AI Act Accepted


The Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) has been accepted after lengthy negotiations between the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. The act aims to regulate artificial intelligence applications in various sectors.

The main goal of the act is to ensure the development and use of artificial intelligence within the European Union in a manner respectful of human rights and fundamental freedoms. In this regard, the law categorizes artificial intelligence systems into three risk categories:

Unacceptable risk: AI systems that pose a threat to human rights will be prohibited. This category includes systems that engage in discrimination based on sensitive attributes such as race, religion, or gender.

High risk: Strict conditions will be imposed on AI systems used in critical areas. This category includes systems used in sectors such as health, security, and finance.

Low risk: Systems with lower risks in terms of human rights and security will be subject to more flexible rules. This category includes systems used in sectors such as advertising or customer service.

The act also aims to increase transparency and accountability in the operation of artificial intelligence systems. Accordingly, mandatory disclosure of information on how AI systems work and what data they use will be required.

The act is expected to come into effect in 2025 following a vote in 2024. It is considered as an important framework for the safe and ethical development and use of artificial intelligence.

You can find the announcement regarding AI Act here.

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