Contributors SRP-Legal

Contact Information
  • Address: Levent, Şakayıklı Sk. No:10, 34330 Beşiktaş/İstanbul
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 90 (212) 401 4 401
  • Website:

SRP-Legal Law Office (“SRP-Legal”) provides legal consultancy, dispute resolution and compliance services for its clients in a wide variety of fields, including areas transformed by related technologies, new business models and information technologies. SRP-Legal is best known for legal merits covering state of the art IT and Telecoms Law, Technology Law issues such as Data Protection and Privacy Law, Artificial Intelligence Law, FinTech and InsureTech Law, Blockchain Law, Corporate Law and Commercial Law including E-Commerce Law.

As SRP-Legal, our target is to provide tailor-made legal, regulatory, policy, and strategic advice that fits the specific purposes of the clients’ requirements and needs. We offer advice to clients on legal and regulatory matters in highly regulated markets and industries, as well as public policy support vis a vis the government in Ankara. We have been acting as the top advisory legal consultants for industry and government on financial affairs from a legal point of view, in particular for technology related issues.

True to its name, in SRP-Legal, the S stands for Strategy, the R stands for Regulation, and the P stands for Policy. Although many law offices stand on their founding partners’ names, Dr. Ongun always aimed to establish a law office where the most qualified and distinguished lawyers and professionals gather for the same vision. In order to succeed this vision, the law office was named as SRP-Legal.

As SRP-Legal, we provide pioneering and innovative legal services that go beyond the rapidly changing needs of our clients. In this regard, we actively contribute to organisations that require national and international professional expertise.

As SRP-Legal, with our solution-oriented approach, we provide a comprehensive legal consultancy and compliance services tailored to the needs of our diverse client portfolio.

SRP-Legal, with a solution-oriented approach, provides comprehensive legal consultancy services tailored to the needs of a diverse and international client portfolio.

We are personally/individually committed to our clients, listen to their expectations and needs, and welcome their opinions and feedback.


  • Understand the current and forthcoming needs of clients and know the key factors that contribute to their success.
  • Define the right strategy, utilise ideas that have potential and develop strategies that add value to the business of our clients.
  • Create an environment for the generation of new ideas.
  • Establish efficient and clear communication.
  • Truly recognise progress that makes a difference and collaborate fully with all stakeholders.
  • Question all inputs from our clients to determine the appropriate solutions.
  • Quickly respond to rapidly changing and transformative economic and legal conditions.
  • Always aim for the most viable business results.

SRP-Legal is well-known and respected in business circles both at a national and international level. Not surprisingly, SRP-Legal’s practice has earned its well- deserved reputation for “excellence in representation”, with many satisfied clients as testimony to that.

While the interests of multinationals are often represented by local offices of international law firms, SRP-Legal, from its earliest days, has been successful in engaging with well-respected multinational law firms from its base in Istanbul. The result is that clients see SRP-Legal as both local but on a par with international law firms.

SRP-Legal offers clients applicable solutions to achieve their commercial goals within the applicable Turkish Law. SRP-Legal provides unique client experience, with the motto “Regulating Future”.

Diversity and Inclusion Statement

SRP-Legal is a law firm that embraces a culture prioritizing diversity and inclusiveness, while encouraging, defending, and glorifying diversity in its work environment and elsewhere. For SRP-Legal, diversity and inclusiveness are not only good business practice but much more; they are among the key values that are the basis of our corporate firm culture.

As SRP-Legal, we stand upon diversity and inclusiveness and make every effort to create equal opportunities for each person. That means not discriminating based on race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or any other status. As SRP-Legal, we consider and take the pride in, the office culture which we created upon our potential, creative solutions and proud synergy arising from our diversity, as one of our greatest assets.

We are committed to expand and develop our team with talented and determined lawyers and administrative staff with diverse and high-level education, experience and backgrounds, within the framework of accommodating and supporting all kinds of diversity. In that way, we can provide our clients with the quality of service, leadership, personal attention and integrity they deserve.

We believe that a team and an office environment which include all kinds of diversity make us more creative, stronger, and effective. We will continue to have an open, fair, and inclusive workplace as part of our firm culture.

As SRP-Legal, we show our best efforts to provide all our team members with the opportunity to reach their full and best potential.

Our Office,

  • Creates and maintains an environment of respect for all lawyers and staff,
  • Runs programs to support and mentor diversity,
  • Supports its employees’ awareness of diversity and inclusiveness and respectful approach towards each other,
  • Stands against all kinds of discrimination,
  • Arranges professional and networking opportunities designed to meet the needs of our lawyers and our administrative staff,
  • Works to ensure the rate of retention and advancement of lawyers and staff of different gender and backgrounds, and
  • Ensures that lawyers and staff of different backgrounds, gender and perspectives are represented in leadership positions within SRP-Legal.

