Lawyers Ali Osman Ak

Ali Osman Ak

Ali Osman Ak

Özdirekcan Dündar Şenocak Ak

Ali Osman Ak is a partner of Özdirekcan Dündar Senocak Ak.

Admitted to the Istanbul Bar in 2003, Ali Osman regularly advises Turkish and foreign investors on their corporate and commercial disputes and represents them before Turkish civil and administrative courts. He also acts on all issues relating to bankruptcy, commercial litigation, employment and real estate matters.

He also has recognised expertise in employment law matters and assists a number of companies in their human resources management, hiring and dismissal issues.

Practice Areas & Work Department







Istanbul Bar Association

Compensation for Material Damage Caused by an Employee to the Employer

In employment relations, there may be cases where an employee causes material damage to the employer while performing their work. In such cases, in addition to the termination of the employee's employment agreement for just cause or valid reason, the compensation of the material damage incurred by the employer also comes into question.


Non-competition Obligation - Intervention of the Judge

The content and limits of the agreement between the employee and the employer are set out in Article 444 of the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098 (the "TCO") entitled "Non-Competition". According to this article, the employee may undertake not to compete with the employer after the termination of the employment agreement.


İş Sözleşmelerinde Rekabet Etme Yasağı

Günümüzde yoğunlaşan ticari rekabet ortamı, işletmeleri başka rakip veya rakip olmayan işletmelerden, daha avantajlı çalışma koşulları teklif ederek nitelikli ve kilit personel transfer etmeye yönlendirmektedir. Buna mukabil, bu tip transferlerin önüne geçmeyi amaçlayan işletmelerin, nitelikli ve kilit personelleriyle rekabet etme yasağı ihtiva eden iş sözleşmeleri akdetmelerine sıklıkla rastlanmaktadır.


Yabancı Hakem veya Mahkeme Kararlarının Tenfizinde Arabuluculuğun Dava Şartı Olup Olmadığına Dair İnceleme

Uluslararası ticari ilişkilerde, sınır ötesi anlaşmazlıkların çözümü ve çözüme ilişkin ilamın icrası kapsamlı ve farklı hukuki usullerin uygulanmasını gerektirebilmektedir. Nitekim uluslararası ticari sözleşmelerden doğan uyuşmazlıklar, sözleşmenin taraflarının tabiiyetinde bulunduğu ülkelerden birinin ulusal mahkemelerinde çözümlenebileceği gibi uluslararası hukuki çözüm yollarından biri olan tahkim yargılamasına da konu edilebilir.


Is the Enforcement of Foreign Judgements and Arbitral Awards Subject to Mandatory Mediation?

In international business, settling cross-border disputes and enforcing foreign judgements require the use of various and extensive legal procedures. Disputes arising out of international commercial agreements give rise to two types of legal remedies for disputes: going to the national courts of one of the states where the parties are based, or initiating arbitration proceedings, which is an international legal remedy.


The Draft Law on the Amendment of The Unemployment Insurance Law and Certain Other Laws Has Been Accepted by the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and Has Become Law

The Law on the Amendment of the Unemployment Insurance Law and Certain Other Laws was published in the Official Gazette numbered 32449 and dated 03.02.2024. The following contains comprehensive information about the new rules, which are intended to support both employees and employers.


Financial Assistance Provided to Employees

It is a common practice for Turkish employers to offer financial assistance to employees in need. This assistance is in the form of a payment made to the employee before the salary date, or separate from the salary. It is made at the request of the employee and is considered a loan. The amounts paid to the employee are repaid to the employer through deductions from the employee's salary, or the parties may agree on a different payment plan. The nature of such payments, their repayment or deduction from salary by the employer can often result in disputes.


İşçiye Ücret Avansı veya Borç Verilmesi

İşyeri uygulamalarında, finansal açıdan ihtiyacı olan işçiye, daha sonra geri ödemesi veya hak ve alacaklarından mahsup edilmesi karşılığında işvereni tarafından finansal destek ödemeleri yapıldığına sıkça rastlanmaktadır. Bahse konu ödemelerin niteliği, geri ödenmesi veya işçilik alacaklarından işveren tarafından mahsup edilmesi zaman zaman uyuşmazlıklara konu edilmektedir.

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