Insights Dispute Resolution

Kanunî Faiz Oranı, Gecikme Zammı ve Tecil Faizi Oranı Güncellendi

3095 Kanunî Faiz ve Temerrüt Faizine İlişkin Kanun’un (“3095 sayılı Kanun”) 1. maddesi uyarınca Türk Borçlar Kanunu ve Türk Ticaret Kanunu’na göre faiz ödenmesi gereken hallerde, miktarı sözleşme ile tespit edilmemişse bu ödeme yıllık %12 oranı üzerinden yapılır.

Gün + Partners

Update on Legal Interest, Late Payment Fee and Deferment Interest Rates

According to Article 1 of the Law No. 3095 on Legal Interest and Default Interest (“Law No. 3095”), interests to be paid as per Turkish Code of Obligations and Turkish Commercial Code, shall be made at an annual rate of 12%, unless a different contractual rate is agreed.

Gün + Partners

Challenging and Enforcing Arbitration Awards: Türkiye - Part 3

Applying for interim measures under a foreign arbitral award before requesting recognition is controversial, and there are conflicting precedents. Recent precedents favour those applications.

Gün + Partners

Challenging and Enforcing Arbitration Awards: Türkiye - Part 2

While domestic arbitral awards are directly enforceable under the CPL, arbitral awards within the scope of the IAL (where the seat is in Turkey and the matter has a foreign element) are enforced by obtaining a certificate of enforceability from the competent civil court of first instance.

Gün + Partners

Challenging and Enforcing Arbitration Awards: Türkiye - Part 1

Article 14(A) of the International Arbitration Law (IAL) provides that an award must include: — the names, surnames, titles and addresses of the parties, their representatives and lawyers; — the legal grounds on which the award is based and, if there is a claim for compensation, the amount of compensation; — the place of arbitration and the date of the award;

Gün + Partners

Riddle of Applicable Application Fee in Enforcing Foreign Judgments

Under Turkish law, the rules governing the collection of trial fees are regulated by the Law of Fees No. 492 (Law no. 492) and the applicable fees are under Tariff 1 of the Law no. 492. Article 4 of Law no. 492 also explicitly refers to Tariff 1 in terms of the fees applicable in the actions for enforcement of foreign judgments stating that the applicable fee will be determined according to the value, type and nature of the verdict.

Gün + Partners

Anayasa Mahkemesi’nden 6325 Sayılı Hukuk Uyuşmazlıklarında Arabuluculuk Kanunu’nun Bazı Hükümlerinin İptaline İlişkin Yeni Karar

Anayasa Mahkemesi’nin (“AYM“) 2023/160 esas, 2024/77 karar numaralı kararı, 18 Nisan 2024 tarihli ve 32521 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanmıştır.

Esin Attorney Partnership

New Decision by the Constitutional Court on the Annulment of Certain Provisions of the Mediation in Civil Disputes Law No. 6325

The decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Türkiye, file No. 2023/160, decision No. 2024/77, was published in the Official Gazette dated 18 April 2024 No. 32521.

Esin Attorney Partnership

Esin Litigation Quarterly | Issue 4 | March 2024

In this issue, we review the landmark rulings rendered by the Constitutional Court in detail while having a look at the Court of Cassation and the European Court of Human Rights’ insights into the last year’s cases. Also, we cover developments in litigation across the globe.

Esin Attorney Partnership

Kanada Mahkemesinden Dikkat Çeken Yapay Zeka Kararı

14 Şubat 2024 tarihinde Kanada Medeni Hukuk Uyuşmazlık Mahkemesi, Moffatt v. Air Canada davasında yapay zekânın kullanımı ile ilgili olarak yapay zekânın kişiliği ve sorumluluğu hakkında verdiği karar uluslararası hukuk camiasında büyük yankı uyandırdı.

Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Attorney Partnership

Pivotal Decision on Artificial Intelligence from Canadian Tribunal

On February 14, 2024 a Canadian Civil Resolution Tribunal (“Tribunal”) ruled in Moffatt v. Air Canada on artificial intelligence’s personhood and liability in case involving use of artificial intelligence, causing a ripple effect in the international law community.

Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Attorney Partnership

Turkish Court of Cassation’s Recent Approach to Public Policy in Enforcement and Setting-Aside of Foreign Arbitral Awards

In general terms, public policy is defined as a set of rules and principles ensuring a smooth conduct of public services, a state’s security and safety, and compliance of the relationship between individuals with the principles of peace and ethics[1]. Due to its conceptual nature and vulnerability to a turmoil of different interpretations, violation of public policy appears as one of the most prevalent counter arguments in enforcement and setting-aside proceedings of foreign arbitral awards. The legislation defines neither the concept of public policy nor the criteria on how it should apply.

