Lawyers Yonca Çelebi

Yonca Çelebi

Yonca Çelebi

Moroğlu Arseven

Yonca supports clients to protect, enforce and commercialize their intellectual property rights in Turkey. She focuses mainly on assisting clients to develop and implement strategies for the trademark, patent and copyright issues, as well as deal with contractual breaches, trade secrets, and unfair competition. She has supported many well-known brands and patents on both sides of high-stakes and complex intellectual property disputes. These include clients experiencing problems entering the Turkish market, as well as dealing with trolls, passing-off, counterfeiting, as well as drug diversion issues. Yonca assists clients to use a range of tools to protect their rights, such as filing infringement, invalidation, or non-declaratory judgment lawsuits.

Yonca also supports clients to negotiate and draft agreements which protect or dispose of their intellectual property rights, such as usage licenses, ownership assignments, or arrangements for coexistence and trade secrets. During this process, Yonca focuses on ensuring legal arrangement support and encourage clients’ broader commercial aims, as well as ensuring clients completely understand local rules and dynamics.

Practice Areas & Work Department

IP Litigation


Patents and Utility Models

Domain Names and Internet Infringement


IP Licensing

IP Portfolio Management

Unfair Trade Practices


Industrial Designs




2023 Reklam Kurulu Kararlarına Genel Bir Bakış

Reklam Kurulu, her yıl olduğu gibi 2023 yılında da reklamları incelemeye ve 6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun ile Ticari Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Yönetmeliği hükümlerine aykırı uygulamalar hakkında gerekli yaptırımları uygulamaya devam etmiştir.


Kullanmama Nedeniyle Marka İptal Davalarında Hakimin Dosyayı Aydınlatma Yükümlülüğü

Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu (“SMK”) uyarınca, SMK madde 26’da öngörüldüğü şekliyle; markanın tescil tarihinden itibaren beş yıl içinde haklı bir neden olmadan ciddi şekilde kullanılmaması veya bu kullanıma beş yıl kesintisiz ara verilmesi halinde, kullanılmayan markanın iptal edilmesi mümkündür.


The Judge’s Obligation to Clarify the Case in Trademark Cancellation Lawsuits Due to Non-use

Pursuant to Article 26 of the Industrial Property Law (“IPL”), a trademark can be vulnerable to cancellation if it has not been genuinely used without a justifiable reason for a continuous period of five years from the date of registration.


İhtiyati Tedbir Uygulamasına Yönelik Güncel Gelişmeler

İhtiyati tedbir, bir geçici hukuki himaye tedbiri olup, talepte bulunanın, talebini dayandırdığı hakkın yakın derecede ispatlanması ilkesi gözetilerek verilmektedir. Temel olarak ihtiyati tedbir talebi, mevcut durumda meydana gelebilecek bir değişme nedeniyle hakkın elde edilmesinin önemli ölçüde zorlaşacağından ya da imkânsız hale geleceğinden yahut gecikme nedeniyle ciddi bir zararın doğmasının olası olduğu hallerde hükmedilmektedir.


2023 From the Board of Advertisement’s Eyes

Like every year, the Board of Advertisement continued to inspect advertisements in 2023 and impose sanctions on practices that violated the provisions of Law No. 6502 on the Protection of Consumers and the Regulation on Commercial Advertisement and Unfair Commercial Practices. Although the inspections were multifaceted, the decisions taken on certain issues indicate more clearly the basic perspective and expectations in terms of compliance with the legislation.


The Role of Trademarks in Promoting Sustainability

Sustainability is shaped around the obvious fact that the resources on Earth are finite. If we care about and strive to provide a thriving life for the coming generations without compromising our own needs, we should consume these resources conservatively. Consumers have recently demonstrated a rising interest in purchasing environmentally friendly products by their willingness to pay more for goods bearing eco-labels.


Recent Developments in Preliminary Injunction Requests

A preliminary injunction ("PI") is a temporary legal protection and is granted without requiring the claimant to prove the right on which the claim is based to the full extent of proof. Basically, a request for a PI is granted in cases where it will likely become significantly difficult or impossible to obtain the rights due to a change in the current situation, or where it is likely that serious damage will be caused due to a delay.


Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu’nun 13.11.2023 Tarihli Duyuruları Yapıldı

Türkiye İlaç ve Tıbbi Cihaz Kurumu, Kozmetik Denetim Dairesi tarafından Temmuz ayı başından Eylül 2023 sonuna kadar kozmetik ürünler ve insan vücuduna doğrudan temas eden tip-1 ve tip-19 biyosidal ürünler ile ilgili olarak 2023 yılının Temmuz ayı başından Eylül ayı sonuna kadar yapılan piyasa gözetim ve denetim faaliyetlerine ilişkin iki duyuru yayımlamıştır.

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