Lawyers Alptug Tokeser

Alptug Tokeser

Alptug Tokeser

Alp Arbitration

Alptuğ (Alp) Tokeşer (LL.M.), admitted to Istanbul Bar since 2011, is an arbitration expert, involved in numerous international investment and commercial arbitrations.

After working in cross-border litigation disputes at the start of his career, Alp has decided to focus on arbitration disputes and attended the Masters in International Dispute Settlement (MIDS) Program in Geneva and joined LALIVE’s arbitration team in 2012. Over the last decade, Alp has been involved in numerous high level and complex arbitrations as counsel, tribunal secretary and arbitrator.

He has worked in arbitration cases heard before the most frequently used arbitration institutions, as well UNCITRAL and ad hoc arbitrations, seated in major arbitration hubs such as France, Switzerland, England, Sweden and the Netherlands. Alp’s experience extends to  a wide spectrum of industries, particularly energy and construction, and he has worked under several different applicable laws, including Turkish and Swiss laws. He has also worked on cases involving US, EU and UN sanctions affecting cross-border business transactions.

Alp was also involved in various investment treaty arbitrations, commenced under bilateral and multilateral investment treaties. He has successfully represented both States and investors within ICSID and UNCITRAL premises.

1. Representation of a South-East European gas buyer in gas pricing disputes against a Middle-Eastern seller;

2. Representation of a South-East European gas buyer in gas pricing disputes against an Eastern European seller;

3. Representation of a South-East European gas seller in gas pricing disputes against an Eastern European buyer;

4. Advising a Western European gas buyer in a gas pricing dispute against a North African seller;

5. Representing a designer in high stakes parallel arbitrations against the contractors in a dispute emerging from an infrastructure project in the Middle East.

Practice Areas & Work Department

International Arbitration

Commercial Disputes

Investor-State Disputes

Turkish Law Advice







Istanbul Bar Association

Swiss Arbitration Association

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Switzerland-Turkey

Current Issues in Direct Investments From Türkiye to Mali and Sudan and the Legal Protections Provided to These Investments

Türkiye's foreign policy, driven by principles of multilateral diplomacy, has significantly increased its direct investments in African countries in recent years.


Yatırım Tahkiminde Yatırımcıların Çevre, Sosyal ve Yönetişim Sorumlulukları

Uluslararası yatırım hukukuna göre yabancı yatırımcının ev sahibi devletin yasalarına uygun olarak yatırım yapması gerekmektedir.


Uluslararası Yatırım Hukukunda Atfedilebilirlik

Yatırım tahkiminin temeli, devletin yabancı yatırımcılara karşı gerçekleştirdiği ve ilgili yatırım hukuku kuralına aykırı olan eylem ve işlemlerinden sorumlu olmasıdır. Bu durum iki ana soruyu beraberinde getirmektedir; devletin yükümlülükleri nelerdir ve hangi eylem ve işlemler devlete atfedilebilir? Bu makalede ikinci sorunun cevabı tartışılacaktır.


Yatırım Tahkiminde İnşaat Sektörü Yatırımlarının Yeri

İnşaat yatırımına ilişkin açılmış yatırım tahkimi davalarının çokluğu dikkate alındığında, ev sahibi ülkede yapılan bir yatırımın devletler arasında imzalanan yatırımların karşılıklı teşviki ve korunması anlaşmalarında yer alan koşulları sağlayıp sağlamadığının değerlendirilmesi dikkat çeken bir konu haline gelmektedir.

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