Lawyers Gökçe İzgi, LL.M.

Gökçe İzgi, LL.M.

Gökçe İzgi, LL.M.

Moroğlu Arseven

Gökçe specializes in assisting intellectual property owners to establish, manage, commercialize and protect their assets in Turkey, as well as helping them to understand and deal with complex regulatory compliance challenges. She concentrates primarily on trademarks and patents, along with a range of intellectual property issues which arise within heavily regulated industries. Gökçe has notable experience providing detailed and highly tailored advice in circumstances where legal rights, regulatory obligations, and commercial practices intersect. These factors mean Gökçe must consider a client’s position from a wider point of view.

She manages intellectual property portfolios for high-profile brands and corporations, including all aspects of local prosecution, strategy, litigation, enforcement and licensing. She also has notable experience supporting clients involved in cross-border legal processes, such as international patent applications or licensing arrangements.

Gökçe’s expertise focuses particularly on the detailed regulatory rules and processes which apply to the pharmaceutical, medical device, life science, biotechnology, alcohol and tobacco sectors. These projects include developing and executing market entry strategies for new products, as well as navigating licensing or marketing authorisation processes.

Practice Areas & Work Department

IP Litigation

Patents and Utility Models


IP Portfolio Management


Unfair Trade Practices

Life Science





International Trademark Association (INTA)

Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group (PTMG)

International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)

Licensing Executives Society International (LESI)

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The Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Licensing of Human Medicinal Products Has Been Published

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