Lawyers Baran Alptürk

Baran Alptürk

Baran Alptürk

Hergüner Bilgen Üçer Attorney Partnership

Baran Alptürk is a senior consultant at Hergüner Bilgen Üçer.

His main areas of focus are transnational dispute resolution, mergers & acquisitions, and telecommunications law.

Mr. Alptürk advises clients in international arbitration proceedings and transnational litigation, with a special focus on disputes arising out of distributorship agreements. Mr. Alptürk also contributes to our general corporate practice with respect to all manners of transactional works.

Transnational Litigation: A Practitioner’s Guide - Volume 1

At the founding of the Republic, the Turkish legal system was primarily based on the legal system of Continental Europe. Over time, it developed into a unique system using the written multi-layered legislative framework of the Turkish Constitution, statutory codes, and secondary legislation as the primary sources of law. The interpretation of these primary sources of law by the courts depends heavily on both expert academic interpretation in theory and court precedents in practice as persuasive authorities. Certain controlling high court decisions also carry the force of law.


An Introduction to Dispute Resolution

The overburdened justice system in Turkey has led to delays and challenges for litigants seeking justice. To address this, Turkey has implemented mandatory mediation as a gatekeeping device before certain lawsuits can be filed. Mediation helps reduce the demand for court-dealt justice by raising transaction costs and facilitating dispute resolution. Turkey has gradually expanded the scope of mandatory mediation to include various types of disputes. However, there are challenges, such as repeating mediation attempts and added logistical hurdles for complex claims. While mediation has kept disputes out of courts, systemic problems underlying the congestion need to be addressed for a lasting solution.

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