Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation Fines Over 1,300 Private Sector Companies in Emiratisation Rules Violation

On 24th April 2024, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) in UAE identified about 1,320 private-sector companies to have violated the Emiratisation rules from mid-2022 to April 2024. However, this number has risen now to 1,379 as per data posted by MoHRE’s official application X account on 16th May 2024. MoHRE states that about 2,170 Emirati national employees were hired illegally. The violators have circumvented Emiratisation targets and engaged in Fake Emiratisation from mid-2022 till May 2024.

The action against various companies includes up to AED 20,000 to AED 100,000 fine for each case, referral to the Public Prosecution based on the severance of the violation, a requirement to pay Emiratisation Financial contributions and to achieve actual Emiratisation targets, and classification of the violating company in the lowest rating level within MoHRE system. Further, actions against violating individuals include cessation of Nafis benefits and recovery of any other previous benefits.

Recently, His Excellency Dr Abdulrahman Al Awar, the Minister of MoHRE, met the Emirates citizens working at AW Rostamani Group and stated that over 97,000 UAE citizens are currently employed in over 20,000 private-sector companies, highlighting the government's success and effectiveness of Emiratisation policies, prominently Nafis programme. The MoHRE published that the number of Emirati employees in the private sector has increased to approximately 170% since the introduction of the programme in 2021.

Henceforth, MoHRE had set the deadline for private sector companies with 20 to 49 employees to achieve a 2% growth of Emiratisation targets in skilled jobs in 2025. The MoHRE has issued a strict warning on X application, stating, ‘Harmful practices that aim to undermine Emiratisation commitments will be dealt with firmly and according to the law.’ The ministry has also encouraged employees to report any malpractice conflicting with Emiratisation policies and decisions by contacting the MoHRE call centre or using the Ministry's smart App & website.
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