Lawyers Şule Uluç

Şule Uluç

Şule Uluç

Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Attorney Partnership

After working at an international law firm in Washington, D.C. specializing in international arbitration, Şule Uluç joined the Firm in 2011 where she has focused her practice in the areas of international and domestic arbitration and dispute resolution. She advises and represents our foreign and local clients in all areas of the dispute resolution processes including courts, domestic and international arbitration, amicable dispute resolution as well as mandatory mediation processes with unique experience in the areas of commercial, employment and real estate disputes. Uluç also has a substantial level of insolvency-related experience and actively works in the areas of bankruptcy, enforcement, and restructuring including her recent work in one of Turkey`s largest debt restructuring projects.

Uluç has recently successfully represented our globally known clients in the arbitration processes conducted before ICC and Istanbul Arbitration Centers for the resolution of high-scale commercial disputes.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Dispute Resolution


Corporate Support

Employment and Labor





International Law Institute (ILI), Istanbul Chapter

A Quick Look at Search and Seizure Processes in Criminal Law for the Infringement of Industrial Property Rights

Counterfeiting and counterfeit products are a significant threat in many aspects to the world’s leading companies mainly operating in the consumer goods, stationery and office supplies, clothing, personal care, and cosmetic sectors.


Süre Tutum Dilekçeleri Mazi Olacak

Trabzon 2. Asliye Ceza Mahkemesi, görmekte olduğu bir davada 5271 sayılı Ceza Muhakemesi Kanunu’nun (“CMK”) 273/1. maddesinde mezkûr “hükmün açıklanmasından itibaren” istinaf kanun yoluna başvuru zorunluluğu öngören hükmün Anayasa’nın 13 (Temel hak ve hürriyetlerin sınırlanması), 36 (Hak arama hürriyeti) ve 141. (Duruşmaların açık ve kararların gerekçeli olması) maddelerine aykırı olduğu gerekçesi ile iptali için Anayasa Mahkemesi’ne itiraz yoluna başvurmuştur.


Short Petitions for Appeal Will Be History

The Trabzon 2nd Criminal Court of First Instance applied to the Constitutional Court (contention of unconstitutionality) to annul the sentence under Article 273/1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure No. 5271 ("CCP") stipulating that a motion for appeal must be submitted "as of the pronouncement of the verdict", on grounds that it is in violation of Articles 13 (Restriction of fundamental rights and freedoms), Article 36 (Right to legal remedies) and Article 141 (Publicity of hearings and the necessity for the justification of verdicts) of the Constitution.


Commitments in Turkish Competition Law and Claim for Damages

The commitment procedure is an increasingly popular tool used in competition law that serves procedural economy by bringing closure to preliminary inquiries and investigation proceedings (“assessment proceedings”) while diminishing competition issues before they become competition infringements. The use of the term “competition issues” rather than “competition infringements” is significant for the commitment procedure as it allows undertakings to make amendments for potential anti-competitive behavior that does not constitute a hard-core infringement of competition.

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