Lawyers Lerzan Nalbantoğlu

Lerzan Nalbantoğlu

Lerzan Nalbantoğlu

DL Attorneys at Law

Lerzan Nalbantoğlu is the founding partner of DL Attorneys at Law. Lerzan has a total of 33 years of working experience as an attorney at law. She is also a trademark and patent attorney as of 1996.

Lerzan has experience in working with clients from various industries, including companies operating in the following sectors: private equity, banking and finance, energy & mining, manufacturing, consumer products, energy, banking, health, cosmetics, food and beverage, technology, logistics, real estate & construction.

In her cross-disciplinary practice, she specializes in Corporate, Commercial, Employment, Intellectual Property, and Data Protection & Privacy Law for her multinational clients. Lerzan is experienced in mergers & acquisitions, restructuring, company formations, split-offs, liquidation of the companies, investment transactions, joint ventures employment, approvals, registrations, implementation of the required administrative formalities, legal audits, share transfers, drafting and advising on commercial contracts.

She also specializes in respect to technology law on a wide range of issues, including data protection, cybersecurity, e-commerce, payment systems, and IT contracts including licensing, outsourcing, and multi-channel agreements.

Lerzan successfully advises and represents various multinational clients before all levels of courts, institutions and guides them through all aspects of the litigation processes tax, corporate, and commercial cases. She has been leading several cross-border mergers & acquisitions, corporate governance, restructuring projects, data protection & privacy compliance projects, and regulatory compliance projects.   She is lecturing on the Responsibilities of the Board Members, Data Protection & Privacy, Employment Law, and Contracts Law at Deloitte Academy and Corporate Governance Association of Turkey (TKYD), Foreign Investors’ Association (YASED). Additionally, she is also lecturing to next generations of family business companies on Special to Family Businesses: Corporate, Contracts, Employment, Competition, Data Protection & Privacy and Commercial Law Training.

Lerzan is a graduate of Izmir American Collegiate Institute and Dokuz Eylul University Faculty. of Law (LL.B.).

Practice Areas & Work Department

Legal Management Consulting

Intellectual Property Law

Data Protection & Privacy, Technology Law

Tax Disputes

Banking and Finance Law (incl.Green Finance)

Corporate, Merger & Acquisition





Istanbul Bar Association

Foreign Investors’ Association (YASED) - The chairperson of the Legal and Regulatory Working Group

Izmir American Collegiate Institute (ACI) Alumni Association

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