Lawyers Dicle Doğan

Dicle Doğan

Dicle Doğan

Gün + Partners

Dicle Doğan is a managing associate in Gün + Partners and she has been working for the firm since 2011.

Dicle has been specialized on life sciences, data protection and privacy and intellectual property with a special focus on trademarks and designs.

She advises corporate clients from life sciences sector, especially multinational pharmaceutical and medical device companies and industry associations. She advises and represents her clients on a wide range of issues including promotional activities, advertisement, labelling requirements, clinical trials, marketing authorization procedures, pricing and reimbursement regulations, and also assists clients in their day-to-day business activities. She is also experienced in cases of cancellation of administrative acts, including Regulations and Communiqués, issued by public institutions.

Dicle also advises corporate healthcare companies on the protection of personal data and privacy issues.

In the field of intellectual property, especially on trademarks and designs, in addition to counselling clients regarding their IP strategies and providing legal opinions, she has been involved in many litigation processes, where she represents the clients before the Courts in cancellation, invalidation, infringement, unfair competition actions and other types of actions. At the same time, she supervises and drafts oppositions and appeals on trademark and design applications before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Life Sciences

Intellectual Property

Trademarks and Designs

Data Protection and Privacy






Guidelines on Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Pharmaceuticals have been Updated

On June 11, 2024, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency announced on its official website that the “Guideline on the Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Medicinal Products for Human Use”, “Guideline on the Readability of the Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Medicinal Products for Human Use” and “Guideline on Excipients in the Packaging Information and Instructions for Use of Medicinal Products for Human Use” have all been amended.


Beşeri Tıbbi Ürünlerin ve Özel Tıbbi Amaçlı Gıdaların Tanıtım Faaliyetleri Hakkında Yönetmelik Taslağı Yayımlandı

Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu, 28 Mayıs 2024 tarihinde Beşerî Tıbbi Ürünlerin ve Özel Tıbbı Amaçlı Gıdaların Tanıtım Faaliyetleri Hakkında Yönetmelik Taslağını resmi internet sitesinde yayımlamış olup Taslağa ilişkin görüşlerin 10 Haziran 2024 tarihi mesai bitimine kadar Kurumun resmi e-posta adresine iletilebileceği duyurulmuştur.


A Draft Regulation on the Promotional Activities of Human Medicinal Products and Food For Special Medical Purposes Has Been Published

On May 28, 2024, the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (“Agency”) published a Draft Regulation on the Promotional Activities of Human Medicinal Products and Food for Special Medical Purposes (“Draft”) on its official website and announced that opinions regarding the Draft can be delivered to the Agency’s official e-mail address until the end of working hours on June 10, 2024.


Türkiye's Update: Key Changes in Named Patient Program

Pharmaceuticals that are not authorized in Türkiye or authorized but not available on the market shall be procured from abroad as per a special authorization and on a case by case basis (Named Patient Program-NPP).


Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu Tıbbi Cihaz Sektör Belgesi Yayınlandı

Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu (“TİTCK”) tarafından tıbbi cihaz sektöründeki son yıllardaki gelişmeler ile birlikte pazarın mevcut durumunu ortaya koymak üzere hazırlanan Tıbbi Cihaz Sektör Belgesi 4 Nisan 2024 tarihinde TİTCK internet sitesinde yayınlanmıştır.


Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency Published the Industry Report on Medical Devices

On April 4, 2024, the Industry Report on Medical Devices, prepared by the Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency ("Agency") to present the current state of the market together with recent developments in the medical device industry, was published on the Agency’s website.


Torba Kanun ile İlaç Mevzuatında Değişiklikler

1262 sayılı İspençiyari ve Tıbbi Müstahzarlar Kanunu ile 3359 sayılı Sağlık Hizmetleri Temel Kanunu’nundaki klinik araştırma hükümlerinde değişiklik yapılmasını öngören Sağlıkla İlgili Bazı Kanunlarda ve 663 Sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamede Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun 1 Mart 2024 tarihli ve 32476 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanmıştır.


Omnibus Law Amends Pharmaceutical Legislation

On 1 March 2024, the Omnibus Law Amending Certain Laws and Decree Law No. 663 (the “Omnibus Law”), which amends certain provisions of the Law No. 1262 on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Preparations (the “Law No. 1262”) and the Fundamental Law on Healthcare Services No. 3359 (the “Law No. 3359”), was published in the Official Gazette numbered 32476.

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