştırması

Avrupa Birliği Veri Koruma Genel Tüzüğü (2016/679) (“GDPR”) ile 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (“KVKK”), kişisel verileri koruma anlamında önemli roller üstlenen yasal düzenlemelerdir.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Data Breach Notification Process: A Short Comparison Between EU and Turkish Law

The General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (“GDPR”) and Law No. 6698 on Protection of Personal Data (“DPL”) of Turkey are the key pieces of legislation applied in the relevant jurisdictions.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu’ndan Yeni Rehber: Genetik Veri İşlenirken Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler

Genetik Verilerin İşlenmesinde Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Hususlara İlişkin Rehber (“Rehber”), 13 Ekim 2023 tarihinde Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu (“Kurum”) tarafından resmi internet sitesinde yayınlanmıştır. 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’nda (“Kanun”) genetik veriler, ayrı bir şekilde tanımlanmamakla birlikte, özel nitelikli kişisel veri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu bağlamda, genetik verilerin kullanım alanları, Rehber’de (i) sağlık alanında teşhis ve tedavi amaçlı genetik analiz, (ii) üstsoy ve alt soy tespiti amaçlı genetik analiz ve (iii) genetik yatkınlık tespiti amaçlı genetik analiz olarak sıralanmaktadır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Authority’s Recommendations on Sending Verification Codes in Stores

Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority published an announcement on November 13, 2023, regarding personal data processing activities where a verification code is sent to data subjects via SMS while shopping in stores. The Announcement focuses on the data controllers’ non-compliant data processing practices during face-to-face shopping and provides several recommendations.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Obligations under the Distance Contracts Regulation are Postponed

On August 23, 2022, important regulations regarding sellers’ obligation to inform consumers’ preliminarily and consumers’ right of withdrawal were introduced (“Amendment”) in the Distance Contracts[1] Regulation, for which the effective date was determined to be January 1, 2024.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Reklam Kurulu Yapay Zeka ile Oluşturulan Reklamları İnceliyor

Gündelik yaşamı etkileyen teknolojik ilerlemeler ile ticari reklamların oluşturulma ve tüketicilere sunulma şekilleri de çeşitlilik göstermeye başladı. Bunun neticesinde ortaya çıkan sonuçlardan bir tanesi de yapay zeka ile oluşturulan ticari reklamlardır. Ticaret Bakanlığı, 13 Eylül 2023 tarihinde yayınladığı duyuru ile yapay zeka kullanılarak oluşturulan reklamları Reklam Kurulu’nun gündemine ilk defa almış bulunduğunu kamuoyu ile paylaşmıştır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Advertisement Board Examines Ads Created with AI

As technological advances affect everyday life, the ways the commercial advertising is created and presented to consumers began to change as well. One of the results of this change is the emergence of commercial advertising created with artificial intelligence. On September 13, 2023, Ministry of Commerce informed the public with an announcement that for the first time on the Advertisement Board’s agenda, they had advertisements created using artificial intelligence.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Anayasa Mahkemesi’nden Reklam Kurulu’nun Ceza Yetkisini Daraltan Karar

Anayasa Mahkemesi, 13 Eylül 2023 tarihli kararı (2022/70 E. 2023/152 K.) ile 6502 sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun’un 77. maddesi ile düzenlenen ticari reklam düzenlemelerine aykırı halinde Reklam Kurulu’nun uygulamakla yetkili olduğu erişim engeli yaptırımını iptal etmiştir. Karar, 27 Ekim 2023 tarihli Resmî Gazete ’de yayımlanmıştır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu’ndan Yeni Rehber: Genetik Veri İşlenirken Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler

Genetik Verilerin İşlenmesinde Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Hususlara İlişkin Rehber (“Rehber”), 13 Ekim 2023 tarihinde Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu tarafından resmi internet sitesinde yayınlanmıştır. 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’nda genetik veriler, ayrı bir şekilde tanımlanmamakla birlikte, özel nitelikli kişisel veri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu bağlamda, genetik verilerin kullanım alanları, Rehber’de (i) sağlık alanında teşhis ve tedavi amaçlı genetik analiz, (ii) üstsoy ve alt soy tespiti amaçlı genetik analiz ve (iii) genetik yatkınlık tespiti amaçlı genetik analiz olarak sıralanmaktadır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Constitutional Court’s Decision Restricts the Advertisement Board's Criminal Jurisdiction

The Constitutional Court annulled the Article 77 of the Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers ("Law"), which authorizes the Advertisement Board to impose access blocking sanctions on those who violate the commercial advertisement regulations.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