Dr. Ongun, is a Board Member of International Women Forum Turkey, one of the worlds’ largest international women forums, and actively participates in all efforts to support diversity and women’s leadership in all fields, disciplines, and professions globally.

SRP-Legal’s Founder and Managing Partner Att. Dr. Cigdem Ayozger Ongun is a Founding Member and Ethics Committee Member at the Woman in Technology Association (“Wtech”) which is missioned to offer a broad range of support, programs and resources to advance women in technology throughout their education and career. Through its support to the Wtech, SRP-Legal contributes to the joint efforts to increase the women’s commitment and awareness of technology by enabling them to explore their potential and equality of opportunity and to ensure more women involvement in technology.

Key Contacts

Technology, Media and Communication, Financial Technologies, Commercial & Corporate, Competition and Data Protection & Privacy
Commercial & Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions


Technology, Media and Communication, Financial Technologies, Commercial & Corporate, Competition and Data Protection & Privacy
Commercial & Corporate, Litigation, Criminal Law, Public Policy Law
Commercial & Corporate, Mergers & Acquisitions
Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Data Protection & Privacy, Fintech, E-Commerce
Tax Law, Commercial Law, Financial Burdens in Telecommunications and IT Sector, Incentives and Supports, Mergers and Acquisitions, Transfer Pricing
Commercial/E-Commerce, Data Protection/Privacy, IT Law, Contract Law

The Personal Data Protection Authority of Türkiye published the amounts of administrative fines under the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data

On 03.01.2025, the Personal Data Protection Authority of Türkiye published on its website the amounts of the Administrative Fines regulated in Article 18 of the Turkish Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 increased by the revaluation rate ...


The Personal Data Protection Authority of Türkiye published an Information Note on the Application of Misdemeanors in Terms of Time on 19.12.2024

As a result of the amendments dated 02.03.2024 to the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data an Information Note on the Implementation of Misdemeanors in Terms of Time within the Scope of the Amendments ...


The Guidelines on the Banking Sector Best Practices on the Protection of Personal Data was updated by Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority on 08.01.2025

The Personal Data Protection Authority published The Guidelines on the Banking Sector Best Practices on the Protection of Personal Data on the Authority’s website on 08.01.2025.


Guidelines for International Transfer of Personal Data is Published

The Guidelines for International Transfer of Personal Data cover almost every aspect of international data transfers, with key highlights ...


The Cyber Security Presidency Affiliated to the Presidency of Republic of Türkiye Was Established With the Presidential Decree on the Cyber Security Presidency (Decree No: 177), Published in the Official Gazette Dated 08 January 2025 and Numbered 32776

With the Presidential Decree No. 177 on the Presidency of Cyber ​​Security published in the Official Gazette dated January 08, 2025 and numbered 32776, the Presidency of Cyber ​​Security was established under the Presidency of Republic of Türkiye with a public legal entity headquartered in Ankara.


The Personal Data Protection Authority published an Information Note on Chat Robots (Chat GPT Example)

An Information Note on Chat Robots (Chat GPT Example) was published on the website of the Personal Data Protection Authority dated on 08.11.2024.


Teknogirişim Şirketlerinin (Startup, Scaleup) Çalışanlarına Pay Senedi Vermesi Işlemine Gelir Vergisi İstisnası Getirildi

2 Ağustos 2024 tarihli ve 32620 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan 7524 sayılı “Vergi Kanunları ile Bazı Kanunlarda ve 375 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamede Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun” ile Teknogirişimlerin ve çalışanlarının yıllardır bekledikleri bir istisna düzenlemesi getirildi.


Income Tax Exemption Has Been Introduced for Technopreneurship Companies (Startup, Scaleup) Issuing Shares to Their Employees

The Law No. 7524 on “Amending Tax Laws and Certain Laws and the Decree Law No. 375”, which was published on the Official Gazette numbered 32620 on 02 August 2024, provides an exception regulation that Technopreneurships and their employees have been waiting for years has been introduced.


MASAK Updated Suspicious Transaction Notification Guide for Crypto-Asset Service Providers

On 23 June 2024, the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (“MASAK”) announced the publication of an updated version of the Suspicious Transaction Reporting Guide for the Crypto Asset Service Providers, who are among the obliged parties under the Law No. 5549 on Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crime.


MASAK, Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcılar için Şüpheli İşlem Bildirim Rehberini Güncelledi

Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu (“MASAK”), 23 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde, 5549 Sayılı Suç Gelirlerinin Aklanmasının Önlenmesi Hakkında Kanun (“5549 Sayılı Kanun”) kapsamında yükümlüler arasında yer alan Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcı (“KVHS”) olarak faaliyet gösteren kuruluşlar için şüpheli işlemlerin bildirimine ilişkin usul ve esasların düzenlenmesi amacı ile ...