Gün + Partners

Anayasa Mahkemesi, Yargıtay’ın Gerekçelendirme Yapmadan Benzer Konulardaki İçtihadına Aykırı Hüküm Kurmasının Adil yargılanma Hakkını İhlal Ettiğine Karar Verdi.

Anayasa Mahkemesi, 2019/22055 başvuru sayılı ve 15 Kasım 2023 tarihli bireysel başvuru kararında (“Karar“); Yargıtay’ın, önceki içtihatlarından farklı olarak sözleşmesel borca aykırılığın manevi tazminata yol açmayacağı yönünde vermiş olduğu kararın, başvurucunun adil yargılanma hakkını ihlal ettiğine karar vermiştir. Karar, 28 Şubat 2024 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayımlandı.

Esin Attorney Partnership

The Constitutional Court Ruled that the Court of Cassation’s Ruling Contrary to the Case-Law on Similar Issues Without Justification Violated the Right to a Fair Trial

With its decision on individual application numbered 2019/22055 and dated 15 November 2023 (“Decision“), the Constitutional Court ruled that the Court of Cassation’s decision that the breach of contractual obligation would not lead to non-pecuniary damages, contrary to its previous case-law, violated the applicant’s right to a fair trial.

Esin Attorney Partnership

The Constitutional Court has annulled the Rule Regarding the Minimum Monetary Limit for Appeal in Administrative Proceedings.

With its decision numbered 2023/81 and dated 26 October 2023 (“Decision“), the Constitutional Court decided to annul the regulations on the lower monetary limit to apply for an appeal in administrative proceedings, due to the lack of clarity in the law as to the date as of which the appeal limit should be considered.

Esin Attorney Partnership

Esin Arbitration Quarterly December 2023 — Tenth Issue

With winter well on its way and 2023 drawing to a close, developments in the arbitration world continue to unfold. For the 10th issue of the Arbitration Bulletin, we compiled interesting court decisions and news about the developments in arbitration. Let’s take a closer look at these decisions and news.

Esin Attorney Partnership

Alternative Dispute Resolution System for Disputes Arising From ‘.tr’ Extended Domain Names in Türkiye

On 14 September 2022, TRABIS (‘.tr’ Network Information System) took over the management of ‘.tr’ extended domain names with the Regulation coming into force in Türkiye. According to the Regulation, domain names can be allocated as documented or undocumented. Undocumented allocation is carried out within the framework of the ‘first come, first served’ rule. This rule is applied to domain names with the most commonly used extensions such as ‘’, ‘’, ‘’, etc. In the former legislation, it was necessary to prove (with documentation) that the owner of the domain name held another right (for example, trade mark, trade name, etc.) in order to obtain a domain name with the ‘.tr’ extension. Therefore, the Regulation has an innovative perspective in terms of previous practice in Türkiye.

Gün + Partners

2023 Yılı İçin Yeniden Değerleme Oranı Tespit Edildi

Hazine ve Maliye Bakanlığı Gelir İdaresi Başkanlığı’nın 25 Kasım 2023 tarihli Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan 554 Sıra No’lu Vergi Usul Kanunu Genel Tebliği uyarınca, 2023 yılı için yeniden değerleme oranı %58,46 olarak tespit edilmiştir.

Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı Attorneys at Law

Adjustment Rate for 2023 Has Been Determined

According to General Communique No. 554 on Tax Procedure Law issued by the Revenue Administration of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, and published on 25 November 2023, the adjustment rate for the year 2023 has been determined as 58.46%.

Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı Attorneys at Law

Yurt Dışında Bulunan Yabancı Kişilere Tebligat

Ekonomik ve ticari ilişkilerin küreselleşmesiyle taraflar arasındaki hukuki ilişkilerin de uluslararası boyut kazanması kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Uluslararası ticari ilişkilerin hacmi arttıkça, uyuşmazlık çözümü süreçlerinin uluslararası boyutta işletilmesi yönündeki ihtiyaç artmaktadır. Uluslararası tebligat ise söz konusu uyuşmazlık çözümü süreçlerinin devlet mahkemelerinde yürütüldüğü yargılamaların merkezinde yer alan önemli bir mesele olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Bu nedenle, uluslararası tebligat sürecinin doğru yöntemlerle yürütülmesi, yargılamanın gecikmeden sonuçlandırılması için büyük önem taşıyor.

Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı Attorneys at Law
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