Lawyers Ezgi Güzel

Ezgi Güzel

Ezgi Güzel

SAYIN Law & Consulting

Ezgi Güzel Yüksel is a senior associate in the energy department. Ezgi Güzel Yüksel completed bachelor’s her degree at Eskişehir Anadolu University. She advises clients operating in the renewable energy markets on a full range of corporate transactions, dispute resolution, and legal counseling.


Ezgi Güzel Yüksel provides quality and confidential legal services to clients operating in the energy markets and other markets. In addition to energy law, she has experience in the fields of rental law and construction law. She provides services to clients to preparation and revision of fuel dealership contracts, main and sub-contracts about construction works, rental contracts, and resolution of disputes arising from these fields.


Ezgi Güzel Yüksel provides services with a preventive legal service approach to ensure that clients face the least legal risk in the future, and for this purpose, she keeps up to date with the changes in the markets and legislation by working closely with other specialists.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Energy Law

Commercial and Corporate Law





Elektrikli Şarj İstasyonları Lisans Başvuruları İçin Aranan Koşullar ve Süreç

Dünyada ve ülkemizde elektrikli araç kullanımının hızla artması beraberinde hukuki bir düzenleme ihtiyacını da getirmiştir. 25 Aralık 2021 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayımlanan 7346 Sayılı Kanun ile, 6446 Sayılı Elektrik Piyasası Kanunu değiştirilmiş, ilgili Kanun ile Elektrik Piyasası Kanunu'nda elektrik şarj hizmetlerine ilişkin önemli değişiklikler yapılmış ve buna ilişkin usul ve esasların gelecek yönetmeliklerle belirleneceği düzenlenmiştir. Daha sonra Enerji Piyasası Düzenleme Kurumu tarafından 20/01/2022 tarihinde Şarj Hizmeti Yönetmeliği Taslağı kamuoyunun görüş ve değerlendirmelerine açılmış ve 04/02/2022 tarihine kadar görüşlere açık tutulmuştur.


Conditions and Process for Electric Charging Station License Applications

In today's globally changing world that is building a sustainable future, Turkey is among the countries aiming for economic and industrial green transformation. In this context, various regulations are made in our country and measures are taken for a livable future. In this context, the rapid increase in the use of electric vehicles in the world and in our country has brought the need for a legal regulation. With the Law No. 7346 published in the Official Gazette dated December 25, 2021, the Electricity Market Law No. 6446 ("EML") was amended and significant amendments were made to the Electricity Market Law regarding electricity charging services and it was regulated that the procedures and principles regarding this will be determined by future regulations. Subsequently, on 20/01/2022, the Energy Market Regulatory Authority ("EMRA") opened the Draft Charging Service Regulation to public opinion and assessment and kept it open for comments until 04/02/2022.

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