Lawyers Bensu Özdemir

Bensu Özdemir

Bensu Özdemir

Özdağıstanli Ekici Attorney Partnership

Bensu is an associate at Ozdagistanli Ekici where she mainly represents large gaming companies for their needs in privacy as well as intellectual property.

She has extended experience in privacy, specifically with the management of data subject requests, data breach notifications and DPA investigations.

She assists gaming clients in music-related IP disputes. Also, she represents luxury brands for anti-counterfeiting.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Technology, Media and Telecom

Data Protection

Intellectual Property

Electronic Commerce








Istanbul Bar Association

Veri İhlali Bildirim Süreci: AB Hukuku ile Türk Hukukunun Kısa Bir Karşılaştırması

Avrupa Birliği Veri Koruma Genel Tüzüğü (2016/679) (“GDPR”) ile 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (“KVKK”), kişisel verileri koruma anlamında önemli roller üstlenen yasal düzenlemelerdir.


Data Breach Notification Process: A Short Comparison Between EU and Turkish Law

The General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (“GDPR”) and Law No. 6698 on Protection of Personal Data (“DPL”) of Turkey are the key pieces of legislation applied in the relevant jurisdictions.


Reklam Kurulu Yapay Zeka ile Oluşturulan Reklamları İnceliyor

Gündelik yaşamı etkileyen teknolojik ilerlemeler ile ticari reklamların oluşturulma ve tüketicilere sunulma şekilleri de çeşitlilik göstermeye başladı. Bunun neticesinde ortaya çıkan sonuçlardan bir tanesi de yapay zeka ile oluşturulan ticari reklamlardır. Ticaret Bakanlığı, 13 Eylül 2023 tarihinde yayınladığı duyuru ile yapay zeka kullanılarak oluşturulan reklamları Reklam Kurulu’nun gündemine ilk defa almış bulunduğunu kamuoyu ile paylaşmıştır.


Turkish Advertisement Board Examines Ads Created with AI

As technological advances affect everyday life, the ways the commercial advertising is created and presented to consumers began to change as well. One of the results of this change is the emergence of commercial advertising created with artificial intelligence. On September 13, 2023, Ministry of Commerce informed the public with an announcement that for the first time on the Advertisement Board’s agenda, they had advertisements created using artificial intelligence.


Co-Existing Agreements under Turkish Law

Turkish legislation enables the registration of signs with the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office ("TürkPatent"), even if they are identical to or indistinguishably similar to a trademark for identical goods or services or goods and services of the same type, with co-existing agreements and deed of consent.


Copyrights in Turkish Law: Reflections in the Digital Era

In the current digital age, characterized by the widespread presence of social media platforms and video streaming channels, users have evolved from passive consumers of content to active participants. Users now engage in various activities, such as sharing their intellectual creations, distributing the work of others, and even creating and circulating their own content that incorporates elements from someone else's work which is called adapted work.


Karanlık Ticari Tasarımları Anlamak

Karanlık Ticari Tasarımlar (“karanlık tasarımlar”) tüketicilerin davranışlarını ve tercihlerini etkilemek için işletmecilerin ve reklamcıların kullandığı aldatıcı ve manipülatif taktikleri ifade eder. Bu taktikler, genellikle bireylerin psikolojik hassasiyetlerini göz önünde bulundurarak duygusal tepkilerini yönlendirmekte ve normal şartlarda almayacakları kararları almaları için üzerlerinde baskı oluşturmaktadır.


Understanding Dark Commercial Patterns – Turkey

Dark Commercial Patterns (“dark patterns”) refer to deceptive and manipulative tactics exercised by businesses and advertisers to influence consumer behaviors and preferences. These tactics often exploit individuals’ psychological vulnerabilities, manipulate their emotions, and exert pressure to make decisions they might not otherwise have made. While there is no strict legal definition for dark patterns, these patterns are widely recognized as unethical practices that undermine the principle of transparency and although many implementations are accepted as one, the primary objective of a dark pattern is considered to have an effect on consumers’ will.

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