Lawyers Berna Aytaç

Berna Aytaç

Berna Aytaç



Berna has worked as an associate for approximately 10 years in various fields of law including technology/media/telecommunications, data protection, financial technologies, internet law, intellectual property law, commercial contracts, and healthcare law.

She has worked as an associate at Özbek Attorney Partnership, as a legal counsel at Portal Rights Management, and as an associate and a senior associate at ELİG Gürkaynak Attorneys-at-Law. In February 2023, she joined YAZICIOGLU Legal as a senior associate.

Berna holds a CIPP/E certification in data protection and has participated in research groups focusing on blockchain and technology law regulation. She has also been a speaker at various blockchain events and has participated in various NFT projects. She is currently writing articles, conducting research, and participating in Web3 communities, primarily focusing on NFT and Web3 topics.


Berna received her law degree from Bilkent University Faculty of Law in 2010.

She completed her master's degree on International Intellectual Property Law with merit at Brunel University London with her dissertation titled "Comparative Analysis on Online Service Providers’ Third Party Copyright Liability in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Systems," written in 2012. In the dissertation, she examined the legal liability of service providers in P2P systems.

She is proficient in English.

Practice Areas & Work Department


Data Protection

Financial Technologies

Internet Law

Intellectual Property Law

Commercial Contracts

Healthcare Law





Istanbul Bar Association

International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)

Cybersecurity 2024 - Part 4

While there are no provisions that explicitly restrict network and website access monitoring, there are Turkish Constitutional Court decisions and DP Board resolutions that set forth principles for employers regarding accessing and/or monitoring their employees’ work computers, work mobile phones and other electronic devices.


Cybersecurity 2024 - Part 3

According to Article 12(1) of the DP Law, controllers are obliged to take all necessary technical and organisational measures to provide an appropriate level of security for the purposes of: preventing unlawful processing of personal data; preventing unlawful access to personal data; and ensuring the protection of personal data.


Cybersecurity 2024 - Part 2

E-communications service providers must take measures for network and information security set forth in this By-Law, such as establishing an information security management system and a reporting and feedback mechanism to ensure that information security breach incidents and security vulnerabilities are reported without any delay.


Cybersecurity 2024 - Part 1

According to the International Telecommunication Union’s Global Cybersecurity Index, published in 2020, Türkiye is ranked 11th in the world on commitment to cybersecurity.


2024 Yılı İtibarıyla Perakende Ticaret Mevzuatında Neler Değişti?

Bildiğiniz gibi, 2023 yılında, elektronik ticaretin yanı sıra perakende ticareti düzenleyen mevzuatta da önemli değişiklikler yapılmıştı. Senenin ilk çeyreğinde, Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği ile Odalar ve Borsalar Kanunu ile Bazı Kanunlarda ve 640 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamede Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun (“Torba Kanun”) ile Perakende Ticaretin Düzenlenmesi Hakkında Kanunda (“Perakende Ticaret Kanunu”) haksız ticari uygulamalar başta olmak üzere önemli değişiklikler yapılmıştı.


Anayasa Mahkemesinden E-Ticaret Şirketlerinin Coğrafi Veri Lisansı Alma Zorunluluğunu Etkileyen Önemli Bir Karar

22.07.2022 tarihli bilgi notumuzda, “adres bilgisi işleyen e-ticaret firmalarının” faaliyetlerinin coğrafi veri mevzuatı kapsamında lisans yükümlülüğüne tabi olarak değerlendirildiği hususundaki açıklamalarımıza yer vermiştik. Bu tarihten sonra Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığı (“Bakanlık”) tarafından coğrafi veri izin ve lisanslarıyla ilgili değişiklikler devam etse de 04.10.2023 tarihinde Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanan Anayasa Mahkemesi (“AYM”) kararı, bütün bunlara bir bariyer niteliğinde oldu.

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