New Guideline from the Data Protection Authority: Considerations When Processing Genetic Data

The Guideline on Matters to Consider when Processing Genetic Data ("Guideline") was published by the Personal Data Protection Authority ("Authority") on its official website on October 13, 2023. While genetic data is not defined separately under the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data ("Law"), it is categorized as one of the special categories of personal data.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Co-Existing Agreements under Turkish Law

Turkish legislation enables the registration of signs with the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office ("TürkPatent"), even if they are identical to or indistinguishably similar to a trademark for identical goods or services or goods and services of the same type, with co-existing agreements and deed of consent.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Copyrights in Turkish Law: Reflections in the Digital Era

In the current digital age, characterized by the widespread presence of social media platforms and video streaming channels, users have evolved from passive consumers of content to active participants. Users now engage in various activities, such as sharing their intellectual creations, distributing the work of others, and even creating and circulating their own content that incorporates elements from someone else's work which is called adapted work.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Karanlık Ticari Tasarımları Anlamak

Karanlık Ticari Tasarımlar (“karanlık tasarımlar”) tüketicilerin davranışlarını ve tercihlerini etkilemek için işletmecilerin ve reklamcıların kullandığı aldatıcı ve manipülatif taktikleri ifade eder. Bu taktikler, genellikle bireylerin psikolojik hassasiyetlerini göz önünde bulundurarak duygusal tepkilerini yönlendirmekte ve normal şartlarda almayacakları kararları almaları için üzerlerinde baskı oluşturmaktadır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Understanding Dark Commercial Patterns – Turkey

Dark Commercial Patterns (“dark patterns”) refer to deceptive and manipulative tactics exercised by businesses and advertisers to influence consumer behaviors and preferences. These tactics often exploit individuals’ psychological vulnerabilities, manipulate their emotions, and exert pressure to make decisions they might not otherwise have made. While there is no strict legal definition for dark patterns, these patterns are widely recognized as unethical practices that undermine the principle of transparency and although many implementations are accepted as one, the primary objective of a dark pattern is considered to have an effect on consumers’ will.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Elektronik Ticaret Mevzuatındaki Güncel Gelişmeler - 2

07 Temmuz 2022 tarihinde Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanun’un (“Kanun”) değiştirilmesi ve bu doğrultuda Elektronik Ticaret Aracı Hizmet Sağlayıcı ve Elektronik Ticaret Hizmet Sağlayıcılar Hakkında Yönetmelik’in (“Yönetmelik”) yürürlüğe girmesi ile elektronik ticaret aracı hizmet sağlayıcıların (“ETAHS”) ve elektronik ticaret hizmet sağlayıcıların (“ETHS”) yükümlülükleri, elektronik ticarette haksız ticari uygulamalar, hukuka aykırı içerik, aracılık sözleşmesi, elektronik ticaret lisansı ve elektronik ticarete ilişkin diğer hususlar düzenlenmiştir. Söz konusu gelişmeler birçok tartışmayı beraberinde getirmesinin yanı sıra Danıştay'da, Yönetmelik için yürütmenin durdurulması istenmiş ve Anayasa Mahkemesi'nde ise Kanun'un ilgili hükümlerinin iptali için de iptal davası açılmıştı.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Recent Developments in Turkish E-Commerce Legislation – 2

On July 7, 2022, the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce (“Law”) was amended. Accordingly, the Regulation on Electronic Commerce Intermediary Service Providers and Electronic Commerce Service Providers (“Regulation”) was published. In this regard, the obligations of electronic commerce intermediary service providers (“ETAHS”) and electronic commerce service providers (“ETHS”), unfair commercial practices in electronic commerce, illegal content, intermediation agreement, electronic commerce license and other issues related to electronic commerce are regulated.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Çevrimiçi Tüketici Yorumları Artık Denetime Tabi

Reklam Kurulu'nun 12 Eylül 2023 tarih ve 337 sayılı kararına istinaden Tüketici Yorumları Hakkında Kılavuz (“Kılavuz”) 19 Eylül 2023 tarihinde T.C. Ticaret Bakanlığı internet sitesinde yayımlandı. Bu Kılavuz ile Ticari Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Yönetmeliği'nde düzenlenen genel hususlar örneklerle açıklanmış ve Reklam Kurulu'nun kararlarındaki yaklaşımı somutlaştırılmıştır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Online Consumer Reviews are Now Subject to Audit

