Digital Transformation Office Announces the Commissioning of BIGDES
The Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye Digital Transformation Office announced on 4 January 2023 that the Information and Communication Security Compliance and Audit Monitoring System (BIGDES) was commissioned.
With the implementation of BIGDES, it is aimed to oversee the activities for the Information and Communication Security Guide (Guide) compliance process and compliance audit, and the establishment and operation of the Information Security Management System.
In order to ensure the security of the guide’s critical information/data; it determines minimum security measures in terms of elimination or reduction of security risks, particularly confidentiality, integrity or accessibility of critical information. In this context, with the implementation of BIGDES, compliance and audit processes with the Guide shall be carried out through a single system.
Institutions and organizations within the scope of the Guide are as follows:
- Institutions and organizations within the state organization,
- Those who have IT units from enterprises providing critical infrastructure services
- It covers those who receive data processing services from third parties with contracts.
In this context, sectors providing critical infrastructure services are included in the “2020-2023 National Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan”; electronic communications, energy, water management, critical public services, transportation, banking and finance sectors.
Institutions and organizations within the scope of the Guide are required to complete until 31 March 2023; then the results need to be uploaded to BIGDES. Authorities determined by institutions and organizations will be able to access the system with e-Government Gateway authentication.
You can find the announcement regarding the activation of BIGDES here (Only available in Turkish).
The Turkish version of this article is available on Dijital Dönüşüm Ofisi BİGDES’in Devreye Alındığı Duyurdu
Tagged with: Gökçe, Yağmur Yollu, Görkem Gökçe, Technology & Telecoms
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