Lawyers Enis Doğa Küçükay

Enis Doğa Küçükay

Enis Doğa Küçükay

Gen Temizer

Enis Doğa Küçükay specialises in competiiton and antitrust matters.

Practice Areas & Work Department






2020: City University of London, London, Faculty of Law, LL.M

2019: Istanbul Okan University, Istanbul, Faculty of Law, LLB

2016: Charles University, Prag, Erasmus Student Exchange Program


Istanbul Bar Association

Two-minute Recap of Competition Law Matters Around the Globe - July 2024

In the country’s first merger prohibition in four years, the Portuguese Competition Authority blocked the EUR 150 million acquisition of MasMovil’s subsidiary Nowo, despite Vodafone’s proposed remedies, arguing the merger would reduce competition in the Portuguese telecommunications market and lead to higher prices for consumers.


Two-minute Recap of Turkish Competition Law Developments - July 2024

A Turkish Competition Authority investigation into Google examined allegations that various search features offered on its desktop and mobile search results page, including ...


Rekabet Hukuku Merceğinden Sürdürülebilirlik Uygulamaları

Sürdürülebilirlik anlaşmalarının dünya genelinde daha çok rağbet görmeye başlaması, bu anlaşmalar ve benzeri çalışmaların rekabet hukuku çerçevesinde nasıl değerlendirildiği sorusunu beraberinde getirmektedir.


Sustainability Practices Through the Lens of Competition Law

Sustainability agreements have been gaining traction across the globe requiring competition law practices to provide clear, concise advice to their clients. We aim to provide an overview of how ESG processes are assessed under Turkish competition law and in other jurisdictions.


Two-minute Recap of Turkish Competition Law Developments - June 2024

Canon, the Japanese optical and imaging company known for its iconic cameras, was fined approximately EUR 1 million for interfering with prices charged by its resellers.


Two-minute Recap of Competition Law Matters Around the Globe - June 2024

E-commerce platform Coupang was fined a record 140 billion won (EUR 94.5 million) by the Korea Fair Trade Commission for manipulating search results to favour its own private brand products over competitors.


A Less Stringent Approach to the Deletion of Data during Dawn Raids?

The Turkish Competition Authority’s most effective tool for obtaining evidence is dawn raids for hard and soft data.


The Latest Competition Law Amendment – Any Change?

On 3 May 2024, a proposed amendment to several laws, including Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition, aiming to expedite and hasten the conduct of investigations was published.

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