TBMM Plan ve Bütçe Komisyonu’nda değiştirilerek kabul edilen Kanun Teklifi ile Bilişim Sektörünün Teknopark Kazançlarına Yönelik Vergi İstisnaları ve Ar-Ge Teşvikleri Korundu

16 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Başkanlığına sunulan “Vergi Kanunlarında ve Diğer Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun Teklifi”, 18 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde Plan ve Bütçe Komisyonu’nda kabul edildi.


IT Sector’s Tax Exemptions for Technopark Earnings and R&D Incentives preserved under the amended Draft Bill Approved by the GNAT Planning and Budget Committee

The “Draft Bill on Amendments to Tax Laws and Certain Other Laws”, submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye on July 16, 2024, was accepted by the Plan and Budget Commission on July 18, 2024.


Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu, Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcılarının Faaliyet İzni Başvuruları İçin Gerekli Bilgi ve Belgeleri Özetleyen Bir Duyuru Yayınladı

Sermaye Piyasası Kurumu (“SPK“), 2 Temmuz 2024’te resmi internet sitesinde Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcılara İlişkin Duyuru yayımlamıştır.


The Capital Markets Board Has Issued an Announcement Outlining the Information and Documentation Required for Crypto Asset Service Providers to Submit Activity Permit Applications

The Capital Markets Board (“CMB“) published an announcement on its official website on 2 July 2024. This announcement addressed the regulatory gap that emerged with the enforcement of the Law Amending the Capital Markets Law No. 7518, which was published in the Official Gazette on the same day.


Kripto Varlıklara ilişkin Kanun Değişikliği Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Genel Kurulu’nda Kabul Edildi

6362 sayılı Sermaye Piyasası Kanununda Kripto Varlıklara İlişkin Olarak Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun Değişikliği, (“Kanun Değişikliği”) 26 Haziran 2024 tarihinde Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (“TBMM”) Genel Kurulu’nda kabul edilmiştir.


The Amendment Law concerning Crypto Assets has been approved by the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly

The Law on Amendments to the Capital Market Law numbered 6362, concerning crypto assets, has now been enacted by the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 26 June 2024.


MASAK, Ödeme ve Elektronik Para Kuruluşları için Şüpheli İşlem Bildirim Rehberini Güncelledi

Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu (“MASAK”), 05 Haziran 2024 tarihinde, 6493 sayılı Ödeme ve Menkul Kıymet Mutabakat Sistemleri, Ödeme Hizmetleri ve Elektronik Para Kuruluşları Hakkında Kanun kapsamında faaliyet gösteren Ödeme ve Elektronik Para Kuruluşlarına özgü Şüpheli İşlem Bildirimlerine ilişkin usul ve esasları içeren Şüpheli İşlem Bildirim Rehberini (“Rehber”) sektör temsilcileri ve birliklerinden alınan görüşler ile Kara Paranın Aklanması ve Terörizmin Finansmanı ile Mücadele Ulusal Risk Değerlendirmesi Raporu doğrultusunda güncellediğini duyurmuştur.


MASAK Updated Suspicious Transaction Notification Guidelines for Payment and Electronic Money Institutions

On 5 June 2024, the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (“MASAK”) announced the publication of an updated version of the Suspicious Transaction Reporting Guide for the Payment and Electronic Money Institutions operating within the scope of Law No. 6493 on Payment and Securities Settlement Systems, Payment Services and Electronic Money Institutions.


Kripto Varlık Kanunu Teklifi Meclise Sunuldu

6362 sayılı Sermaye Piyasası Kanununda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun Teklifi, diğer bir deyişle Kripto Varlık Kanunu Teklifi 16.05.2024 tarihinde Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’ne (“TBMM”) sunuldu.


Draft Bill on Crypto Assets Submitted to TBMM

The Draft Bill Amending the Capital Markets Law numbered 6362, also known as the Draft Bill on Crypto Assets, was submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (“TBMM“) on May 16, 2024.


MASAK Suspicious Transaction Reporting Guide for Banks and MASAK Online System Updated

The Financial Crimes Investigation Board of Türkiye announced on May 14, 2024, that it has updated the Suspicious Transaction Reporting Guide and the MASAK Online system, which regulate the procedures and principles regarding suspicious transaction reports specific to the banking sector.


Fintech Law: Türkiye - Part 4

The Turkish jurisdiction does not afford patent protection to software-implemented inventions and business methods. Copyright protection is the method that can be utilised for protecting ownership rights over software.


Fintech Law: Türkiye - Part 3

Law No. 6493 and its supplemental secondary legislation regulate the market and concepts such as e-money, digital wallets and digital currencies.


Fintech Law: Türkiye - Part 2

A comprehensive scope of financial services and activities is regulated under Turkish legislation.


