Lawyers Dr. Cigdem Ayozger Ongun

Dr. Cigdem Ayozger Ongun

Dr. Cigdem Ayozger Ongun


Att. Dr. Cigdem Ayozger Ongun, has extensive experience in Technology, Media and Communication Law, Financial Technologies Law, Commercial & Corporate Law, Competition Law and Data Protection & Privacy Law. Dr. Ongun is the Founder and Managing Partner of SRP-Legal Law Office, headquartered in Istanbul.

Besides, Dr. Ongun is also the visiting Ass. Professor of Bahcesehir University.  Dr. Ongun is also the writer of the book on Personal Data Protection Law. She is the writer of Fintech Sector Players’ Competition with Banks Section of the Book on Applied Competition Law and of the Data Protection Law Section included in the book published and named as Gift to Prof. Dr. Huseyin Hatemi. She also published and presented an academic paper on Blockchain and Data Protection Law at the 2nd National Blockchain Workshop in 2019.

Dr. Ongun is the President of the Board of Directors of the International Women’s Forum (IWF) Turkey. She is an advisor to the Finance Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey. She is the Chair of the Turkish Industry & Business Association (TUSIAD) Data Protection and Technology Law Group, the Executive Board Member of the Blockchain Turkey Platform (BCTR), Council Member of the Turkish Union of Chambers & Commodity Exchange (TOBB) FinTech Industry, Member of the Advisory Board of the Insurance Association of Turkey (TSB), Founding Board Member and Ethics Committee Member of the Women in Technology Association (Wtech).

Practice Areas & Work Department

Technology, Media and Communication

Financial Technologies

Commercial & Corporate


Data Protection & Privacy





Chair of Data Protection and Technology Law Group at the Turkish Industry & Business Association (TUSİAD),

Board Member of the Blockchain Turkey Platform (BCTR),

President of the Law, Regulation and Governmental Relations Committee of BCTR

The only Independent Member of the FinTech Industry Council at the Turkish Union of Chambers & Commodity Exchange (TOBB),

Founding Board and Ethics Committee Member of the Women in Technology Association (Wtech)

Board Member of the International Women Forum (IWF) Turkey,

Member of the Turkish Informatics Industry Association (TUBISAD), Turkey Informatics Foundation (TBV), International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and Endeavour Turkey’s Consultant Mentor,

Advisory Board Member of the FintechTime Magazine

Member of Istanbul Bar


Dr. Ongun studied Law in Ankara University Law of Faculty. She obtained her LL.M. (Master of Law) degree on Competition Law studying both at Istanbul University and London School of Economics. Her PhD degree on Data Protection and Privacy Law was awarded by Istanbul University, and she also completed Koc University Executive MBA Program.

Teknogirişim Şirketlerinin (Startup, Scaleup) Çalışanlarına Pay Senedi Vermesi Işlemine Gelir Vergisi İstisnası Getirildi

2 Ağustos 2024 tarihli ve 32620 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan 7524 sayılı “Vergi Kanunları ile Bazı Kanunlarda ve 375 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamede Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun” ile Teknogirişimlerin ve çalışanlarının yıllardır bekledikleri bir istisna düzenlemesi getirildi.


Income Tax Exemption Has Been Introduced for Technopreneurship Companies (Startup, Scaleup) Issuing Shares to Their Employees

The Law No. 7524 on “Amending Tax Laws and Certain Laws and the Decree Law No. 375”, which was published on the Official Gazette numbered 32620 on 02 August 2024, provides an exception regulation that Technopreneurships and their employees have been waiting for years has been introduced.


MASAK Updated Suspicious Transaction Notification Guide for Crypto-Asset Service Providers

On 23 June 2024, the Financial Crimes Investigation Board (“MASAK”) announced the publication of an updated version of the Suspicious Transaction Reporting Guide for the Crypto Asset Service Providers, who are among the obliged parties under the Law No. 5549 on Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crime.


MASAK, Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcılar için Şüpheli İşlem Bildirim Rehberini Güncelledi

Mali Suçları Araştırma Kurulu (“MASAK”), 23 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde, 5549 Sayılı Suç Gelirlerinin Aklanmasının Önlenmesi Hakkında Kanun (“5549 Sayılı Kanun”) kapsamında yükümlüler arasında yer alan Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcı (“KVHS”) olarak faaliyet gösteren kuruluşlar için şüpheli işlemlerin bildirimine ilişkin usul ve esasların düzenlenmesi amacı ile ...


TBMM Plan ve Bütçe Komisyonu’nda değiştirilerek kabul edilen Kanun Teklifi ile Bilişim Sektörünün Teknopark Kazançlarına Yönelik Vergi İstisnaları ve Ar-Ge Teşvikleri Korundu

16 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Başkanlığına sunulan “Vergi Kanunlarında ve Diğer Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun Teklifi”, 18 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde Plan ve Bütçe Komisyonu’nda kabul edildi.


IT Sector’s Tax Exemptions for Technopark Earnings and R&D Incentives preserved under the amended Draft Bill Approved by the GNAT Planning and Budget Committee

The “Draft Bill on Amendments to Tax Laws and Certain Other Laws”, submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye on July 16, 2024, was accepted by the Plan and Budget Commission on July 18, 2024.


Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu, Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcılarının Faaliyet İzni Başvuruları İçin Gerekli Bilgi ve Belgeleri Özetleyen Bir Duyuru Yayınladı

Sermaye Piyasası Kurumu (“SPK“), 2 Temmuz 2024’te resmi internet sitesinde Kripto Varlık Hizmet Sağlayıcılara İlişkin Duyuru yayımlamıştır.


The Capital Markets Board Has Issued an Announcement Outlining the Information and Documentation Required for Crypto Asset Service Providers to Submit Activity Permit Applications

The Capital Markets Board (“CMB“) published an announcement on its official website on 2 July 2024. This announcement addressed the regulatory gap that emerged with the enforcement of the Law Amending the Capital Markets Law No. 7518, which was published in the Official Gazette on the same day.

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