Lawyers Umay Rona Süerdem

Umay Rona Süerdem

Umay Rona Süerdem

Moroğlu Arseven

Umay represents domestic and foreign clients in preliminary investigations and full-fledged investigations initiated by the Turkish Competition Authority and is specializes in all areas of competition law, including merger and acquisitions related to both domestic and cross-border transactions, negative clearance/ individual exemption applications, and competition compliance programs.

She also represents companies in judicial review proceedings filed against the decisions of the Turkish Competition Board as well as conducts follow-on competition litigation. She provides advice to a wide range of industries namely, cement, FMCG, e-commerce, workforce, banking, automotive, white meat, and consumer electronics.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Antitrust and Competition

Mergers and Acquisitions


Venture Capital and Private Equity

Distribution, Franchising and Agency Agreements

Commercial Contracts

R&D, Licensing and Technology Transactions







Güneş Panellerinin İthalatında Haksız Rekabetin Önlenmesine İlişkin Soruşturmanın Esasları Belirlendi

Vietnam, Malezya, Tayland, Hırvatistan ve Ürdün menşeli güneş panellerinin ithalatında haksız rekabetin önlenmesi önlemlerinin etkisiz kılınmasına karşı gerçekleştirilecek soruşturmanın usul ve esasları belirlendi.


The Principles of the Investigation on the Prevention of Unfair Competition in the Import of Solar Panels Were Announced

The procedures and principles of the investigation to be carried out against the neutralisation of measures to prevent unfair competition in the import of solar panels originating from Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Croatia and Jordan have been determined.


5 Years of Best Practice in Competition – Türkiye

We are pleased to release Moroğlu Arseven’s 5 Years of best practice in competition law. This publication aims to offer a comprehensive overview on competition law trends of Türkiye and landmark decisions as there were important developments between the years 2018-2022.Topics covered include: (i) information on the Turkish Competition Authority’s increased information gathering powers and jurisdiction in light of its recent decisional practice, (ii) developments regarding recently introduced commitment and settlement procedures, (iii) the headline figures from 2018-2022, (iv) significant decisions of the Competition Board, and (v) information on current as well as upcoming legislative developments.


Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu Ortak Pazarlanan Beşeri Tıbbi Ürünlere İlişkin Kılavuz Yayınladı

Beşerî tıbbi ürünlerin güvenlik ve kalitesinin sağlanması amacıyla yayınlanan Beşeri Tıbbi Ürünler Ruhsatlandırma Yönetmeliği, Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu'na kılavuz yayımlama yetkisi vermişti. Bu kapsamda çıkarılan Ortak Pazarlanan Beşerî Tıbbi Ürünlere İlişkin Kılavuz, ortak pazarlama sürecini düzenlemektedir. Kılavuzda, ruhsat başvuruları için gereken belgeler ve başvuru sürecinde dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar belirtilmiştir. Ayrıca, ana ürünün ruhsatının askıya alınması veya iptal edilmesi durumunda uygulanacak düzenlemeler de yer almaktadır. Kılavuz, 17 Şubat 2023 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmiştir.


The Decision of Turkish Constitutional Court Regarding the Amendments to Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition

The Turkish Constitutional Court (TCC) has made a significant decision regarding the amendments to the Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition through the Law No. 7246. The decision provides insights into the balance between the constitutional rights granted to undertakings and the obligations imposed on the Turkish Competition Authority. The TCC evaluated the annulment request filed by deputies under three categories: amendment of Article 9 regarding structural remedies, amendment of Article 15 concerning on-site inspections, and amendments regarding the status and appointment of Authority personnel. The TCC ruled that the amendments related to structural remedies and on-site inspections were in line with the principles of legality, legitimate purpose, and proportionality. However, the amendments regarding personnel status and appointment were annulled for being incompatible with the Constitution. This decision establishes a balance between regulatory powers and fundamental rights, leaving room for potential scrutiny of future laws and amendments.


Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency published a Guideline on Co-marketed Medicinal Products for Human Use

The Regulation on Licensing of Medicinal Products for Human Use aims to ensure the security and quality of such products. The Turkish Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (TMMDA) has the authority to issue guidelines for the application of the Regulation. In line with this, the Guideline on Co-marketed Medicinal Products for Human Use has been implemented by TMMDA. The Guideline provides instructions for the licensing and evaluation of co-marketed products, including application requirements, documents to be submitted, and the suspension or cancellation of licenses. It became effective on 17 February 2023.

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