Lawyers Ayşe Gönen Anaeli

Ayşe Gönen Anaeli

Ayşe Gönen Anaeli

CBC Law Firm

Ayşe practices in the life sciences & healthcare, media & entertainment, and technology industries, advising on corporate and contentious issues. She provides legal support to leading international businesses operating in Turkey focusing on ethics and compliance, privacy & data protection, corporate and intellectual property.

Ayşe advises on compliance monitoring, third-party risk management, internal investigations, and contract management, designing human-centric compliance programs and legal documentation that aid a range of clients in fostering ethical cultures within their organizations.

During her career she has gained in-depth experience of tech-related legal challenges, providing legal support in data privacy and corporate matters, and in preparing and revising various commercial agreements.

In addition to her role at CBC Law Ayşe has founded two projects; Ethiculture and Compliance x Design, which focus on raising awareness of legal and compliance design and is an alumnus of the Turkish Women’s International Network.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Compliance & Business Ethics

Privacy & Data Protection


Intellectual Property

Life Sciences & Healthcare

Technology, Media & Entertainment





Istanbul University, LL.B. 2020

Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu Yeni Tanıtım Yönetmeliği Taslağını Yayımladı

Kurum tarafından yayımlanan taslak yönetmeliğin tanıtım faaliyetlerini özel tıbbi amaçlı gıdaları da kapsayacak şekilde genişletmesi ve bazı temel kavramların tanımlarını içermesi dikkat çekiyor.


An Interview with CBC Law Discussing Anti-Corruption in Turkey - Part 2

Yes. In particular, money laundering-related investigations and prosecutions with the involvement of high-profiles may require extensive cooperation and exchange of information and evidence with foreign authorities. Generally, the authorities contact the foreign public and private institutions through letters related to international anti-corruption cases, asking to freeze the perpetrator’s assets.


An Interview with CBC Law Discussing Anti-Corruption in Turkey - Part 1

The cost of non-compliance is great. If you think compliance is expensive, try non-compliance’, US Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty. This is applicable to all jurisdictions and companies operating in Turkey.


Unveiling the Curtain: A Guide to Effective Internal Investigations - Internal Investigations Series 01

Internal investigations involve determining compliance violations with national and international laws and internal regulations. They are conducted by companies based on reports or ex officio decisions. Investigations use internal and external sources to gather information. Properly conducted investigations follow five main steps: initiation, evidence collection, interviews, analysis, and reporting. Adherence to confidentiality, compliance with laws, and internal regulations are essential. Investigation reports must be objective, impartial, and detailed to identify losses, recommend remedies, and ensure compliance. Companies must carefully prepare investigation reports, considering potential legal and ethical consequences.


Perdeyi Aralamak: Etkili İç Soruşturmalar için Bir Kılavuz - İç Soruşturmalar Serisi 01

İç soruşturmalar niteliği itibarıyla şirketler için üzerinde titizlikle durulması gereken kritik süreçlerdir. İyi bir iç soruşturma yürütebilmek adına bütün süreçlerin yasal düzenlemelere uygun ve eksiksiz bir şekilde tamamlanması şirketlere hem ihlalin etkilerinin azaltılması hem de önleyici aksiyonların alınması gibi noktalarda birçok fayda sağlayacaktır. Ancak bütün aşamalarıyla etkin ve başarılı yürütülmüş bir soruşturma sürecinin raporlara iyi yansıtılamaması ise bu gibi faydaların karşılığını bulamamasına sebebiyet verecektir. Bu nedenle iç soruşturmaların kritik süreçlerinden biri olan raporlamanın doğruluk, açıklık, tarafsızlık, ilgililik ve kronolojik anlatım yöntemi gibi temel prensipler göz önünde bulundurularak kurgulanması bir hayli önem arz etmektedir.


The Turkish Pharmaceutical Industry's Regulatory Landscape

The pharmaceutical industry in Turkey has great potential and is notable for its high-tech manufacturing capability. The industry currently ranks 7th in Europe and 16th in the world, in terms of market size, according to industry reports.[

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