Lawyers Elif Aksöz

Elif Aksöz

Elif Aksöz


Elif obtained her law degree from Istanbul Bilgi University as an “Honor Student” with full scholarship and graduated from TED Istanbul College as a “High Honor Student”. She holds a certificate on “Corporate Law and Governance” issued by London School of Economics.

Elif is currently pursuing her master’s degree (LL.M.) on Business Law in Istanbul Bilgi University Law School.

She currently pursues her work on data protection law, internet law, media law, information technologies, cyber-security law, intellectual property law and commercial contracts. She closely works with startups, venture capitals and technology companies particularly within mergers and acquisitions and compliance projects.

Elif participated in a plethora of acquisition projects in different sectors including games, e-transformation, information technologies, tourism and leisure and took part in Turkey’s most sizable transactions. She has also provided support to many of Gökçe’s notable clients as a part of the data protection team, who are leaders in their sectors.

Since January 2017, she has been working as a member of TMC & Privacy team.

Practice Areas & Work Department


Media & Entertainment

Startup Law & Entrepreneurship

Technology & Telecoms




Istanbul Bar Association

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Regulation on Market Surveillance and Inspection of Products Introduced to the Market via Remote Communication Tools

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