Fintech Law: Türkiye - Part 1

Türkiye's regulatory environment concerning fintech is evolving to accommodate the developments in the fintech sector while addressing the emerging challenges and risks in the financial sector.


Ödeme ve Elektronik Para Kuruluşlarının Asgari Özkaynak Miktarlarının Yeniden Belirlenmesi ile İlgili Tebliğ 27 Ocak 2024 Tarihinde Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankası tarafından yayımlanan Ödeme ve Elektronik Para Kuruluşlarının Asgari Özkaynak Miktarlarının Yeniden Belirlenmesi ile İlgili Tebliğ ile Ödeme Hizmetleri ve Elektronik Para İhracı ile Ödeme Hizmeti Sağlayıcıları Hakkında Yönetmelik kapsamında belirlenen asgari özkaynak yükümlülüğüne dair değişiklikler yapılmıştır.


The Communiqué on the Redetermination of Minimum Equity Amounts of Payment and Electronic Money Institutions Was Published in the Official Gazette on 27 January 2024

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey issued the Communiqué on the Redetermination of the Minimum Equity Amount of Payment and Electronic Money Institutions and amended the minimum equity requirement set out in the Regulation on Payment Services and Electronic Money Issuance and Payment Service Providers.


Constitutional Court Annuls Provisions of the Internet Law No. 5651

With the decision dated October 11, 2023, and numbered E: 2020/76, K: 2023/172 (“Decision”), published in the Official Gazette dated 10 January 2024 and numbered 32425, the Constitutional Court (“Constitutional Court”) annulled certain provisions of the Law No. 5651 on the Regulation of Publications on the Internet and Combating Crimes Committed through These Publications (“Internet Law”).


The Information and Communication Technologies Authority decided the “Procedures and Principles for Confirmation Procedures Prior to Individual New Subscription Establishment for Internet/TV and Fixed Telephone Services ” to be published in the Official Gazette.

The Information Technologies and Communication Authority with the Board Decision dated September 5, 2023 approved, accepted, and decided the “Procedures and Principles for Confirmation Procedures Prior to Individual New Subscription Establishment for Internet/TV and Fixed Telephone Services” to be published in the Official Gazette.


Important Legislative Amendments on Payment Services and Electronic Money Sector were published in the Official Gazette on 7 October 2023

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey published the “Regulation Amending the Regulation on Payment Services and Electronic Money Issuance and Payment Service Providers” and the “Communiqué Amending the Communiqué on Information Systems of Payment and Electronic Money Institutions and Data Sharing Services of Payment Service Providers in Payment Services” in the Official Gazette on 7 October 2023.


Dr. Çiğdem Ayözger Öngün Named Thomson Reuters 'Stand-out Lawyer' 2024

Att. Dr. Çiğdem Ayözger Öngün, Founder and Managing Partner of SRP-Legal, is recognized for the outstanding quality of her practice, client satisfaction and advocacy, as well as her business and commercial acumen by clients and named as a Thomson Reuters “Stand-out Lawyer” 2024.Based on Tho...



THE ROLEAN EXCITING OPPORTUNITY FOR A NON-EQUITY JUNIOR PARTNER, TO HELP FURTHER DEVELOP A VERY SUCCESSFUL LEGAL PRACTICE.THE FIRMSRP-Legal, a boutique law firm specializing in Technology Law, Data Protection / Privacy, Commercial Law, E-Commerce, Financial Technologies, Media & Communications Law, ...


SRP Legal - Senior Associate

THE ROLEAN EXCITING OPPORTUNITY FOR A SENIOR ASSOCIATE, TO HELP FURTHER DEVELOP A VERY SUCCESSFUL LEGAL PRACTICE.THE FIRMSRP-Legal, a boutique law firm specializing in Technology Law, Data Protection / Privacy, Commercial Law, E-Commerce, Financial Technologies, Media & Communications Law, Corporate...


Yönetici Asistanı

Genel Nitelikler- İşletme, İşletme Yönetimi, Muhasebe, Psikoloji, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Siyaset Bilimi vb. bölümlerinden mezun olmak.- En az 3 yıl yönetici asistanlığı ve ön muhasebe konusunda tecrübeli olmak,- MS Office programlarını iyi derecede kullanmak,- En az B2 seviy...


Senior Associate - SRP Legal

The RoleAn exciting opportunity for a Senior Associate, to help further develop a very successful legal practice. The FirmSRP-Legal, a boutique law firm specializing in Technology Law, Data Protection / Privacy, Commercial Law, E-Commerce, Financial Technologies, Media & Communications Law, Corporat...


Junior Partner

The RoleAn exciting opportunity for a non-equity Junior Partner, to help further develop a very successful legal practice. The FirmSRP-Legal, a boutique law firm specializing in Technology Law, Data Protection / Privacy, Commercial Law, E-Commerce, Financial Technologies, Media & Communications Law,...

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