Lawyers Bulut Girgin

Bulut Girgin

Bulut Girgin

Gen Temizer

Bulut Girgin has over 10 years of experience in competition law, regulated industries and compliance. He has advised clients in diverse sectors including telecommunications, FMCG, automotive, construction, media and technology. Bulut has represented various multinational and national companies before the Turkish Competition Board, administrative courts and the Council of State regarding cartel and abuse of dominance investigations and has filed numerous M&A and negative clearance filings with the Turkish Competition Authority. He has also conducted, as both as an in-house lawyer and outside counsel, several comprehensive compliance programs on competition law, anti-corruption matters and internal investigations.

Practice Areas & Work Department







Istanbul Bar Association


2015, King's College London, LL.M., Competition Law, Recipient of Chevening Scholarship from the UK Government

2009, Bilkent University, LL.M. (Law and Economics)

2008, Baskent University, LL.B.

Two-minute Recap of Turkish Competition Law Developments - June 2024

Canon, the Japanese optical and imaging company known for its iconic cameras, was fined approximately EUR 1 million for interfering with prices charged by its resellers.


Two-minute Recap of Competition Law Matters Around the Globe - June 2024

E-commerce platform Coupang was fined a record 140 billion won (EUR 94.5 million) by the Korea Fair Trade Commission for manipulating search results to favour its own private brand products over competitors.


Türkiye’de Karbon Piyasaları

Türkiye, iklim değişikliğinin olumsuz etkileriyle mücadele etmeye ve sera gazı emisyonlarını azaltmaya çalışmaktadır. Bu kapsamda 2009 yılında Kyoto Portokolü’ne, 2021 tarihinde Paris İklim Anlaşması’na taraf olmuş ve akabinde 2053 yılına kadar net sıfır emisyon hedefini açıklamıştır.


Carbon Markets in Türkiye

Türkiye is attempting to combat negative impacts of climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


Kurumsal Sürdürülebilirlik Durum Tespiti Direktifi Avrupa Birliği Tarafından Kabul Edildi

Kurumsal Sürdürülebilirlik Durum Tespiti Direktifi (“CSDDD”), belirli Avrupa Birliği (“AB”) şirketleri ve AB›de faaliyet gösteren AB dışı şirketler için geçerlidir.


Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive Adopted by the European Union

The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (“CSDDD”) applies to certain European Union (“EU”) companies and non-EU companies operating in the EU. It aims to improve corporate governance by integrating human rights and environmental risk management, including those arising from value chains, and mitigation processes with corporate strategies.


A Less Stringent Approach to the Deletion of Data during Dawn Raids?

The Turkish Competition Authority’s most effective tool for obtaining evidence is dawn raids for hard and soft data.


The Latest Competition Law Amendment – Any Change?

On 3 May 2024, a proposed amendment to several laws, including Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition, aiming to expedite and hasten the conduct of investigations was published.

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