Amendment to the Regulation on Rental Activities of Residential Properties for Tourism Purposes
With the amendments entered into force by publication in the Official Gazette dated 26 July 2024 and numbered 32613, significant amendments were made to the Regulation on Rental Activities of Residential Properties for Tourism Purposes (“Regulation”) regarding short-term rental of residences with time-share rights for tourism purposes.
Amendments clarify that, as stated in the Circular dated 22 February 2024 and numbered 2024/2 of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism General Directorate of Investment and Entreprises, short-term rentals in time-shared residences for tourism purposes require a permit, and determine the conditions for application.
Residences will be required to carry the qualifications of “high-quality residences” defined in the Regulation for certification of time- shared residences. In addition, the permit will be issued in the name of the management company authorized by the condominium owners or joint owners. Accordingly, it is understood that, in connection with the qualifications of high- quality residences, supervision and governance of short-term rentals for tourism purposes in time-shared residences will be ensured by the management company.
Applications for a permit for short-term rentals of time-shared residences for tourism purposes shall contain; (a) the time-share agreement or management agreement; (b) copy of the zoning status certificate and upon determination of the plot as allocated to tourism purposes, municipality letter for determination of acquired rights (if any) pursuant to Article 54(9) of the Regulation on Planned Areas; and (c) notarized copy of the resolution by the condominium owners or joint owners, permitting short-term rental of the residences for tourism purposes and authorising the management company in this regard.
According to amended Article 14(2) of the Regulation, it was authorised to share data with public authority and institutions, travel agencies or intermediary service providers, in addition to the warning, administrative sanction, removal of content and / or restriction of access mechanisms regarding intermediary services providers in Article 4(1)(e) of the Law on Rental of Residences for Tourism Purposes and Amending Certain Laws for the removal of promotion and marketing content of non- permittted residences.
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