On September 19, 2023, the Turkish Ministry of Trade published the Consumer Reviews Guide, based on the Turkish Advertising Board's recent decision (dated September 12, 2023, and numbered 337). This comprehensive guide elaborates on key aspects of the Commercial Advertisement and Unfair Commercial Practices Regulation. It defines consumer reviews, outlines their scope, and sets rules for their publication. The guide mandates that reviews should be objective, date-stamped, and available for at least a year. It prohibits misleading health claims and misleading reviews for benefits. Furthermore, it requires transparency in publishing criteria and imposes responsibilities on various stakeholders to ensure fair consumer reviews.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Board Fines a Private Healthcare Institution for a Mandatory Checkbox

Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a complaint regarding a private health institution obtaining explicit consent from patients unlawfully, in its decision dated 02.05.2023 and numbered 2023/692.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Board Fines a Private Hospital for Making Videos about Patients’ Treatments

Turkish Personal Data Protection Board (“Board”) evaluated a notice regarding a private hospital obtaining explicit consent from patients for processing personal data, including health data, within the scope of advertising and promotion activities in its decision dated 11.05.2023 and numbered 2023/787. In the notice, the data subject demanded action to be taken by stating that the private hospital data controller, through the patient consent forms, request explicit consent from the patients in order to share their photographs and videos with the contracted media organs for advertising and promotion purposes.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Tescilli Markaların İptali 2024’te Kolaylaşacak Mı?

Markalara ilişkin hakların korunmasını düzenleyen 6769 sayılı Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu (“SMK”), 10 Ocak 2017’de, Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanmış ve hükümlerinin çoğunluğu yayım tarihinde yürürlüğe girmiştir. Ancak, İptal Halleri ve İptal Talebi başlıklı 26. Maddesinin, yayım tarihinden itibaren 7 yıl sonra yürürlüğe gireceği düzenlenmiştir. Bu da 10 Ocak 2024 tarihinde, tescilli markaların iptali prosedürünün değişeceği anlamına gelmektedir. Mevcut durumda, SMK Geçici Madde 4 uyarınca, iptal yetkisi Fikri ve Sınai Haklar Hukuk Mahkemeleri tarafından kullanılmaktadır ve mahkemeler, iptale ilişkin verdikleri kararları, markanın iptalinin gerçekleştirilmesi adına, Türk Patent ve Marka Kurumu’na (“Kurum”) göndermektedir. Bu prosedürün mevcut durumdaki şartları ve detayları ciddi bir biçimde değişmeyecek olsa da iptal yetkisi Fikri ve Sınai Haklar Hukuk Mahkemeleri’nden Kurum’a geçecektir. Maddenin gerekçesine göre bu düzenlemenin sebebi, 2015/2436 AB Direktifi ve 2015/2424 AB Marka Direktifi’ne uyum sağlanmasıdır. Bu değişiklik, sürecin daha kolay, hızlı ve ucuz olması sonucunu doğurabilecektir.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Will Revoking Registered Trademarks be Easier in 2024?

The main local legislation regulating the protection of trademarks in the Republic of Turkey, the Industrial Property Law With No. 6769 (“IPL”), was published on the Turkish Official Gazette on 10 January 2017. While most of the provisions of the IPL came into force on the date of the publication, the Article 26 of the IPL, titled Revocation Conditions and Revocation Request, was regulated to come into force after 7 years, meaning that on 10 January 2024, the procedure for revocation of registered trademarks will change. Currently, pursuant to the Provisional Article 4 of the IPL, the Intellectual Property Courts have the authority to revoke the registered trademarks and after a revocation decision of a trademark, the courts send the decision to Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (“Office”) for the trademarks to be revoked.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

A Fitness Center Processing Data Subject’s Blood Type

The Personal Data Protection Board assessed a complaint against a fitness center for processing blood type information without explicit consent, a special category of personal data. The Board imposed a fine of TRY 100.000 on the fitness center for not meeting obligations under Article 12 of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data. The center was instructed to provide a privacy notice and explicit consent separately as per the law and related guidelines. Allegations of improper data storage and unauthorized access to security camera footage were unproven.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Elektronik Ticaret Mevzuatındaki Güncel Gelişmeler

Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanun (“Kanun”) 07.07.2022 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir. Bu doğrultuda da Elektronik Ticaret Aracı Hizmet Sağlayıcı ve Elektronik Ticaret Hizmet Sağlayıcılar Hakkında Yönetmelik (“Yönetmelik”) Resmî Gazete’de yayınlanmıştır. İlgili Yönetmelik kapsamında elektronik ticaret aracı hizmet sağlayıcıların (“ETAHS”) ve elektronik ticaret hizmet sağlayıcıların (“ETHS”) yükümlülükleri, elektronik ticarette haksız ticari uygulamalar, hukuka aykırı içerik, aracılık sözleşmesi, elektronik ticaret lisansı ve elektronik ticarete ilişkin diğer hususlar düzenlenmiştir.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Recent Developments in Turkish E-Commerce Legislation

