WEBINAR: Tariffs, Trade Controls, and Foreign Investment: President Trump’s “America First” Agenda Takes Shape

WEBINAR: Tariffs, Trade Controls, and Foreign Investment: President Trump’s “America First” Agenda Takes Shape

Tariffs, Trade Controls, and Foreign Investment: President Trump’s “America First” Agenda Takes Shape

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 I 1:00 - 2:00 p.m ET I Online Event

Join us for an insightful webinar exploring the evolving landscape of international trade and investment under President Trump’s “America First” agenda. This session will delve into the key components of the administration’s trade and cross-border investment policies, including:

Tariffs: Understanding the impact of tariffs on various industries and global trade relations.

Trade Controls: Examining the regulatory measures and their implications for businesses operating across borders and the roadmap for the Trump administration’s approach to export controls, sanctions, and supply chain security.

Foreign Investment / CFIUS: Analyzing the effects of the administration’s trade policies on foreign investment flows, as well as the president’s “America First” investment policy and its anticipated impact on reviews by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (“CFIUS”) and regulation of U.S. investment in China.

Featured Speakers

Anthony Rapa, Partner, International Trade, Blank Rome LLP

Joanne E. Osendarp, Partner, International Trade, Blank Rome LLP

Jennifer A. Short, Partner, White Collar Defense & Investigations, Blank Rome LLP

Timothy J. Hruby, Of Counsel, International Trade, Blank Rome LLP

Alan G. Kashdan, Senior Counsel, International Trade, Blank Rome LLP


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