Lawyers Yalın Akmenek

Yalın Akmenek

Yalın Akmenek

Esin Attorney Partnership

Yalın Akmenek is the co-head of the Arbitration practice of Esin Attorney Partnership. Yalın has been an individually ranked lawyer for several years. He provides assistance to his clients on various arbitrations and arbitration-related matters and off-shore disputes and arbitrations. He also acts as a litigator, representing clients in complex commercial disputes and provides assistance to his clients in all fields of dispute resolution.

His practice includes disputes involving all matters of commercial law and code of obligations and on matters concerning the enforcement of arbitral awards or foreign court decisions. He has a lot of in depth-knowledge in respect of the issues concerning the enforcement or validity of arbitration agreements or awards and is also a (irregular) visiting scholar in respect of arbitration issues whereby he regularly speaks.

Practice Areas & Work Department

Dispute Resolution

Investigations, Compliance & Ethics





Admitted to Istanbul Bar, 2005.

The Constitutional Court Determines that the Rule Stipulating that the Monetary Limits for Appeal Should be Based on the Amount on the Date of Judgement is Unconstitutional

In its decision dated December 4, 2024 and numbered 2023/182 E., 2024/203 K., the Constitutional Court concluded that the rule stipulating that the monetary limits for an appeal request should be based on the amount on the date of the judgement is unconstitutional.


Esin Dispute Quarterly - December 2024

As we come to the end of the year and reflect on 2024, we are excited to introduce a comprehensive resource that we delve into the key rulings of the various Supreme Courts, Turkish Constitutional Court and Regional Court of Appeals offering in-depth analysis and insights.


9. Yargı Paketi Olarak Adlandırılan 7531 Sayılı “Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun” 14 Kasım 2024 Tarihli ve 32722 Sayılı Resmi Gazete’de Yayımlandı!

9. Yargı Paketi olarak adlandırılan 7531 sayılı “Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun” (“7531 sayılı Kanun”) 14 Kasım 2024 tarihli ve 32722 sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlandı.


Law No. 7531 on the Amendment of Certain Laws, referred to as the 9th Judicial Package was published in the Official Gazette dated 14 November 2024 and numbered 32722!

Law No. 7531 on “The Amendment of Certain Laws” (“Law No. 7531”), referred to as the 9th Judicial Package was published in the Official Gazette dated 14 November 2024 and numbered 32722.


Esin Litigation Quarterly | Issue 4 | March 2024

In this issue, we review the landmark rulings rendered by the Constitutional Court in detail while having a look at the Court of Cassation and the European Court of Human Rights’ insights into the last year’s cases. Also, we cover developments in litigation across the globe.


Anayasa Mahkemesi, Yargıtay’ın Gerekçelendirme Yapmadan Benzer Konulardaki İçtihadına Aykırı Hüküm Kurmasının Adil yargılanma Hakkını İhlal Ettiğine Karar Verdi.

Anayasa Mahkemesi, 2019/22055 başvuru sayılı ve 15 Kasım 2023 tarihli bireysel başvuru kararında (“Karar“); Yargıtay’ın, önceki içtihatlarından farklı olarak sözleşmesel borca aykırılığın manevi tazminata yol açmayacağı yönünde vermiş olduğu kararın, başvurucunun adil yargılanma hakkını ihlal ettiğine karar vermiştir. Karar, 28 Şubat 2024 tarihli Resmi Gazete’de yayımlandı.


The Constitutional Court Ruled that the Court of Cassation’s Ruling Contrary to the Case-Law on Similar Issues Without Justification Violated the Right to a Fair Trial

With its decision on individual application numbered 2019/22055 and dated 15 November 2023 (“Decision“), the Constitutional Court ruled that the Court of Cassation’s decision that the breach of contractual obligation would not lead to non-pecuniary damages, contrary to its previous case-law, violated the applicant’s right to a fair trial.


The Constitutional Court has annulled the Rule Regarding the Minimum Monetary Limit for Appeal in Administrative Proceedings.

With its decision numbered 2023/81 and dated 26 October 2023 (“Decision“), the Constitutional Court decided to annul the regulations on the lower monetary limit to apply for an appeal in administrative proceedings, due to the lack of clarity in the law as to the date as of which the appeal limit should be considered.

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