The Law on Electronic Commerce was amended, and a Regulation on Electronic Commerce Intermediaries and Service Providers was published. It regulates obligations, unfair practices, licenses, and more. The Regulation faced debates and is under review by the Council of State and Constitutional Court. Pending decisions may impact e-commerce companies. If executed, provisions will require ETAHS and ETHS to get licenses, restrict advertising budgets, and prevent certain activities. The aim is fair competition, consumer protection, and preventing aggressive practices. The upcoming decisions will shape Turkish e-commerce legislation.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

VERBIS'e Kayıt Şartlarında Değişiklik

Bugün Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurulu’nun (“Kurul”) 06 Temmuz 2023 tarihli ve 2023/1154 sayılı kararıyla Veri Sorumluları Sicili’ne (“VERBİS”) kayıt yükümlülüğüne istisna getirilmesine kriter olarak kabul edilmiş olan “yıllık mali bilanço toplamı” tutarında, ülkemizdeki ekonomik koşullar doğrultusunda yeniden değerlendirme yapılmıştır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Changes to the Requirements for Registration to VERBIS

The Turkish Personal Data Protection Board amended the exemption limit for Data Controllers Registry (VERBIS) registration due to economic conditions. The new limit is 100.000.000 Turkish Liras for the annual financial balance sheet, up from the previous 25.000.000 Turkish Liras. Data controllers with less than 50 employees and an annual financial balance sheet total below TRY 100.000.000 are exempt from VERBIS registration. The effective date is 25 July 2023, and the exception applies only to local data controllers, not foreign ones.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Enerji Sektöründe Siber Güvenlik Yetkinlik Modeli Yönetmeliği

06.06.2023 tarihli 32213 sayılı Resmi Gazete'de yayınlanan Enerji Sektöründe Siber Güvenlik Yetkinlik Modeli Yönetmeliği yürürlüğe girdi. Bu yönetmelikle 13.07.2017 tarihli Enerji Sektöründe Kullanılan Endüstriyel Kontrol Sistemlerinde Bilişim Güvenliği Yönetmeliği yürürlükten kaldırıldı. Enerji piyasasında lisans sahibi tüzel kişilerin (Yükümlü Kuruluşlar) endüstriyel kontrol sistemlerinin güvenliği ve güvenilirliği için belirli hükümler düzenlendi. Yönetmelikte, yetkinlik modeli, enerji alt sektörlerine göre farklılık gösteriyor ve üç temel yetkinlik seviyesinden oluşuyor. Yükümlü Kuruluşlar belirlenen seviyeye bağlanan ve zorunlu olarak gerçekleştirmeleri gereken maddeleri hedeflenen sürede tamamlamakla yükümlüdür. Yönetmelik, sektörün siber güvenlik açısından etkin koruma sağlamasını amaçlamaktadır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Regulation on Cyber Security Competency Model in the Energy Sector

The Regulation on Cyber Security Competency Model in the Energy Sector (“Regulation”) was published by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (“Authority”) in the Official Gazette dated 06.06.2023 and numbered 32213. The Regulation has entered into force on the publishing date and the Regulation on Information Security in Industrial Control Systems Used in the Energy Sector (“Repealed Regulation”) dated 13.07.2017 was repealed with the Regulation and that all references to the Repealed Regulation would be deemed to have been made to the Regulation.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Sending Invoices Issued to Third Parties to a Data Subject’s E-Mail Address

The Personal Data Protection Board addressed a complaint about the improper processing of personal data through e-invoice sending to a data subject's email. Despite previous instructions to implement security measures, the data controller continued sending third-party invoices to the data subject. This lack of verification mechanisms and proactive approach violates the principle of accuracy and up-to-dateness under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698. Consequently, the Board imposed an administrative fine of TRY 200,000 (approx. EUR 6,954) and instructed the data controller to prevent such data transmission in the future.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Sending SMS for Marketing Purposes Without Explicit Consent

The Personal Data Protection Board imposed a fine of TRY 30,000 on a data controller for processing personal data without explicit consent and failing to inform the data subject. The data controller sent marketing messages without fulfilling legal obligations. Although the data controller apologized and made corrections, the Board determined a data breach and a lack of necessary security measures. The fine was imposed for non-compliance with data protection laws.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Sending Commercial Electronic Message Without Obtaining Consent

