Lawyers Görkem Gökçe

Görkem Gökçe

Görkem Gökçe


Görkem is a graduate of Uskudar American Academy and Istanbul University Law School. As a part of his graduate studies, he took commercial law courses at Harvard University, US. After working for a reputable Turkish law firm as an intern and Dentons as an associate respectively, in 2010, he decided to continue his career through his own practice and established Gokce Attorneys at Law which later became Gokce Attorney Partnership.

Görkem was involved in a variety of international mergers and acquisitions, joint venture, private equity, and venture capital and project finance transactions as well as privatizations in Turkey. He represented local and international clients before Turkish courts on various commercial disputes. He has key expertise in technology and internet-based businesses. He has also extensive experience in aviation law. Görkem advised various multi-national companies. Görkem is a member of the British – Turkish Lawyers Association and acted as the Secretary to the Association between 2008 and 2009. He is also a member of International Technology Law Association, acts as Turkey’s Local Representative. Görkem is the first Associate Member from Turkey admitted to the Esports Bar Association and is the founding Chairman of Turkish Internet and Technology Law Association. He is a Supervisory Board member at Endeavor Turkey. He has been giving lectures on administrative law at the Training Center of the Istanbul Bar Association since 2009. He is a regular speaker at Turkish law schools.

He has key expertise in technology and internet-based businesses, he also represents his clients on several complex and voluminous commercial disputes. He provides legal consultancy on compliance, intellectual property, internet, IT and technology sectors to several Turkish and foreign clients.

Görkem is the author of the first book on e-sports law in Turkey. Also, his book on space law, namely “Space Law: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” has recently been published within 2022.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Commercial, Corporate and M&A


Media & Entertainment

Startup Law & Entrepreneurship

Technology & Telecoms





British – Turkish Lawyers Association

International Technology Law Association

E-Sports Bar Association

Turkish Internet and Technology Law Association

Endeavor Turkey

Istanbul Bar Association

European Criminal Bar Assocation

European Fraud and Compliance Lawyers

International Association of Entertainment Lawyers

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