Lawyers Hande Hançar

Hande Hançar

Hande Hançar

Gün + Partners

Hande Hançar joined Gün + Partners in 2005 and has been a partner since 2014. She is co-chair of the firm’s intellectual property and technology, media & telecommunication practices.

She advises on intellectual property, both contentious and non-contentious matters relating to trademarks, copyrights, industrial designs, domain names and unfair competition. She has extensive litigation experience and has counselled numerous foreign clients on IP strategies, legal disputes, licensing and settlement agreements. Hande has also represented clients in complex patent infringement and validity actions and assisted clients in drafting complex software and patent license contracts.

Within the scope of the technology, media & telecommunication practice group, Hande’s practice focuses on advertising and promotional mechanisms as well as copyright related aspects of the entertainment industry. She helps clients to draft the celebrity talent agreements, production agreements, sponsorship arrangements, and content licenses. In addition she assists clients with respect to sweepstakes and other promotion mechanisms. She also represent clients in copyright litigation cases before the Turkish IP Courts.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Intellectual Property

Trademarks and Designs


IP Prosecution

Life Sciences

Technology, Media and Telecom






Global Advertising Lawyers Association (GALA), Vice President of the GALA EMEA Region

European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA), Chair of the Publications Committee and Member of Copyright Committee

Licensing Executives Society Turkey (LES Turkey), Board Member

International Federation Of Intellectual Property Attorneys (FICPI)

International Trademark Association (INTA)

Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI)

“7 Nota” ve Özgünlük İkilemi: Müzik Eserlerinde İntihal ve Esinlenmenin Sınırları

5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanununda (FSEK) “intihal” kavramına ilişkin bir tanım bulunmamaktaysa da Türk hukukunda intihal, bir başkasına ait fikri ya da sanat eserini, sahibinin izni olmaksızın kullanıp kendine mal etme fiili olarak kabul edilmektedir.


“7 Notes” and the Dilemma of Originality: The Limits of Plagiarism and Inspiration in Musical Works

Although “plagiarism” is not defined under Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“LIAW”) it is widely accepted in Turkish law as the act of using and appropriating the intellectual or artistic work of another without the permission of the owner.


Küresel Rekabet için Türkiye'nin Fikri Mülkiyet Stratejisi

Günümüz ekonomisinde, fikri mülkiyet hakları, işletmelerin sürdürülebilir bir ekonomik büyüme hedefi ve küresel piyasalarda rekabet edebilmeleri için kilit bir rol oynuyor.


IP in Business Transactions 2024 in Turkey - Part 2

Security can be taken over all main IPRs, namely trade marks, patents, designs, and copyright. In practice, security is commonly taken over trade marks or patents. It is important to conduct detailed due diligence to determine the owner of the IPRs and whether any security has been taken over them.


IP in Business Transactions 2024 in Turkey - Part 1

Basis for patent assignment. Under the Intellectual Property Law No. 6769 (IP Law), a patent can be assigned in whole. A patent cannot be assigned in part.


Bağlantılı Hak Sahiplerinin Korunmasına İlişkin Yargıtay Hukuk Genel Kurulu Kararı

Kamuoyunda Kemal Sunal davası olarak da bilinen telif hukuku uyuşmazlığı, uzun yıllar süren çeşitli aşamalardan geçerek Yargıtay Hukuk Genel Kurulunun kararı ile nihai sonuca bağlandı.


Filmlerin Kayıt Tescil Belgesi Alınması ile Tamamlanmış Sayılacağına İlişkin Yargıtay Kararı

Yargıtay 11. Hukuk Dairesi, taraflar arasında imzalanmış olan ortak film yapım sözleşmesinden doğan bir uyuşmazlık kapsamında; sözleşmede filmin ne zaman tamamlanmış sayılacağına ilişkin açık belirleme yapılmadığı durumda ...


Work Bearing the Characteristics of Its Author and the Signs of Work

The Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works ("LIAW"), which has been amended many times since its entry into force in 1952, still causes uncertainty and confusion in practice.

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