Lawyers Ümit Hergüner

Ümit Hergüner

Ümit Hergüner

Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Attorney Partnership

Ümit Hergüner is one of our firm’s founding partners and he oversees our M&A, Infrastructure & Project Finance, and Energy practice groups. Mr. Hergüner is a doyen of the Turkish legal community, where he is known as much for his strategic vision and vast international network as well as his practice oriented scholarly command. He is one of the leaders behind the establishment of the concept of corporate governance in Turkey.

Mr. Hergüner provides strategic advice to international clients entering the Turkish market, domestic clients investing abroad, and commercial clients engaged in complex cross-border transactions and international disputes, as well as advising all sides on large-scale infrastructure projects. He was first recognized as an innovator for cross-border transactions during his work on the intra-governmental agreement based legal regime for the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline project, and has since continued to advise some of the most famous names in international infrastructure project development.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Mergers & Acquisitions

Infrastructure & Project Finance

Energy & Natural Resources


Bar Admissions

Istanbul Bar






VİDEO - ESG Temel Kavramlara Giriş ve Sürdürülebilirlik Odaklı Yönetim

Kıdemli Ortağımız Ümit Hergüner ve ortaklarımız Deniz Tuncel ile Zeynep Tor’un, günümüzde giderek daha önemli bir konu haline gelen ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), Türkçe karşılığı ile Çevresel, Sosyal ve Yönetişim sürdürülebilirliği konusunu ele aldıkları ve ESG’nin temel kavramlarına bir giriş yaparak özellikle sürdürülebilirlik odaklı yönetim çerçevesinde çeşitli değerlendirmeler yaptıkları videomuz yayında!


Energy: Oil & Gas 2023 - Part 4

While Türkiye has experienced its share of problems following the global lockdowns in response to the fight against COVID-19 and the global tensions caused by the invasion of Ukraine, the energy market is, and will remain, a top priority from Türkiye’s strategic perspective. Considering the country’s potential for growth, it is expected that Türkiye’s energy use will grow by 50% over the next decade. The Turkish market is eager and eligible for new investments that will feed into the country’s increasing energy demand. This need, coupled with the Turkish government’s appetite for converting the country into an energy hub, will accelerate developments in the oil and gas sector in Türkiye.


Energy: Oil & Gas 2023 - Part 3

Applications for downstream oil and natural gas licences can only be filed by Turkish companies. That said, there is no limitation that prevents a Turkish licensee company from being wholly or partly owned by foreign individuals and/or legal entities.


Energy: Oil & Gas 2023 - Part 2

According to the Petroleum Market Law and the Natural Gas Market Law, a licence is required in order to perform market activities regulated under such legislation. Licence applications are made to EMRA. Licensees are entitled to benefit from the expropriation process if required by the licensed activities. Please see 3.11 Third-Party Access to Infrastructure for details on the legal framework for expropriation.


Energy: Oil & Gas 2023 - Part 1

Under the Turkish Petroleum Law No 6491, the term “petroleum” includes crude oil and natural gas. Petroleum resources in Türkiye are owned by, and are at the disposal of, the state. However, upstream interests are granted by way of licences with definite terms. In such cases, exploration licence and production lease holders must pay the state a one-eighth share (12.5%) as royalty for petroleum produced from an exploration or production area.

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