Lawyers Göksu Ayçıl Altınok

Göksu Ayçıl Altınok

Göksu Ayçıl Altınok

Gün + Partners

Practice Areas & Work Department

Technology, Media and Telecom

Intellectual Property


Trademarks and Designs





Istanbul Bar Association

Fulbright Alumni Association



2021, University of California School of Law, LL.M. in Media, Entertainment, Sports and Technology Law and Policy (Fulbright grantee)

2020, TOBB University of Economics and Technology School of Law (LL.B.)

2016, Nesibe Aydın Yıldızlar High School

Bağlantılı Hak Sahiplerinin Korunmasına İlişkin Yargıtay Hukuk Genel Kurulu Kararı

Kamuoyunda Kemal Sunal davası olarak da bilinen telif hukuku uyuşmazlığı, uzun yıllar süren çeşitli aşamalardan geçerek Yargıtay Hukuk Genel Kurulunun kararı ile nihai sonuca bağlandı.


Filmlerin Kayıt Tescil Belgesi Alınması ile Tamamlanmış Sayılacağına İlişkin Yargıtay Kararı

Yargıtay 11. Hukuk Dairesi, taraflar arasında imzalanmış olan ortak film yapım sözleşmesinden doğan bir uyuşmazlık kapsamında; sözleşmede filmin ne zaman tamamlanmış sayılacağına ilişkin açık belirleme yapılmadığı durumda ...


Court of Cassation Decision Linking the Completion of Films to Obtaining of the Film Registration Certificate

The 11th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation (“CoC”), in the context of a dispute arising out of a joint film production contract signed between the parties, agreed with the first instance court's finding that, ...


Artificial Intelligence and Music Industry

One of the most striking developments in the music industry in 2023 was the release of the song “Heart on my Sleeves” by an anonymous user named “Ghostwriter” using the AI-created voices of world-famous singers Drake and the Weekend.


Decision on the Protection of Neighboring Rights in Cinematographic Works

The copyright law dispute, also known by the public as the case of famous actor Kemal Sunal, was concluded with the decision of the Court of Cassation General Assembly of Civil Chambers after going through various stages for many years.


Advertisement Board’s Power to Block Access was Annulled

The Turkish Constitutional Court annulled paragraph 12 of Article 77 of the Consumer Protection Law, which granted the Advertisement Board the power to partially or entirely block access to websites containing unlawful advertising content.


Tüketici Değerlendirmelerinde Yakın Takip Dönemi

İnternet üzerinde yapılan alışverişlerde tüketici değerlendirmeleri büyük önem taşıyor. Bu değerlendirmeler sayesinde tüketicilerin satın almayı değerlendirdiği ürün ya da hizmetin özellikleri ile kalitesi bakımından ve müşteriye gösterdiği özen bakımından bir kanaat oluşturması mümkün olabiliyor.


Aggravated Scrutiny for Consumer Reviews

Consumer reviews are of great importance in online shopping as they enable consumers to form their opinion in terms of the features and quality of the products or services that they consider purchasing and the care and professionalism the sellers and providers present to consumers.

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