The Personal Data Protection Board assessed a complaint regarding a data controller sending unsolicited commercial emails to a lawyer's work email address without consent. The Board found that the email address was publicly available due to the lawyer's own actions, but this does not justify processing the personal data for any purpose. Since lawyers are not considered traders or merchants, prior consent is required to send commercial emails. The data controller failed to fulfill obligations under the law, resulting in a fine of TRY 150,000. The data controller must also respond to unanswered information requests and provide evidence of data deletion.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

“.tr” Uzantılı Alan Adlarında Uyuşmazlık Çözüm Mekanizması

TRABİS’in faaliyete geçmesi ile birlikte, “.tr” uzantılı alan adlarının hak ihlaline sebep olacak şekilde tahsis edilmesi halinde, uyuşmazlık çözüm mekanizması aracılığıyla uyuşmazlıklar hızlıca sonuçlandırılabilmektedir. Bunun için, başvuru usulüne ve sürelerine dikkat etmek ve şikâyetin taraflarınca iddiaların ve savunmaların düzgün bir şekilde ortaya konması oldukça önem arz etmektedir.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Dispute Resolution Mechanism for “.tr” Domain Names

The allocation of ".tr" domain names in Turkey transitioned from the Middle East Technical University to the Information Technologies and Communications Authority (BTK) and the .tr Network Information System (TRABIS) in 2022. This shifted domain name allocation to a "first come, first served" principle, prompting issues about domain name disputes. To address this, Turkey implemented a system similar to the Uniform Settlement Policy of Domain Name Disputes (UDRP) of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Disputes are resolved within approximately a month by Dispute Resolution Service Providers (DRSPs).

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Sharing Statements Received from a Data Subject During a Job Interview

The Personal Data Protection Board addressed a complaint where a company shared a data subject's job interview information with their current employer. The Board found that this sharing violated the Personal Data Protection Law and imposed a fine of TRY 100,000 on the data controller. It was clarified that the data controller's obligation to respond to the data subject's application was not affected by an ongoing investigation. The Board also emphasized the need for the data controller to comply with the provisions of the law and warned them accordingly.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Data Subject Requests Under Turkish Data Protection Law

The Law on Protection of Personal Data in Turkey grants data subjects certain rights similar to those in the General Data Protection Regulation. These rights include the right to know if personal data is being processed, the purpose of processing, and the recipients of data transfers. Data subjects also have the right to rectify or erase their data, object to automated decision-making, and seek compensation for unlawful processing. The exercise of these rights is subject to specific requirements outlined in the Communiqué on The Procedures and Principles of Application to Data Controller. Valid data subject requests must contain certain information and can be submitted through various methods. Data controllers are obligated to respond to valid requests within 30 days. Failure to comply with valid requests may result in administrative fines.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkey Cracks Down on Rise of Greenwashing in Ads

Greenwashing is the practice of presenting a product, brand, or institution as environmentally friendly through misleading ads and claims. It challenges transparency in consumer decision-making. In Turkey, misleading ads are regulated under the Regulation on Commercial Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices, forbidding misleading information on environmental impact. The Advertisement Board oversees and sanctions commercial advertising, including cases of greenwashing. Recent examples include fines imposed on companies for unproven energy-saving claims, false plant-based product statements, unverified CO2 emission savings, and misleading eco-friendly packaging claims. Compliance with regulations and transparency are essential to avoid penalties and protect consumers.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Transferring the Health Data of a Data Subject to the Public Institution

In its decision numbered 2022/790, the Personal Data Protection Board addressed a complaint concerning the transfer of a data subject's health data to a public institution for an ongoing administrative lawsuit. The complaint alleged that the transfer of the data subject's health data from a university hospital to the public institution constituted an unlawful processing of personal data. The Board determined that the transfer violated data protection principles and instructed the data controller to take corrective actions, including disciplinary measures and data destruction. The data subject was also advised to apply for correction through the provincial health directorate. The Board emphasized the importance of timely response to data subject requests.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

The Intellectual Property Review - 2

Turkish law provides effective enforcement procedures for protecting intellectual property (IP) rights. Cease-and-desist letters are advised, followed by civil or criminal court actions and potential customs confiscation. Specialized IP courts handle civil and criminal cases. Evidence collection involves expert examinations and search warrants. Preliminary injunctions are available. Written documents play a key role in IP litigation. Defence strategies include challenging distinctive character and prior rights. Remedies include cessation of infringing acts, confiscation, and compensation. Appellate review is possible, and alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation and arbitration are encouraged. AI-related patent ownership and changes to domain name dispute resolution are emerging trends.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

