Lawyers Tuğçe Beyazkılınç

Tuğçe Beyazkılınç

Tuğçe Beyazkılınç


Tuğçe completed her law education at Istanbul Bahsehir University with a full scholarship and graduated as a High Honours Student. Tuğçe continues her practice in the areas of personal data protection law, internet law, media and entertainment law, information technologies, cyber security law, intellectual property, commercial contracts. During her studies, she won the IST Moot Court competition organised by the Istanbul Arbitration Centre and was selected as the best advocate.

She also participated in the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Competition. Tuğçe has been working as a member of the TMC&Privacy team since September 2022.

Practice Areas & Work Department


Media & Entertainment

Startup Law & Entrepreneurship

Technology & Telecoms




Istanbul Bar Association

Sermaye Piyasa Kurulu’ndan Kripto Varlık Platformlarına Yönelik Önemli İlke Karar

Kripto varlıklara yönelik önemli düzenlemeler içeren, Sermaye Piyasası Kanununda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun 2 Temmuz 2024’te Resmî Gazete’de yayımlanmış ve geçiş̧ hükümleriyle birlikte yürürlüğe girmişti.


Significant Principal Decision from the Capital Markets Board for Crypto Asset Platforms

The Law Amending the Capital Markets Law, which includes significant regulations on crypto assets, was published in the Official Gazette on 2 July 2024 and entered into force with transitional provisions.


AB Yapay Zeka Yasası Yürürlüğe Giriyor

Avrupa Birliği (AB), Yapay Zekâ Yasası (AI Act) ile AB değerlerine uygun olarak yapay zekanın geliştirilmesi, pazarlanması ve kullanımına ilişkin kapsamlı bir yasal çerçeve oluşturmayı hedeflemekteydi.


Kripto Varlıklara İlişkin Önemli Gelişmeler

Türkiye’de kripto varlıklara dair uzun süredir beklenen düzenleme (Kripto Varlık Kanunu), Sermaye Piyasası Kanununda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun Teklifi ile 16 Mayıs 2024’te Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’ne (TBMM) sunulmuştu.


EU Artificial Intelligence Law Enters into Force

With the Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act), the European Union (EU) aims to establish a comprehensive legal framework for the development, marketing and use of artificial intelligence in accordance with EU values.


Significant Developments Regarding Crypto Assets

The long-awaited regulation on crypto assets in Turkey (Crypto Asset Law) was submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) on 16 May 2024 with the Draft Bill on Amendments to the Capital Markets Law.

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