Lawyers Yigit Alemdaroğlu

Yigit Alemdaroğlu

Yigit Alemdaroğlu

Ozbilen Aykut Attorney Partnership

Yigit is a graduate of Istanbul Bilgi University. He has started his career in 2015. Is a member of the Istanbul Bar. He has provided legal services advising to and litigating for national and international clients mainly operating in areas such as renewable energy, real estate, construction, industrial production, technical service. He has managed, negotiated, drafted contracts for investment and commercial relations on behalf of clients.

He has provided compliance and regulatory services to clients at certain governmental institutions and organizations. He has provided seminars on competition law, EU law and energy law to clients, has managed corporate restructurings, group company structurings and multi-sided distrubition network structurings. He has contributed to supply, OEM, EPC, franchising, SPA, SHA and certain services contracts and commercial transactions.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Contract Law

Energy Law



Intellectual Property





İcra ve İflas Kanunu Uyarınca Yapılacak Satışların İlanlarına İlişkin Parasal Limitlerin Güncellenmesi Hakkında Tebliğ Yayımlandı

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Communiqué on the Update of Monetary Limits for Announcements of Sales to Be Made Under the Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law is Published

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The Implementation Regulation of Organized Industrial Zones Has Been Amended

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