Lawyers Elif Melis Özsoy

Elif Melis Özsoy

Elif Melis Özsoy

Gün + Partners

Practice Areas & Work Department

Technology, Media and Telecom

Intellectual Property

Trademarks and Designs






Istanbul Bar Association

State Bar of California


2017, UCLA School of Law, LL.M. (Specialization in Media, Entertainment and Technology Law and Policy)

2016, Koç University, Faculty of Law (LL.B.)

2012, The American Robert College

“7 Nota” ve Özgünlük İkilemi: Müzik Eserlerinde İntihal ve Esinlenmenin Sınırları

5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanununda (FSEK) “intihal” kavramına ilişkin bir tanım bulunmamaktaysa da Türk hukukunda intihal, bir başkasına ait fikri ya da sanat eserini, sahibinin izni olmaksızın kullanıp kendine mal etme fiili olarak kabul edilmektedir.


“7 Notes” and the Dilemma of Originality: The Limits of Plagiarism and Inspiration in Musical Works

Although “plagiarism” is not defined under Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“LIAW”) it is widely accepted in Turkish law as the act of using and appropriating the intellectual or artistic work of another without the permission of the owner.


Work Bearing the Characteristics of Its Author and the Signs of Work

The Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works ("LIAW"), which has been amended many times since its entry into force in 1952, still causes uncertainty and confusion in practice.


A Current Plagiarism Debate: “Bit Palas vs. Sinek Sarayı”

“Plagiarism” is not clearly defined in Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“LIAW”). Plagiarism, which is defined by the Turkish Language Association as "pilferage," is used in the context of intellectual and artistic works law to mean "to present someone else’s work as your own, taking a piece from someone else’s work without citing the source."


Trademark Filing History May Result in Finding of Bad Faith Under Turkish Law

It is widely accepted in the literature[1] and decisions of the Court of Cassation[2] (“CoC”) that an applicant's attempt to create a trademark portfolio by trying to register other well-known trademarks can be sufficient to constitute proof of bad faith.


Sinema Eserlerinde İktibas Serbestisi

5846 sayılı Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu (“FSEK”) kapsamında açılan davalarda intihal bakımından önemli bir standart iktibas serbestisinin sınırlarıdır.  FSEK md. 35’e göre bir eserden iktibas yapılabilmesi için;


Freedom of Quotation in Cinema Works

With respect to lawsuits filed in the scope of Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works (“FSEK") No. 5846, an important standard in terms of plagiarism is the limits of freedom of quotation.


Eserin Sahibinin Hususiyetini Taşıması - Selvi Boylum Al Yazmalım

Yargıtay 11. Hukuk Dairesi’nin 24.05.2022 tarih ve 2020/8509 E. 2022/3996 K. sayılı kararı, hem eserin alametleri ve eserlerin sahibinin hususiyetini taşıması hususlarının incelenmesi açısından hem de Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu’nda özellikle sinema eserlerine ilişkin olarak yapılan değişiklikler bakımından son derece yol gösterici ve açıklayıcı bir karar olmuştur.

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