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Does the ‘Long Arm’ of the UPC Reach Turkey?

Selin Sinem Erciyas and Zeynep Çağla Üstün explore whether Turkey, as a non-EU state party to the European Patent Convention, might still face the Unified Patent Court’s jurisdiction under EU regulations.

Gün + Partners

Türkiye Encourages the Use of Local Card Schemes

Presidential Decree No. 2025/1 on the Use of Cards Issued by Local Card Schemes, issued by the president of the Republic of Türkiye, was published in the Official Gazette on January 16, 2025.

Esin Attorney Partnership

Kurumsal Yönetimin Değişmeyen Dişlileri: Etik ve Uyum

Akıl almaz bir hızla sürekli değişen iş dünyasının belki de değişmeyen en kritik gerçekleri “iş etiği, uyum ve dürüstlük”, kurumsal yönetim uygulamalarının tam merkezinde yer alıyor.

Cerebra CPAs & Advisors

Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcılara İlişkin Yeni Düzenlemeler

25 Aralık 2024 tarihli Resmî Gazete'de yayımlanan mevzuat değişiklikleriyle suç gelirlerinin aklanması ve terörizmin finansmanının önlenmesi amacıyla önemli düzenlemeler getirilmiştir.

Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı Attorneys at Law

Significant Amendments Introduced to the Scope of Türkiye Sustainability Reporting Standards

The Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority has significantly amended the scope of application of the Türkiye Sustainability Reporting Standards.

Moroğlu Arseven

Suistimal ile Mücadelenin Altın Anahtarı: Etkin İç Kontroller

İç kontrollerin varlığı suistimale karşı garantili bir koruma sağlamasa da zararların asgari seviyeye inmesine yardımcı olur ve yarattığı kontrol iklimi ile suistimalciyi caydırır.

Cerebra CPAs & Advisors

The Regulation on Administrative Fines to Be Imposed in Cases of Agreements, Concerted Practices and Decisions Limiting Competition, and Abuses of a Dominant Position Has Been Published

The Regulation on Administrative Fines to be Imposed in Cases of Agreements, Concerted Practices and Decisions Limiting Competition and Abuses of a Dominant Position was published in the Official Gazette dated 27 December 2024 and numbered 32765, entering into force on the same date.

Özdirekcan Dündar Şenocak Ak

Close Ties Between Competiton And Data Privacy Raises Competiton Concerns

The intersection between competition and data privacy has emerged in recent years.

Gün + Partners

Healthcare & Life Sciences Newsletter - January 2025

The TİTCK continues to provide guidance for companies working in the healthcare industry. Companies must carefully review the TİTCK’s announcements and take the necessary actions to ensure compliance.

Esin Attorney Partnership

Melek Yatırımcıları Yakından İlgilendiren Yönetmelik Güncellendi

Bilindiği üzere melek yatırımcılar, yüksek risk barındıran ancak büyük getiri potansiyeline sahip projelere yatırım yaparak girişim dünyasında kritik bir rol oynuyorlar.


Sermaye Piyasasında Tahvil ve Halka Açık Anonim Ortaklıklarda Tahvil İhracı

Küresel ve yerel finansal piyasalardaki son gelişmeler, şirketlerin finansman ihtiyaçlarını karşılama yöntemlerinde önemli değişimlere yol açmıştır.

Şenol Şahin Ilgın Law Firm

Changes to Minimum Wage, Severance Payments and Administrative Fines in 2025

At the beginning of each year, the minimum wage, severance payments and administrative fines prescribed by the Labour Act are revised.

Gün + Partners

Regulation Closely Concerning Angel Investors Updated

As known, angel investors play a critical role in the startup world by investing in high-risk projects with great return potential.


Reminder on Certification of Commercial Books

We are pleased to present our legal reminder regarding the certification processes for commercial books for the 2025 fiscal year.

DL Attorneys at Law

The Cyber Security Presidency Affiliated to the Presidency of Republic of Türkiye Was Established With the Presidential Decree on the Cyber Security Presidency (Decree No: 177), Published in the Official Gazette Dated 08 January 2025 and Numbered 32776

With the Presidential Decree No. 177 on the Presidency of Cyber ​​Security published in the Official Gazette dated January 08, 2025 and numbered 32776, the Presidency of Cyber ​​Security was established under the Presidency of Republic of Türkiye with a public legal entity headquartered in Ankara.


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