The Intellectual Property Review - 1

Turkey is a significant jurisdiction for intellectual property (IP) law. IP cases are handled by specialized IP courts in major cities. Turkish IP law aligns with EU law and international standards, providing strong protection. Key treaties and conventions are enacted into local law. Trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs, patents, and geographical indications are protected under specific laws. Trademarks distinguish products/services, copyrights protect original works, industrial designs safeguard product appearances, and patents secure inventions. IP registration processes involve applications, examination, opposition, and registration. Protection durations vary. Recent developments include regulations on electronic commerce intermediary service providers and the launch of the TRABIS network.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Processing of Personal Data of the Child without the Explicit Consent of the Parent

The Personal Data Protection Board assessed a complaint about a marketing company processing a child's personal data without explicit parental consent. The company's self-employed entrepreneur sent a promotional brochure to an 8-year-old child, allegedly processing the child's data unlawfully. The Board clarified that the entrepreneur acted independently as a data controller, and the company had no involvement in the data processing. The argument that personal data was provided by the data subject was rejected, as it didn't meet the exception provision. Processing the child's name and address for marketing purposes didn't fulfill the conditions in the law, resulting in a fine. The company was instructed to obtain explicit consent and comply with data protection regulations.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Transferring Personal Data Abroad Without Obtaining Explicit Consent / May 17, 2023

In its decision, the Personal Data Protection Board addressed a complaint regarding the unauthorized transfer of personal data from a bank to an insurance company. The complaint alleged that the bank shared the data subject's phone number without explicit consent. The Board determined that the transfer violated the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and the principle of obtaining explicit consent. The data controller failed to provide evidence of informed consent or a lawful basis for the transfer. Sharing personal data without the customer's instruction, even with explicit consent, is prohibited. As a result, the Board imposed a fine on the bank for breaching data protection obligations.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Continuing to Process Personal Data of the Employee by the Employer After the Termination of the Employment Contract

The Personal Data Protection Board evaluated a complaint about the employer continuing to process the personal data of the data subject after the termination of their employment contract. The complaint stated that the data controller company used the data subject's photos and phone number for promotional purposes and communication with courier companies after the contract ended. The Board found that using the photos for advertising purposes and processing the phone number without proper notification violated the principle of accuracy and up-to-date information. Consequently, an administrative fine of TRY 250,000 was imposed on the data controller, and they were instructed to delete the unlawfully processed data and provide a report to the data subject's representative.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Transferring Personal Data Abroad Without Obtaining Explicit Consent

The Personal Data Protection Board has imposed an administrative fine of TRY 950.000 (approx. EUR 44.246) on a technology company for transferring personal data abroad without explicit consent from the data subjects, and not responding to their request within the legally specified period. The board stated that the company violated the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and failed to take necessary technical and administrative measures to ensure appropriate security level. Moreover, the company did not submit a commitment to provide adequate protection in the country to which the transfer would be made. The Board instructed the company to make necessary arrangements and inform the Board.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Sharing the Photos Taken During Surgery

The Personal Data Protection Board evaluated the complaint application about sharing the photos taken during surgery of the data subject and published on the social media account by a doctor who works in the data controller hospital in its decision dated 29.06.2022 and numbered 2022/630.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Sending Order Information to Erroneous Email Address

The Personal Data Protection Board evaluated the complaint application regarding sending the order information of a third party from the e-commerce website which is the data controller to the data subject in its decision dated 03.08.2022 and numbered 2022/774.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Failure to Provide the Privacy Policy and Explicit Consent Wording for Cookies

The Personal Data Protection Board evaluated the complaint application regarding the failure of the data controller to provide the privacy policy and explicit consent wording for cookies on the website of a gaming platform in its decision dated 23.12.2022 and numbered 2022/1358.

