Lawyers Su Yücel

Su Yücel

Su Yücel

Gün + Partners

Practice Areas & Work Department

Intellectual Property

Trademarks and Designs







Istanbul Bar


2021, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi

2017, Tarsus Amerikan Koleji

The Relationship Between Virtual and Physical Goods and Services

The development of NFTs, artificial intelligence, and the metaverse has seen many individuals and legal entities start to include virtual goods and services within the scope of their trademarks. Discussions have been widely held about whether virtual goods and services are similar to physical goods and services and under which class these goods and services should be included in the Nice Classification, and the following developments have taken place in this regard.


Ticaret Unvanı Marka Hakkına Tecavüz Teşkil Eder Mi?

Önceki tarihli tescilli bir markanın, başka biri tarafından ticaret unvanı ve işletme adı olarak kullanılmasının ve tescilinin, ticaret unvanının ayrıca bir markasal kullanımının bulunmadığı durumlarda, marka hakkına tecavüz yaratıp yaratmadığı, hem 556 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararname (“KHK”) hem de Sınai Mülkiyet Kanunu (”SMK”) döneminde bir çok uyuşmazlığa konu olmuş, mahkemeler yürürlükteki mevzuat hükümlerini ve somut uyuşmazlığın şartlarını dikkate alarak farklı yönlerde karar vermişlerdir.


Can Trade Names Lead to Trademark Infringement in Turkey?

Whether a trade name or business name can create trademark infringement and unfair competition, particularly in cases where the trade name is not used as a trademark, is a controversial issue in Turkey. This issue has been subject to numerous disputes under both Decree Law No. 556 Pertaining to Protection of Trademarks and the Industrial Property Code (the IP Code). The courts, by considering the applicable provisions of the legislation in force, as well as the specific facts of each dispute, have rendered decisions on this topic.

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