Latest News from Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı: Leading Events

Latest News from Kolcuoğlu Demirkan Koçaklı: Leading Events
Swiss - Turkish Legal Dialogues

On 13 June 2024, Okan Demirkan, Swiss Arbitration Ambassador to Turkey, will give the opening statement of ‘Swiss - Turkish Legal Dialogues’, organised by Kabine Law Office and Alp Arbitration with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Switzerland - Turkey and Swiss Arbitration.

Please click here to register.

Tokenization Meeting

Hasan H. Yaşar took part as a speaker at the Tokenization Meeting held on 14 May 2024 under the leadership of Blockhain Turkey Platform's Banking and Finance Working Group and hosted by Türkiye İş Bankası.

In the event, where the theme of ‘Money and Asset System of the Future’ was discussed, the present and future of tokenisation was discussed with the leading names of the sector.
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