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Sosyal Ağ Sağlayıcı Hakkında Usul ve Esaslar

Bilgi Teknolojileri ve İletişim Kurumu’nun “Sosyal Ağ Sağlayıcı Hakkında Usul ve Esaslar”ına ilişkin yeni kararı, 1 Nisan 2023 tarihinde Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanarak yürürlüğe girmiştir.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Procedures and Principles About Social Network Provider

The new decision of the Information Technologies and Communication Authority on the “Procedures and Principles About Social Network Provider” was published on the Official Gazette and entered into force on April 1, 2023.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Sinema Eserlerinde İcracı Sanatçıların Bağlantılı Hakları

5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu uyarınca korunan eser türlerinden biri olan sinema eserleri “her çeşit eşsiz, bilimsel, öğretici veya teknik mahiyette olan veya günlük olayları tespit eden filmler veya sinema filmleri gibi, tespit edildiği materyale bakılmaksızın, elektronik veya mekanik veya benzeri araçlarla gösterilebilen, sesli veya sessiz, birbiriyle ilişkili hareketli görüntüler dizisidir.” şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

The Performer’s Related Rights in Cinematographic Works

Cinematographic works, which are one of the types of works protected in accordance with the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works numbered 5846, are defined as “works such as films of an artistic, scientific, educational or technical nature or films recording daily events or movies, that consist of a series of related moving images with or without sound and which, regardless of the material in which they are fixed, can be shown by the use of electronic or mechanical or similar devices”.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Monetary Thresholds are Increased for the Service Providers in Electronic Commerce

With a law published on the Official Gazette dated 07 July 2022 and numbered 31889, significant changes were made in the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce with no. 6563 (“Law”). With the relevant amendment, the definitions of "electronic commerce service provider" and "electronic commerce intermediary service provider" and the obligations of these service providers were added to the Law. In addition, certain additional obligations were regulated for service providers exceeding the thresholds determined by the Law. The same Law also stated that the determined thresholds can be increased by half by the President in February 2023.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Elektronik Ticaret Hizmet Sağlayıcılar için Belirlenen Parasal Eşikler Arttırıldı

07 Temmuz 2022 tarihli 31889 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan bir kanun ile 6563 sayılı Elektronik Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanun’da (“Kanun”) önemli değişiklikler yapılmıştı. İlgili değişiklikle, Kanun’a “elektronik ticaret hizmet sağlayıcı” ve “elektronik ticaret aracı hizmet sağlayıcı” tanımları ve bu hizmet sağlayıcıların yükümlülükleri eklenmişti. Ayrıca, bu hizmet sağlayıcılar için Kanun’da farklı eşikler belirlenerek, belirlenen eşikleri aşan hizmet sağlayıcılar için birtakım ek yükümlülükler düzenlenmişti. Yine aynı Kanun’da, belirlenen eşiklerin Cumhurbaşkanı tarafından 2023 Şubat ayı içerisinde yarısına kadar arttırılabileceğine yer verilmişti.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Eserler Üzerindeki Manevi Hakların Devri

Telif hakları, Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu ile koruma altına alınmaktadır. Telif hakkının konusu eser olarak kabul edilmektedir ve öncelikle bir eser olması gerekmektedir. Mali haklar, ekonomik kazanç elde etmeyi sağlamakta ve üçüncü kişilerin eserden yararlanmasını da engelleme yetkisi mali haklar aracılığıyla tanınmaktadır. Manevi haklar ise eser sahibinin kendisi tarafından kullanılan, vazgeçilemeyen ve devredilemeyen haklardır. Manevi haklar, eser sahibinin ölümünden sonraki süreçte de yetmiş (70) yıl boyunca korunur ve bu süre boyunca mirasçılar tarafından kullanılabilir. Manevi hakların devri mümkün değildir, sadece manevi hakları "kullanma" yetkisi devredilebilir. Yargıtay Hukuk Genel Kurulu'nun da benimsemiş olduğu genel görüş ise, manevi hakların devrinin mümkün olmadığı, yalnızca manevi hakları "kullanma" yetkisinin devredilebileceği yönündedir.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Transfer of Moral Rights Over Works

The Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works in Turkey regulates copyright, which provides financial, moral, and other rights to the author of a work. While financial rights are transferrable and provide an economic benefit to the author, moral rights are inalienable and non-transferrable, as they reflect the author's bond with the work. After the author's death, moral rights can be used by heirs for seventy years, but they cannot be transferred. Although the author is always the owner of moral rights, he or she may authorize a third party to use them. The Supreme Court has established that only the authority to "use" moral rights can be transferred.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Administrative Fines to be Imposed in 2023 under the Personal Data Protection Law

The Personal Data Protection Board in Turkey has published the lower and upper limits of the administrative fines that may be imposed for violating the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 in 2023. These administrative fines are regulated in Article 18 "Misdemeanors" of the DPL, and apply to those who fail to fulfill their obligations, including the obligation to inform and the obligations related to data security. The minimum and maximum amounts of the fines are determined by the DPL and updated annually in line with the revaluation rate, and the fines for 2023 have been published by the Personal Data Protection Authority.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Cosmetic Product Advertisements

The Cosmetic Regulation defines cosmetic products and sets criteria for their quality and safety. Ads for cosmetic products are subject to restrictions to protect human health. Advertisements must comply with general regulations such as the Regulation on Commercial Advertisement and Unfair Commercial Practices, as well as cosmetics-specific regulations. Cosmetic ads should clearly state the product's features, avoid misleading health claims, and adhere to the cosmetic product definition. The Board of Advertisement closely monitors these regulations, aiming to prevent misleading marketing and ensure accurate information is provided to consumers.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Complaint to the E-Commerce Platforms in Case of Violation of IP Rights

The Regulation on Electronic Commerce Intermediary Service Providers and Electronic Commerce Service Providers has been published to ensure the development of electronic commerce and establish an effective and fair competition environment. One of the significant amendments to the regulation is the section on the violation of intellectual and industrial property rights. The regulation aims to provide quick results for the protection of intellectual and industrial rights by obligating e-commerce platforms to remove the product subject to the complaint without investigation, thereby taking an active role in protecting intellectual and industrial rights.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Regulation on E-Commerce Intermediary Service Providers and E-Commerce Service Providers

Turkey's amended Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce has introduced a new Regulation on Electronic Commerce Intermediary Service Providers and Electronic Commerce Service Providers. The new rules set out the obligations of electronic commerce intermediary service providers (ETAHS) and electronic commerce service providers (ETHS) concerning the provision and verification of information, the handling of orders, the regulation of unlawful content and unfair commercial practices, and the establishment and amendment of intermediation agreements. The regulation also establishes requirements for the advertising and discount budgets of large and very large ETAHS and ETHS and the creation of an electronic commerce license.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Draft Bill to Amend the Turkish Competition Law

The Turkish Competition Authority has prepared a Draft Bill to amend the Law on Protection of Competition, aiming to regulate and protect fair competition in the digital sector and align with the European Union's Digital Markets Act. The Draft Bill introduces new definitions, such as "core platform services" and "significant market power" (SMP), and extends the scope of the Authority's supervision to digital platforms providing core platform services. Undertakings with SMP must adhere to certain obligations, and violations may result in administrative fines, while repeated breaches could lead to a ban on mergers and acquisitions for up to five years.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Actor Contracts

Actor contracts in Turkish cinematographic works are governed by Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works. These innominate, consensual agreements involve transfer of financial rights from actors to producers. Legal characteristics of actor contracts vary, with mixed contracts considered most accurate, depending on each case's specific circumstances.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Turkish Data Protection Authority Started Enforcement Against Foreign Controllers

The Turkish Data Protection Authority (DPA) is investigating unregistered foreign controllers for non-compliance with VERBIS registration requirements. Foreign controllers collecting personal data from Turkey must appoint a local representative and register with VERBIS. Fines, calculated based on Law No. 5326, range from TRY 53,572 to TRY 2,678,863 (approx. USD 2,880 - USD 144,000). Non-compliant controllers may face additional fines or restricted data processing operations under the Law on Protection of Personal Data.

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Associate Position in Data, Technology & IP at Özdağıstanlı Ekici

Ozdagistanli Ekici, a law firm specializing in technology, data protection, and intellectual property (IP) rights, is delighted to open the role of Associate. The firm seeks a driven and competent candidate with an impressive academic background and a notable ability to demonstrate exceptional legal...


Özdağıstanlı Ekici Attorney Partnership Has Been Ranked in the GDR 100

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership has been ranked for the 4th consecutive year in the Global Data Review (GDR) 100, the only global ranking that identifies and profiles the world's top data law firms and consultancies, revealing the capabilities, track record and market reputation of the le...


Applications for Legal Internships are Now Open at Özdağıstanlı Ekici Attorney Partnership

Özdağıstanlı Ekici Attorney Partnership is currently accepting applications for 2022-2023 official trainee positions.The applications will be open until February 28, 2023. Candidates for legal internship should apply to [email protected] with their CV.For further information, ca...


Junior Associate

Associate: 1-2 years of experience Ozdagistanli Ekici is looking to hire an associate with 1-2 years of experience in data protection, technology and IP matters.Candidates are kindly requested to submit their CVs and any supporting documents via e-mail to [email protected]. Please do not...


Associate / Data protection, Technology & IP

Ozdagistanli Ekici is looking to hire an associate with 2-3 years of experience in data protection, technology and IP matters. Candidates are kindly requested to submit their CVs and any supporting documents via e-mail to [email protected]. Please visit

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